Hmmm did some backwards reading of page 4 of the thread, you guys have posted some serious messages here....
Sure is a thorough read to get through from start I would imagine.
But I would at least say the thread looks like a better read than a lot I have seen in the past.
Once upon a time I went into Art of Wargamming thinking it would look like this. It didn't. Pity.
You guys have produced some well stated views.
Charles2222 -> (4/16/2002 8:59:43 PM)
Les the Sarge 9-1: Yes, but Mogami was a getting a trifle snippy, only the AOW gets far worse than that. That forum is argument for the sake of argument, or perhaps argument for the sake of intimidation would be closer to the truth.
Yes, I was kidding in my prior post regarding words. I didn't have an AOW forum cheapshot come over me.