Alarick Mod For Napoleon At War 1.0 (Full Version)

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alaric318 -> Alarick Mod For Napoleon At War 1.0 (10/2/2008 4:29:37 AM)

Napoleon At War - Alarick Mod - Change Log...
October 2008, For Napoleon At War 1.0

1- File... General.txt (/CNAW/Data/)
(overall purpose is taht i want more units, this balanced and decreased the fog of war effects
and decreased too the luck factor, more units give more balanced results)
*occupied land efficiency... from 40 to 75 (this make free more powerfull commanders and more
troops recruit capability)
*vassal (surrendered) war effort from 15 to 33 (manpower goes to 0% and new recruits are weak
*peace war effort... from 20 to 33 (prussian capital at berlin is easily taken from the frontier, some
extra production can make more casualties on the french assault)
*naval transport cost... from 7 to 15 (in fact at the game timeline, numerous fleets are a luxury
and expensive to maintenance costs)
*General max injury... from 40 to 10 (40 is more realistic but 40 turns is near 1/3 of all campaign
scenario (169 turns)
*Admiral max injury... from 40 to 10.
*turns between convoys from 3 to 2. (to balance for england the potential conquests of france)
*convoy chance to appear... from 20% to 40%
*revolt probability... from 15% to 25% (austria and prussia, the both first targets of france,
, manage to surrender and then return to war more than once trough all the war)
*Experience Increase... From 25 To 30 & From 50 To 35
2- File... Unit.txt(/CNAW/Data/)
some changes can drastically change play balance, take in mind please that i want a modded
scenario as an alternate campaign option under my own concept of perfection, will not be for
everyone tastes and i can not argue against it, just are wanting to share the work.
*all infantry reduced manpower costs to give more freedom before being in manpower shortages.
(militia to 4, light inf. to 6 and line inf to 7) (line inf cost from 55 to 60)
*cavalry changes... i find the horses costs high, having more cavalry units open more capability
to combined arms all trough all battles, not realistic or historical but i find it better.
so... increase in production costs... light cav... 65 to 80, hvy cav... 80 to 100,
, manpower cost reduced from 9/9 to 7/7.
*horses costs adjustment... light cav... 50 to 20, hvy cav... 80 to 30 (1.5 light cav cost),
, horse art... from 40 to 15 (just i want more flexible for the player on combined tactics.)
*manpower costs of all classes of artillery... from 6 all to 4 all (66%)
*turns to build increase... light cav, hvy cav & horse art... all from 2 to 3.
*Horse Art. Costs in Production Points... from 100 to 110
*Shock Attack To Enemy Efficiency... Light Inf. And Line Inf +1/+1 (from 0/1)
(i realize that skirmishers are portrayed as light inf and skirmishers main purpose is to
disrupt enemy units, cannot increase more the bonus or can un-balance costs)
Also... Light Cavalry Shock Increased From 2 To 3.
3- File... Land_Leaders.txt (/CNAW/Data/)
expensive but given the increase overall in production income more cheaper, so i want
to add some attack and defense bonus to all them, again, it goes for more player
freedom on customize his army and develop different tactics each game, take in mind
that each general cost roughly as the cost of one or two combat units but no cost
manpower, so, if you run in manpower problems (that are historical) you can buy
science or enhance troops with the commanders.
(only increases in some leadership ratings and all generals have at least 1 point
in ground attack or ground defense)
4- File... 1805 (/CNAW/Data/Scenario/)
Nations Address On Campaign Scenario File & Changes...
(See The Picture Included For Reference And How Identify Nations)
0 - France
(400 Production, From 110)
(250 Manpower, From 200)(and Maximum Manpower to 250, so for all modded nations)
(90 Horses, From 50)
1 - Austria
(200 Production From 20)
(at default 200 manpower)
(at default 50 horses)
2 - Britain
(100 Production From 20)
(at default 150 manpower)
(200 Horses From 150)
4 - Prussia
(100 Production From 20)
(200 Manpower From 150)
(150 Horses From 100)
5 - Russia
(200 Production From 30)
(at default 350 manpower)
(200 Horses From 150)
Allies Production is overall 600 vs 400 france, 1.5-1, 3-2, 50% advantage.
Technologies Changes... (Plus Default Base Techs)
France... Enhanced Infantry & Cavalry
Britain... Enhanced Infantry And Advanced War-Ships
Russia & Prussia... Enhanced Light Cavalry
Ottomans... Not Changes
Austria... Better Army Organisation (Enhanced Efficiency Bonus)

you will need to change the files, on the pointed directories in the install of the game,
, a backup of the default/stock files have been included and some help for modding if
you want to do some changes. I hope you enjoy the mod.

the game is playable without modding but everyone have his own concept of perfection, enjoy!

contact email...

alaric318 -> RE: Alarick Mod For Napoleon At War 1.0 (10/8/2008 5:27:02 AM)

Greetings, Version 2.0 Of My Mod For Napoleon At War Version 1.0, i must say that still no playtested, so you can agree to take it as playtest version, i make some hard changes than can affect gameplay greatly, next version may be for next version of Napoleon At War or for 1.0 if i find in upcoming playtest that changes work fine and do not need to be reviewed for balance, now for the change list from Mod Version 1.0...
Alarick Mod CNAW 2.0 Changes, CNAW 1.0 Compatible
Fixed Income Production Income... France+100, Austria, Prussia+100, Britain, Russia+125.
Britain Army... Better Organization (At Level 1, As France & Austria)
(/CNAW/Data/Scenario/ File... 1805 Scenario.)
Vassal War Effort... From 33% To 50% (General.txt File)
Peace Time Prod (General.txt)... From 33% To 50%
Merchant Movement Base Increase... From 7 To 10 (Unit.txt)
(/CNAW/Data/Scenario/ 1805 Scenario File...)
Final Manpower Adjustment (+50 For France, Prussia, Britain, Austria & Russia)
To... France (300) Austria (250) Britain (200) Prussia (250) Russia (400)
Proportional Increase Decreases The Overall Ratio Between France Vs Coalition)
i will really like to make light infantry with some infantry support but this will need playtest before to implement, i see light infantry as skirmishers and his main purpose is to support line infantry, so, not find in error or failure to make them with some infantry direct combat support, so, increase freedom on combined arms tactics, but still like to have 3 levels of infantry, so, not sure how it will work.

hope you enjoy the mod, a backup of the default files "main-line" are included for safety/sentry purposes and allow to change easily between mod/main versions, still, to backup the entire /data directory is the best way to avoid problems,

best regards,


alaric318 -> RE: Alarick Mod For Napoleon At War 1.0 (10/10/2008 1:40:04 PM)



Greetings, Version 2.0 Of My Mod For Napoleon At War Version 1.0, i must say that still no playtested, so you can agree to take it as playtest version, i make some hard changes than can affect gameplay greatly, next version may be for next version of Napoleon At War or for 1.0 if i find in upcoming playtest that changes work fine and do not need to be reviewed for balance, now for the change list from Mod Version 1.0...
Alarick Mod CNAW 2.0 Changes, CNAW 1.0 Compatible
Fixed Income Production Income... France+100, Austria, Prussia+100, Britain, Russia+125.
Britain Army... Better Organization (At Level 1, As France & Austria)
(/CNAW/Data/Scenario/ File... 1805 Scenario.)
Vassal War Effort... From 33% To 50% (General.txt File)
Peace Time Prod (General.txt)... From 33% To 50%
Merchant Movement Base Increase... From 7 To 10 (Unit.txt)
(/CNAW/Data/Scenario/ 1805 Scenario File...)
Final Manpower Adjustment (+50 For France, Prussia, Britain, Austria & Russia)
To... France (300) Austria (250) Britain (200) Prussia (250) Russia (400)
Proportional Increase Decreases The Overall Ratio Between France Vs Coalition)
i will really like to make light infantry with some infantry support but this will need playtest before to implement, i see light infantry as skirmishers and his main purpose is to support line infantry, so, not find in error or failure to make them with some infantry direct combat support, so, increase freedom on combined arms tactics, but still like to have 3 levels of infantry, so, not sure how it will work.

hope you enjoy the mod, a backup of the default files "main-line" are included for safety/sentry purposes and allow to change easily between mod/main versions, still, to backup the entire /data directory is the best way to avoid problems,

best regards,


greetings, playtest have revealed that is too balanced for the coalition, so, i will post a new final version when ready, prussia taken more in account, and that cost more to coalition to take on the technology and army advantage overall by france side, is a minor update and you can offset the advantage in previous version adjusting to give some difficulty advantage to france, given on feedback...

first... the french light cavalry will be changed to heavy cavalry, extra strike strenght in austria campaign

second... britan and russia from +125 fixed income to 75, prussia and austria from 100 to 75 and france remains at 100, (3-1) overall, so, even with the surrender of austria the allies will have some advantage, needed for the conquest that france will do.

will post without testing as i like to make available as soon as possible, the files are the same than in the previous versions.



Edit... 10/10/2008, For Commander - Napoleon At War 1.0, Version 3.0 alarick/murat30 mod, last changes adressed to make mod work as i think better, hope people enjoy it,

best regards.

alaric318 -> RE: Alarick Mod For Napoleon At War 1.0 (10/12/2008 7:55:13 AM)

Final Version, at 4.0 of my mod, added skirmish ability to light infantry and guards units for france, prussia, russia & britain.
Final Version Readme...
Napoleon At War - Alarick Mod - Change Log...
October 2008, For Napoleon At War 1.0

1- File... General.txt (/CNAW/Data/)
(overall purpose is taht i want more units, this balanced and decreased the fog of war effects
and decreased too the luck factor, more units give more balanced results)
*occupied land efficiency... from 40 to 75 (this make free more powerfull commanders and more
troops recruit capability)
*vassal (surrendered) war effort from 15 to 33 (manpower goes to 0% and new recruits are weak
*peace war effort... from 20 to 33 (prussian capital at berlin is easily taken from the frontier, some
extra production can make more casualties on the french assault)
*naval transport cost... from 7 to 15 (in fact at the game timeline, numerous fleets are a luxury
and expensive to maintenance costs)
*General max injury... from 40 to 10 (40 is more realistic but 40 turns is near 1/3 of all campaign
scenario (169 turns)
*Admiral max injury... from 40 to 10.
*turns between convoys from 3 to 2. (to balance for england the potential conquests of france)
*convoy chance to appear... from 20% to 40%
*revolt probability... from 15% to 25% (austria and prussia, the both first targets of france,
, manage to surrender and then return to war more than once trough all the war)
*Experience Increase... From 25 To 30 & From 50 To 35
2- File... Unit.txt(/CNAW/Data/)
some changes can drastically change play balance, take in mind please that i want a modded
scenario as an alternate campaign option under my own concept of perfection, will not be for
everyone tastes and i can not argue against it, just are wanting to share the work.
*all infantry reduced manpower costs to give more freedom before being in manpower shortages.
(militia to 4, light inf. to 6 and line inf to 7) (line inf cost from 55 to 60)
*cavalry changes... i find the horses costs high, having more cavalry units open more capability
to combined arms all trough all battles, not realistic or historical but i find it better.
so... increase in production costs... light cav... 65 to 80, hvy cav... 80 to 100,
, manpower cost reduced from 9/9 to 7/7.
*horses costs adjustment... light cav... 50 to 20, hvy cav... 80 to 30 (1.5 light cav cost),
, horse art... from 40 to 15 (just i want more flexible for the player on combined tactics.)
*manpower costs of all classes of artillery... from 6 all to 4 all (66%)
*turns to build increase... light cav, hvy cav & horse art... all from 2 to 3.
*Horse Art. Costs in Production Points... from 100 to 110
*Shock Attack To Enemy Efficiency... Light Inf. And Line Inf +1/+1 (from 0/1)
(i realize that skirmishers are portrayed as light inf and skirmishers main purpose is to
disrupt enemy units, cannot increase more the bonus or can un-balance costs)
Also... Light Cavalry Shock Increased From 2 To 3.
3- File... Land_Leaders.txt (/CNAW/Data/)
expensive but given the increase overall in production income more cheaper, so i want
to add some attack and defense bonus to all them, again, it goes for more player
freedom on customize his army and develop different tactics each game, take in mind
that each general cost roughly as the cost of one or two combat units but no cost
manpower, so, if you run in manpower problems (that are historical) you can buy
science or enhance troops with the commanders.
(only increases in some leadership ratings and all generals have at least 1 point
in ground attack or ground defense)
4- File... 1805 (/CNAW/Data/Scenario/)
Nations Address On Campaign Scenario File & Changes...
(See The Picture Included For Reference And How Identify Nations)
0 - France
(400 Production, From 110)
(250 Manpower, From 200)(and Maximum Manpower to 250, so for all modded nations)
(90 Horses, From 50)
1 - Austria
(200 Production From 20)
(at default 200 manpower)
(at default 50 horses)
2 - Britain
(100 Production From 20)
(at default 150 manpower)
(200 Horses From 150)
4 - Prussia
(100 Production From 20)
(200 Manpower From 150)
(150 Horses From 100)
5 - Russia
(200 Production From 30)
(at default 350 manpower)
(200 Horses From 150)
Allies Production is overall 600 vs 400 france, 1.5-1, 3-2, 50% advantage.
Technologies Changes... (Plus Default Base Techs)
France... Enhanced Infantry & Cavalry
Britain... Enhanced Infantry And Advanced War-Ships
Russia & Prussia... Enhanced Light Cavalry
Ottomans... Not Changes
Austria... Better Army Organisation (Enhanced Efficiency Bonus)

you will need to change the files, on the pointed directories in the install of the game,
, a backup of the default/stock files have been included and some help for modding if
you want to do some changes. I hope you enjoy the mod.

contact email...

Alarick Mod CNAW 2.0 Changes, CNAW 1.0 Compatible
Fixed Income Production Income... France+100, Austria, Prussia+100, Britain, Russia+125.
Britain Army... Better Organization (At Level 1, As France & Austria)
(/CNAW/Data/Scenario/ File... 1805 Scenario.)
Vassal War Effort... From 33% To 50% (General.txt File)
Peace Time Prod (General.txt)... From 33% To 50%
Merchant Movement Base Increase... From 7 To 10 (Unit.txt)
(/CNAW/Data/Scenario/ 1805 Scenario File...)
Final Manpower Adjustment (+50 For France, Prussia, Britain, Austria & Russia)
To... France (300) Austria (250) Britain (200) Prussia (250) Russia (400)
Proportional Increase Decreases The Overall Ratio Between France Vs Coalition)
Version 3.0
Austria, Russia, Prussia & Britain To +75 Fixed Income From Previous Version.
Order Of Battle... France... Light Cavalry Changed To Heavy Cavalry.
Verison 4.0
Light Infantry... Melee Support... 00 To 12. (And Inf. Support Range To 1).
Militia... Production Pts. Cost... From 35 To 30.
Elite Troops...
Changed Some Garrison Militia Units By Some Guards Units...
Important Advice... At The Moment The Names Still Generic, Ver. 1.0
Chasseurs & Grenadiers... Line Infantry Experience 75
Young Guard... Light Infantry Experience 75
Guard Cavalry... Heavy Cavalry Experience 75
Guard Artillery... Horse Artillery Experience 75
Guard Infantry... Line Infantry Experience 40
Guard Cavalry... Heavy Cavalry Experience 40
Guard Infantry... Line Infantry Experience 40
Guard Cavalry... Heavy Cavalry Experience 40
Guard Cavalry... Heavy Cavalry Experience 40
Guard Infantry... Line Infantry Experience 40
For Balance Purposes Austria Have Not Guard Units.
11/October/2008 For Commander - Napoleon At War Version 1.0
not planned more changes on version 1.0, may upgrade to upcoming patch if i have time for it.

download link 4.0...

Koagul -> RE: Alarick Mod For Napoleon At War 1.0 (10/22/2008 9:41:22 AM)

Nice Work Murat !

I will try to make some testing with your settings.

(looks cool anyway) [:D]

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