Jimmer -> RE: Any possibility of LAN in the new patches? (10/14/2008 8:46:54 PM)
Yes, Gwheelock, it would. In fact, you could automate the process right now, as is, with very little additional code (none of which would have to be in EiANW, in fact): Create a folder which all systems can access. Call it "CommNW". Write a bot that checks the local Commout folder for new files, say, every 30 seconds. This bot runs on the 7 local systems asynchronously from the regular game. When it finds a new file on the local system, it copies it to the server. Write a second bot that checks the network folder for new files, say, every 30 seconds. When it finds one, it copies it to the local commin folder. Do the same thing for the battle files, only the bots merely update both directions periodically, but when a file CHANGES, not just when one is added. NOTE: The first part works because all files are already uniquely named. The battle files are not (if I recall correctly) uniquely named. Also, there are some enhancements that could be made if the bots had access to the game and vice versa: The bot could be triggered from the game, rather than running automatically and periodically. The game could update the screen whenever the bot copies a file to the local location. NOTE: This may or may not work with the AI playing 1-5 powers. I'm not sure how that would work. I THINK it might work the same way, but a host would have to generate the files. I wrote a subset of the bot code some time back. However, it requires Microsoft Excel to run properly (it was a "toy" I wrote in Visual Basic for Applications). I'm sure someone could write a better routine that wouldn't require giving MS money just to have an engine. But, if anybody wants to see the macros, let me know.