tbriert -> Baton Rouge guns block movement from Gulf into New Orleans? (10/5/2008 9:24:06 PM)
I am engaged in a hotly contested PBEM game with a talented opponent right now, and I just suffered a major setback due to something I think is wrong with the game. My Union forces occupy New Orleans, Ft. Jackson, Ft. St. Philip, Natchez, Lafeyette, St. Landry, St. James, and virtually all of Texas. The rebels have a garrison isolated in Baton Rouge, with plenty of heavy guns. My main Union force in Natchez, and also my force in New Orleans, was unable to be reinforced because Confederate guns in Baton Rouge, which provided opp fire opportunities on Union troops being transported into New Orleans. I find this to be ridiculous. Baton Rouge is far upriver from New Orleans. If the Union posesses New Orleans, and has control of the Gulf forts and the opposite river bank, they should be able to sail reinforcements directly into New Orleans and debark troops there. Can someone familiar with the map/game design comment on why this is so? Unless I hear a convincing argument to the contrary, my thoughts are that this is a mistake that needs to be corrected in the next patch.