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Ismael -> REVERSE MOVEMENT (10/9/2000 12:02:00 AM)

why not have reverse movement for vehicles where they can move 1 hex to rear w/0 changing facing?

Wild Bill -> (10/9/2000 3:23:00 AM)

This one has been talked about plenty here on the forum, Ismael. Nice idea. I would like it too, but it just ain't gonna happen for a number of reasons. Sorry...WB ------------------ In Arduis Fidelis Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

Ismael -> (10/11/2000 9:39:00 AM)

one way to handle retreat movement is to have the retreating unit receive no defensive fire by expending no movement points) in the hex retreating from, but then receive defensive fire (from rear) in the hex retreating to (and taking any los or defensive benefit there). this would represent the case of a retreating vehicle backing up and disapearing into cover and then getting hit as it makes a run for better cover. this may be the case in the current game! is it?

Arralen -> (10/11/2000 1:26:00 PM)


Originally posted by Ismael: one way to handle retreat movement is to have the retreating unit receive no defensive fire by expending no movement points) in the hex retreating from, ... this may be the case in the current game! is it?
No. No rereating at all, only turning and running away. Saw a Chinese PzI run from my Japs .. can't remember what it was. I moved up to range 2 ('twas a night battle of course), and it turned around and vnished in the dark. I drove on, and there it was again .. had moved only 1 hex, but it spottet my tank again, and run away at full speed .. 3 or 4 hex IIRC. Looked really cool, but didn't help .. my 150mm mortars got it [img][/img] And as far as I know and observed, there where the regular chances for OPfire etc. Arralen [This message has been edited by Arralen (edited October 11, 2000).]

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