John David -> (4/18/2002 10:37:38 AM)
First off, you give the impression that some people can handle the game navigation and some can't. I don't have this problem and I am simply stating what thousands of other people have commented on this game. Apparently, you only read what you want from my post and ignore the rest! As I said, I like the game, but most people, whether players or game developers have stated that this, along with the sprite sizes in the game made it difficult at times to play. If this was not so, why don't we see other games that were developed using this game engine? You can argue all you want, but the facts speak for themselves. This type of game engine and mechanics were not used in subsequent games by developers. You can disregard the comments of all these people who either commented or reviewed the game if you wish, but I like to speak from what I have read over the years, from developers and players, as well from my own experiences. Besides, does the saying "don't shoot the messenger" ring a bell? As I said, I LIKE THE GAME and would recommend it. But we all have to be able to see the good points with the bad for anything in a game or, in life for that matter, and not see everything with rose colored glasses! As far as my bringing up Warcraft, I know it is a fantasy based game, and Les wanted to keep those out of recommendations, but you brought up the point that there are no RTS games, only turn based. Your quote "There are none. All strategy games are turn based." Wrong! And whether you like it or not, Warcraft no matter it's setting, is still a strategy game! Finally, there are other RTS games out there. Whether they are in the fantasy genre or not is the point. Your premise is that there were none. Warcraft and many other games like it including the new Army Men RTS game which I spoke of in an earlier post prove that! In fact, Army Men RTS works on a clock countdown for scenarios, not turns. While playing the scenario's, both sides are acting and re acting to one another's moves. That is what RTS means! Your arguments are based on points from your opinion, while mine are based in facts. Not my facts that I made up, but from the sources that I stated about the reviews and comments about Close Combat over the years it has been out. If you have not read them, look it up. If you like the game, great so do I! Just try to keep an open mind and see it from both sides. John