Panzer Leo -> (4/21/2002 8:11:09 PM)
[QUOTE]The German halftracks had one MG removed - but what about the US ones? Some of those even have three MGs in the game, and that seems a LOT in comparison with the German ones. [/QUOTE] Yep, thought of it, too... My problem is, I don't know the exact location and mounting type of MGs on the US halftracks. It would be helpfull, if someone could explain how many MGs on what HT version could actually fire to the front. MGs firing only to the sides should be counted only if there's one for each side and so on... [B]HELP APPRECIATED[/B] [QUOTE]In my opinion scout vehicles shouldn't be bought at the cost of 3 points as in 7.1 [/QUOTE] 3 points ? Can't follow you...what vehicles ? [QUOTE]But units like trucks have seemingly always been too expensive in comparison to halftracks. Don't you all agree? [/QUOTE] Well, I do :D But that's a tough one...changing truck costs means billions of trucks in the OOBs to be altered plus light vehicles like Jeeps and cars plus horse drawn vehicles keep the relation...:eek: [B]BUT[/B] I can change the Halftrack costs a bit like M3 costs now 23 to let's say 28 (GMC CCKW costs 16). It's much less to change and widens the gap a bit... [QUOTE]One possible way to make trucks more cheap would be to class their platoons "second line" - I guess the truckers were not the hardiest fighters on the from were they? [/QUOTE] But they weren't cowards either...(gotta be careful here, as I know to many military truck drivers... :D ) [QUOTE]The German 50mm mortars have one tube per unit. The american 50mm mortars have two/three tubes per unit. I heard they should rather have one tube per unit because of firing doctrine. [/QUOTE] That is some sort of leftover from v7.0, I think. Some light mortar units were not changed back to single tube. It looked like it was done intentionally, so I didn't touch it. But I'm not sure why...maybe Paul knows ? [QUOTE]German cpt. T-34s have different armour penetration than Soviet ones. Finnish cpt. KV-1E has different Fire Control/rangefinder than Soviet. [/QUOTE] Oooops...:rolleyes: (most of the T-34s have different FC/RF - changed it already) [QUOTE]T-34/85 front hull armour is listed as 45+15 mm for a totalt of 60mm. Should this version be available? [/QUOTE] I need production numbers (at least a hint, how common it was). Would be no problem to put it in, but not if it was to rare or just experimental. [QUOTE]The only issue that I had was the lethality of the bazooka, piat, panzerfaust and panzerschreck against infantry. So I lowered all their HE kill ratings to 2. Now I get an occassional infantry kill by one of these weapons, but it is not guaranteed like it was before I made that change.[/QUOTE] You changed it to 2 or by 2 ? (e.g. PzFst 60/100 in H2H HE kill = 11 and now 9 or 2 ?). I tested a bit after you mentioned it a few days ago you might be right, that casualties happen a bit to often. This is something, one has to get used to, as these weapons were of no importance in SPWAW before. I did some research, to show how their role in real combat was and I think they were much more important, than usually thought. The PzFst was used as "super heavy handgrenade" quite often. If you look at some numbers: over 8 million were produced, 3 million were still in service on may 45. Of these 5 million used or lost PzFsts, let's assume only one fifth was actually fired at the enemy, the rest lost, captured, destroyed or whatever... That makes 1 million PzFsts launched at the enemy. I think it becomes clear, that the common target of a PzFst was not a tank, but rather a building, pillbox, Mg nest or ... A PzFst warhead carries 800g explosives, that's 1 1/2 times the charge of a 81mm mortar round and directly fired (but lack of sufficiant shrapnel). So they are supposed to cause frequent casualties (and the others like Bazooka and PIAT ofcourse also...). But I have to admit, that with the new splash they went off a bit to strong, so reducing them by 2 points sounds like a good approach... Further comments on this appreciated, as it's not an easy subject...maybe someone has more insight on rocket usage against infantry... [QUOTE]More suggestions might be coming up.[/QUOTE] o.k. :D Here's one I would like to throw in: I am very pleased with the lethality of Arty in v7.1. I think it's the most realistic SPWAW has ever had and it's real fun...But I do have a problem with the amount of rounds batteries are firing. I think it's not enough. In short battles (20 turns or below) I never ever was able to use up my 75mm or 105mm round purchased. With the "out of contact" feature it is really fun working with Arty (or not :D ), but when I get a battery to fire, I want real support, not 5 rounds per gun in a full turn (even if it was a 0.1 order, it's only 8 or so for a 105mm and a whole turn). As I understand Arty support in WWII, it was much more common to throw a larger amount on a single point, that to devide into so many smaller bits like it is now in SPWAW. I made tests with offboard ROF doubled and onboard multiplied by 1.5 and it seems to work pretty good... Comments from Arty experts appreciated..