RE: Maximum Football 2.3 Update? (Full Version)

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Maximum Football 2.3 Update?

Yes, I would likely purchase ANY updated expansion pack!
  38% (14)
Yes on an expansion pack with advanced playbooks.
  16% (6)
Yes on an expansion pack with new stadiums.
  2% (1)
Yes on an expansion pack with updated uniforms.
  0% (0)
Yes, ONLY if the pack contained all of the above.
  11% (4)
I'd like an update, but only as a free patch.
  11% (4)
I'd like an expansion pack, but I won't pay for it.
  13% (5)
I don't really want any updates or expansion packs.
  2% (1)
This isn't even a good idea.
  2% (1)

Total Votes : 36
(last vote on : 3/27/2009 6:16:05 PM)
(Poll ended: 12/1/2009 7:00:00 AM)


Terryt33 -> RE: Maximum Football 2.3 Update? (11/20/2008 5:07:29 AM)

LTR is right, I imagine there is a lot more lurking and the community is bigger than most people realize.  I have been around since the first posts starting surfacing about the “next” FBpro.  I had been waiting and watching for the years previous to the release of MaxFB, just like many, waiting on the release, and the pushed up dates, and the pushed up dates, and….etc. And I have posted very little, mostly because I am too lazy to go look up my matrix password to the forum, and by the time I do, one of the regulars has already had a very similar opinion and beat me to the punch.  Someone else mentioned that we have drifted from the topic of this thread, and I agree.  But, since we have drifted, I did want to throw my two cents in. I wanted to thank the community that has stayed around and kept this title alive.  There have been so many great add ons from a lot of talented people which really increases the enjoyment of the game, since it really was designed to be a tool box of sorts.  I have been lurking for quite a while, and have come up with a Mary Shelley meets Mel Brooks kind of Saturday night live view of Maximum Football.  I call it History of Maximum Football, Part I.  I am going to post it in a separate thread, since it doesn't belong here, and is a little long.  I wrote it mostly to entertain, and possibly provoke some thought as to why things might have happened, through pure speculation.(since I don't really know anybody here, except through reading thousands of posts over the years).  Although the story appears to be slanted, I really didn't mean it to be.  I just wrote the way I saw what happened (from my limited view).  Most of all I hope not to offend anyone, as it is merely fiction, with no one in particular in mind.

Mykal -> RE: Maximum Football 2.3 Update? (11/20/2008 6:19:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: garysorrell

Naw, life goes on JD. There are plenty of games I thought I would be playing till I grow old...well, im not. Time moves on. I have Madden08 for the PC and am following the progress of the modders. I played Madden02 for years, and will probably, eventually, start spending more time with 08. There will always be a place for MaxFB for me, but I will move on to other things. I already have to some extent. Anyone heard of the Combat Mission series? Im playing the Beyond Overlord version currently.

But JD, dont feel bad at all. It's understandable to spend time modding a game like Madden08, as opposed to MaxFB, it just has a larger user base.

I'm right behind ya' Gary
I find myself more and more modding and playing other things these days,
not that I'm deserting the MaxFB community, that wont happen anytime soon
but things have slowed off a good bit for me with regard to MaxFB mods, there's only so many hours in a day [;)]

mbsports -> RE: Maximum Football 2.3 Update? (11/20/2008 9:30:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: therhino

JD, how close are you guys to getting AFL and/or CFL style play like Maximum Football?

I think I can talk about this a little bit. I get pretty reasonable CFL and AFL results these days after spending a lot of time on my tune files to get them going. I sim my games for the most part and the biggest problems I get are
1. linebackers don't get enough tackles, the D Line gets way more
2. you never get INTs/Punts/Kicks returned for TDs

Aside from that I'm pretty happy with QB passing, rushing yards, sacks, kicking game, punting, and return yardage.

That being said not getting the last few notches in are a little tough to swallow b/c I think they could be in/should be in. The Tune files are a little too simplified for me because I'd like to set it up so that for rushing instead of having just a min/max you could have ranges. IE what % of a run is a 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20 and then you'd have a nice blend to where you could see some breakaway runs for 50-60 yards. As it is MaxFB just isn't going to give that to me, but hey I live on.

mudrick -> RE: Maximum Football 2.3 Update? (11/20/2008 10:34:22 PM)

I've done a lot of complaining about the game, so i will now say why i keep playing it.

As people have already pointed out, game plans mean everything, especially defensive profiles.  It took me forever, but what I did was create a plan for the AI using specific offensive plays.  Then imported one of Hacks D's and profiles.  I then added plays and took plays away until I thought the game play and stats were pretty good.  Not in sim, but in actual play computer vs computer.  The results I've had are better than expected.

1. On occasion I see breakaway runs and deep pass plays.

2. Teams can and do effectively run 2 minute drills.

3. But what I like most is that teams can come back.  Also, teams that are 5-6 can on occasion beat a 9-2 team.  And it may be just my imagination, but it appears that teams get better or worse as the season progresses.  I know i'm not nuts, i'm seeing this.  I seen the Browns beat the Vikings 14-3 after losing to the Chiefs 41-3, then watch the Vikings beat the Chiefs.  This stuff is not constant, but it happens enough.  Enough that I wouldn't lay money on these games.

4. Or just the fact that a team can have a nice 12 play drive for a TD, the next possession a 70 yard run for a TD taking a 14-0 lead, then not scoring for the rest of the game and losing.  I find that very interesting.

But like I said, I do not sim, I let them play it out on the field.

BigSmooth -> RE: Maximum Football 2.3 Update? (11/20/2008 11:56:52 PM)

No buyer's remorse from me. I've taken the Old Coach approach and have begun to rotate 4 different leagues on my computer. I am now immersed in a season with a 12 team, 3 division league that uses all of gary's low poly stadiums, hack's & dream's playbooks. I set the view to F7 and let the teams go computer to computer and I'm not seeing any 2 games alike.

I'm always hungry for more playbooks, stadiums, etc and I find that the contributions of the community here have satisfied the need so I don't know if a paid update in those areas will garner much support.

DreamTeams -> RE: Maximum Football 2.3 Update? (11/21/2008 12:21:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: mudrick

4. Or just the fact that a team can have a nice 12 play drive for a TD, the next possession a 70 yard run for a TD taking a 14-0 lead, then not scoring for the rest of the game and losing.  I find that very interesting.

Seen it too. Love this about MaxF.

DAWUSS -> RE: Maximum Football 2.3 Update? (11/23/2008 10:30:52 PM)

Well, MFB at least has to get me to the beginning of next season. Come July/August, I'll most likely start searching again - it all depends on what I'm looking for out of a football game. Things like graphics and presentation might receive a higher priority if I want to make football movies. Just as long as the other games don't start possessing unrealistic gameplay, or unrealistic stats (especially CPU-CPU).

One problem is the fact that with every new game means a whole new universe - I try to clone my notables, but even then they don't necessarily behave the same (not to mention that it can be tedious).

regenerator -> RE: Maximum Football 2.3 Update? (12/10/2008 10:18:52 PM)

Marauders -

Any final decision from this survey?  I think that an update of the default playbooks/profiles would be worth a cost.  I myself didn't realize just how significant an impact these they had on the realism of this game until I recently implemented an extensive set of tests on the game, in addition to researching many past and present issues brought up on the forum.  This leads me to believe that others may also have not yet come to realize the significant improvement to gameplay better playbooks can provide.  You can have the Constants variables and Player Ratings perfectly set, but it won't matter without very well designed playbooks and playbook profiles to complement them.  Obviously, as they stand now, the default books just have too many gaping flaws. 

Hack provides us with usable alternatives, but he seems to be just about the only one really working hard on this.  I love what Hack's doing.  Every release by him makes the game more playable.  The game could quickly improve by leaps and bounds if we have this new release from you, someone who has presumably intimate knowledge of the product, in addition to Hack's continuing developments.

Seeing as how you've stated new default playbooks were to be part of the (now never to be) new patch further cemented in my mind how valuable these would be.  I truly hope you will go forward with your plan to offer this.

Everyone else -
I know the response to this poll hasn't been overwhelming.  Since better playbooks are just about the only way we have left to improve the game, I implore everyone left out there in MaxFB land to realize the value that Marauders is offering and show some more support for this idea, if it is not too late. 

Despite the well-stated limitations of the game in its current state as brought up by several members, I have come to believe that nearly all can be worked around.  Marauders has offered many workarounds to the major existing issues.  This game still has the potential to become a solid, realistic football sim.   

Mykal -> RE: Maximum Football 2.3 Update? (12/10/2008 10:56:12 PM)


garysorrell -> RE: Maximum Football 2.3 Update? (12/11/2008 12:25:37 AM)

I agree with regenerator 100%, playbooks are key. They make this game playable.

But, I just dont think we need an update to get them straight. Hack already has 6 fantastic playbooks. The game should have shipped with playbooks like his. DTVT has a couple out there.

If anything, we should just try and organize some of the talent here on the boards and do it ourselves. If there was a 2.3 update, who is going to do it? Im assuming people from the boards. So, what are we waiting for.

Really, if 5 people had each taken a playbook and fixed/improved it, starting on the day this poll was posted, we would have 5 complete default

I guess what im saying is that whatever would happen with an update, well, its all good. But 'waiting' has been the big problem with this game....we wait, and wait, and still wait. It's no big time sink for me to work on one of the defaults while I also work on my 8 man books.

hack153 -> RE: Maximum Football 2.3 Update? (12/11/2008 1:35:49 AM)

The only problem I see with multiple people creating playbooks is the lack of consistency.  My playbooks have common variable which make them able to play together fairly decently.  (Common variables are needed to make up for some issues that are not covered in the PDS.)  If I take mine and place them against someone else's playbook, the results could be drastically unrealistic.

I'm all for more playbooks, but I think it would have to be an organized effort to keep consitency.  Without the consistency, I think our intentions would be great, but the product might be lacking.

For example, here are some common variable that I use:

WR Line-ups:
5WR: R2  R3 OL-MEN  R5  R4 R1
4WR: R2  R3 OL-MEN  R4  R1
3WR, 1TE: R2  R3 OL-MEN TE1 R1 
2WR, 2TE: R2  TE2  OL-MEN  TE1  R1  
2WR, 1TE:  R2  OL-MEN  TE1 R1
2TE, 1WR:  TE2  OL-MEN  TE1  R1

*This is why it matters:

Zone and Cover 3 &4 defenses. In order for the defense to disguise it's intentions to play zone, the defenders have to line-up on each WR. If I had a defender lines-up on R1, but played a zone on the other side of the field, then that creates some serious issues. Thus, the DB to the far right (your far right), would always line-up against R1.

This of course effects what defense plays can be used against what type of offensive formation. If I have a play where my DBs are lined-up on R2, TE2, TE1, and R1, I can't play that against a 2WR, 1TE offensive formation. That's why you see multiple variations of the same formation in my playbooks.

Some might ask, why not use "line-up" "closest." Here is why. If you place R2 (to the far left), at zoom 3, but your defense is placed to the far left in zoom 2, the defender may leave R2 open.

Those are just some examples. I'll start a thread on the variable that I am using on the PDS thread area. Maybe that will help me, and others with consistency.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings!

hack153 -> RE: Maximum Football 2.3 Update? (12/11/2008 1:53:13 AM)

An idea, might be to have someone create plays, send it off to someone else, and then that person creates the profiles (with established groups).

Mykal -> RE: Maximum Football 2.3 Update? (12/11/2008 2:01:34 PM)

well seeing some canadian playbooks would be nice, no one seems to do them, not even when I ask
and DTVT owe's me a playbook but seems to have vanished (I already know he's very busy, we all have lives to live)

maybe if Marauders could knock out a few Canadian playbooks that actually worked
without me having to step in and alter them to make them work,
then I just might be persuaded to part with a few dollars
but I would need to know in advance what I was buying, I aint buying blind,

done that already buying MF and look how that turned out
a game out of the box, which without the guys here for playbooks, uniforms and stadiums etc is actually Gash

Yep before you jump on me I know without davids work we would have nothing
I certainly aint bashing the game , david or any of the test team

my point is: the game I bought was worth nothing
and would have been a complete waiste of money where it not for the guys here.
lets be honest, take away all the nice uniforms, bigger better designed stadiums, other peoples playbooks,
JD's editor and stuff like that, play the game in its raw form........... its Gash, plain and simple

So I guess that puts right along side Gary really, the forums is the way to go
after all we've done most everything else ourselves, without dismissing David's efforts.

DAWUSS -> RE: Maximum Football 2.3 Update? (12/11/2008 3:02:15 PM)

I can do offensive playbooks, but generally mine don't come out right in MFB because the QB acts like an idiot. He'll either throw to the primary receiver too early, but if I have him wait and let the play develop a wee bit more, I run the risk of having him get sacked instead of dumping it to the hot receiver.

And my specialty is offense, so there wouldn't be any defensive plays

DAWUSS -> RE: Maximum Football 2.3 Update? (12/11/2008 3:08:21 PM)



well seeing some canadian playbooks would be nice, no one seems to do them, not even when I ask
and DTVT owe's me a playbook but seems to have vanished (I already know he's very busy, we all have lives to live)

I have 8 singleback plays (4 WR 1 TE 1 RB) and 1 Shotgun 6 WR play. Nothing to build a playbook over right now...

Mykal -> RE: Maximum Football 2.3 Update? (12/11/2008 5:58:58 PM)

thanks for the offer Buddy, most appreciated
but the offensive are no good without Defense to match them

could end up with game breakers that way

I'm actually working on my own anyway both sides of the ball

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