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1089 -> (5/18/2002 9:56:00 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Kid
[B]The action has shifted to the air over New Guinea again.

Question, now that everyone has their own game should we keep this ARR up? [/B][/QUOTE]

I am unhappy :( about being left out of the set of everyone. As a someone, I believe I belong to the set of everyone, yet I don't have my game. :( So I come here to read the AARs. So don't stop, please...


Sultanofsham -> (5/18/2002 10:31:54 AM)

Ohhhhh no you dont, get to writing :)

sparrs -> Yes! (5/18/2002 6:45:16 PM)

Empthaticaly, yes!!

Like to see your strats


siRkid -> (5/18/2002 7:43:18 PM)

A Washington Post reporter is currently doing an interview with Admiral Kid. The article should be published shortly.

siRkid -> (5/19/2002 6:57:09 PM)

Washington Post: Good morning Admiral.
Admiral Kid: Good morning.

Washington Post: Lets start off by asking your opinion of how the war in the South Pacific is going.
Admiral Kid: Well, to be frank not so good. I’m not implying that we are losing but things could be better.

Washington Post: What went wrong?
Admiral Kid: Well, I underestimated the Japs capabilities and overestimated our own. I thought I could roll up New Guinea in a month or two and then move on to Rabaul. At first, things went according to plan. Gilli Gilli and Buna fell quickly and the march on Lae was proceeding on schedule. When the Japs landed on Guadalcanal, I was not worried and took no action. Unfortunately, this gave them time to get established and ring the island with mines. By the time I undertook operation to take Guadalcanal the Japs were ready for me and I lost a significant amount of ships. It was a disaster. It is the loss of those transports that has affected the entire campaign. (In a slightly angry voice) - If only CINPAC would release more transports, I could save the situation.

Washington Post: Save the situation? Are things that bad?
Admiral Kid: Kid staring off at nothing is silent for a long time then dropping his eyes to the floor, whispers “yes”. (Looking up at the reporter) - As you know, we lost Guadalcanal. The Americal Division was wiped out and all the support troops. We lost over 100 aircraft on the ground. It was a disaster. What is not known to the public, is we are also losing New Guinea.

Washington Post: How cold that be? I have not heard of any battles.
Admiral Kid: We are losing because (anguished voice) our troops are starving and the planes are out of fuel. I have ordered a general withdraw back to Port Moresby. I also ordered the bomber squadrons in Cooktown to carrier supplies instead of bombs.

Washington Post: Will you abandon all of New Guinea? Is all lost?
Admiral Kid: No, no, all is not lost. We still have a firm hold on Buna and Gill Gilli. Once I consolidate my supply lines, I can use those bases for future offensive operations. If only CINPAC would release more transports.

Washington Post: Is there any good news for the American public.
Admiral Kid: Yes some. We did sink five of there carriers and one battleship while only losing two carriers and one battleship. They lost - CV Akagi, CV Junyo, CVL Ryujo, CVL Shoho, and CVE Unyo. We lost the Yorktown and the Lexington.

Washington Post: How do you see the battle for the South Pacific evolving?
Admiral Kid: There are two key focus points, Gilli Gilli and San Cristobal. If Gilli Gilli falls, Australia will be open for invasion (automatic victory conditions) so it has to be protected at all cost. San Cristobal is our only footholdd in the island cahin and is in easy striking distance of Guadalcanal. As long as we hold it and keep it supplied, he Japs will have a hard time expanding the Guadalcanal facilities. The Japs know this and raided it just last night.

Washington Post: And?
Admiral Kid: We lost a few ships but we gave as good as we got. The shore batteries did some damage and the PT boats chased down a damage DD and sent it to the bottom. We are in the process of mining the approaches and building the defenses for the attack that will come.

Washington Post: How goes the air war?
Admiral Kid: We have the planes but not the fuel. I had to abandon over 100 planes when I pulled out of the Northern bases in New Guinea.

Washington Post: Any final comment?
Admiral Kid: I need transports. Without them the war is lost.

osros -> (5/19/2002 10:19:11 PM)



ADavidB -> (5/19/2002 11:02:52 PM)

[QUOTE]Admiral Kid: I need transports. Without them the war is lost.[/QUOTE]

One of my favorite strategies in Pacwar, when playing either side, was to target APs - they can't shoot back with much, and when you knock out enough it really throws the opponent's strategy for a loop.

It sounds as if a good strategy for the Allied player here is to keep as much of his transport fleet ( APs, transports, etc. ) as far away from the front lines as possible most of the time. This way the Japanese player might also get "tempted" to go a little too far in search of prey...

**** - it's too bad that Military Hobbies didn't get their shipment out of Customs on Friday, I would have driven out there today to pick my copy up. :(

Dave Baranyi

siRkid -> (5/20/2002 1:21:08 AM)

We just passed 100 turns!

Crocky -> (5/20/2002 3:58:12 AM)

Thanks for the intel Rick when I get home tonight I will post a review from my perspective of our first 100 turns..... its taken a while :)

We are playing 2 day turns which means there is still around 400 days to go another 200 turns so this one can still go either way.
Im like Rick I see all these units sitting on their backsides doing nothing and Im silently yelling at HQ release the damned things to me if youve got nothing else for them......

Full update and debrief to date to follow

Crocky -> (5/20/2002 4:22:39 PM)

Well 100 turns and 200 days into this full campaign game things are progressing adequately so time for a so far and a report on our current situation

The enemy pushed hard early on in New Guinea and to Lae and it surrounding bases (we should have fought harder to maintain these) he now has a significant airfield in Lae and from there and with massive air support has set about reducing Madang. B26/25s and heavy bombers have reduce Madang to a wreck Port Damage is 70% while Airfield Service and Runway damage are both at 80% this base will require a massive intake of supplies and engineers if it is to become operational.

new Guinea is absically in enemy hands we must make him pay as dearly as possible for the remainder.

Gasmata and Rabual are the next bases that must be made impregnable to his assault

In the Solomon Lunga fell early but the enemy paid a heavy price in APs & AKs for it so heavy that his ability to supply his forces must be effected

Russell Island is in dispute both sides have isolated forces there
We retook Lunga and the airfield but supplies are hard to maintain the airfield had taken a beating during our attack and as soon as it fell B17s and Liberators pounded it into dust it is about 80% destroyed and our troops are isolated in the base...the enemy is mounting daily raids from San Cristobel which are causing heavy casualties...

Assesment of the situation same as Rick I need Japan to release more of everything especially AA weapons (Hint Japanese players secure your bases with as much AA as possible)

San Cristobel is a threat but so is Lae must decide which way to go......

Losses to date as follows

Jap Aircraft - 1389
Allied Aircraft - 1441

Jap Ground - 492 points
Allied Ground -675 points

Jap Ships lost 82 - 1766 points
Allied Ships lost 195 - 2433 points

Allied Ships Sunk..................Jap Ships Sunk


Looking at losses his transports stand out but my carriers are a problem what is not shown is Japan is working overtime repairing ship sent back

cpt_Venomous -> (5/20/2002 4:47:03 PM)

some good numbers in favor of Japan, but in a long run Japan cant really afford mounting losses, aircraft losses look nearly identical, do you get sufficient enough replasements?
Looks good though

Ron Saueracker -> Long road ahead... (5/20/2002 5:26:13 PM)

Crocky. How's your pilot experience holding up? Are you training the bejeezus out of the rear echelon sushi swallowers?

Kid. I guess CinCPac is a little peeved at your earlier flagrant disregard for the Merchant Marine. You have done well in preserving your CV strength, though.:cool:

Crocky -> (5/20/2002 6:10:16 PM)

Im finding that the bombers replacement Bettys arent to bad but Nells I think you get 4 a month that hurts....and it gonna hurt me in the long run cause Im withdrawing beat up squadrons now to try and keep the pressure on...

Experience aint to bad am training before committing

Carrier waise hes lost Lexington and Yortown Ive lost Akagi and Junyo which is a fair trade apart from the 2 CVLs

Japan is working overtime repairing carriers I think I have lost about another 4 CVs to repairs for the next 6 months but I think hes about the same and only has 1 operational at the moment

On the other hand he must be short on destroyers (I hope)hes lost 29 to my 14

Also the merchant side is in my favour 53-24
and tankers 12 - 1

he is struggling for supply and those big bombers of his chew up the supplies

anywauy its heaps of fun

Ron Saueracker -> Time to bring in Halsey!!! (5/20/2002 9:57:09 PM)

The Allies need a coaching change. It's rough at the top.:D Oh...I said I'd stop bugging KID! LOL

cpt_Venomous -> (5/21/2002 2:04:57 AM)

Nells?! hmm... shoudnt by now (I mean the time period you're playing) G3Ms be replaced by the G4M Bettys?

siRkid -> Re: Time to bring in Halsey!!! (5/21/2002 4:21:57 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ron Saueracker
[B]The Allies need a coaching change. It's rough at the top.:D Oh...I said I'd stop bugging KID! LOL [/B][/QUOTE]

Its starting to look like me and you are going to have to go at it. After Crocky is finished with me maybe we can have a go.

Crocky -> (5/21/2002 10:24:56 AM)

Lunga and it associated ground forces got killed again this turn Wildcat SBDs & Airacobras from San Cristobal and fortresses and Liberators from Espiritu Santu made a comlete mess of the whole area...

Russel Island finally fell the Marine Raiders and Airborne battalions finally surrendered to the Imperial Army and walked into captivity

Huskalator -> (5/21/2002 12:08:59 PM)

The Marine Raiders surrendered!? :(

siRkid -> News Flash (5/24/2002 1:14:22 AM)

Rabaul bombed for the first time. P-38s have arrived in numbers and are escorting LB from Gilli Gilli. First raids were moderately successful. Lunga is still getting pounded from San Cristobal and the air war over New Guinea still rages on. Two Jap DDs were intercepted by PT boats off Gilli Gilli and with the help of coastal batteries driven off. No major sea activity.

Crocky -> (5/24/2002 3:10:31 AM)

Its been quite for the last 10 or so turns (20 days) Lunga is bombed into the ground and New Guinea is rather quite apart from the odd air raid...both sides seem to be resting and reforming and then all of a sudden Kid raids Rabual now excuse me but this hasnt happened before and is not supposed to it certainly adds to my problems.....more Cap and AA please HQ

But this impertinent raid will not be allowed to go unpunished Gilli Gilli from where the raid was launched will be wiped from the face of the earth ....................or maybe Luganville ;) wait and see Rick

Crocky -> (5/24/2002 8:39:47 AM)

The response was immediate a TF was dispatched to shell Gilli Gilli into oblivion a PT boat squadron was brushed aside with the loss of 2 of their number and the shelling commenced the TF withdrew before daylight leaving many broken and burning aircraft....

Results Naval bombardment of Gili Gili, at 17,42

Allied aircraft

Allied aircraft losses
P-40E Warhawk x 3 destroyed
P-40E Warhawk x 4 damaged
Wirraway x 6 destroyed
Wirraway x 8 damaged
SBD Dauntless x 2 destroyed
SBD Dauntless x 5 damaged
P-39D Airacobra x 8 destroyed
P-39D Airacobra x 18 damaged
B-26B Marauder x 2 destroyed
B-26B Marauder x 8 damaged
Hudson x 1 destroyed
Hudson x 5 damaged
TBF Avenger x 2 destroyed
TBF Avenger x 5 damaged

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 369
Guns lost 3

Airbase hits 25
Airbase supply hits 3
Runway hits 209

Maybe this will teach the allies (Kid) he cannot raid Rabual with impunity :)

siRkid -> (5/24/2002 8:57:38 AM)


Huskalator -> (5/24/2002 12:03:56 PM)

nevermind :p

siRkid -> (5/24/2002 5:25:30 PM)

Ron did you get my reply?

Ron Saueracker -> Sorry Kid and U2 (5/24/2002 7:26:32 PM)

I forgot to empty my private message box and bounced a few I think. Oooops......

siRkid -> (5/29/2002 8:47:29 AM)

Short update. The US tried to raid Shortland with some BBs that just arrived on the scene but they never made it to their target. One is heading back to Pearl along with some of its escorts. On the bright side the Japs tried to raid San Cristolbal and also paid the price.


Air attack on TF at 43,42

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 33
SBD Dauntless x 41
P-39D Airacobra x 27
P-40E Warhawk x 14

Allied aircraft losses
SBD Dauntless x 3 destroyed
SBD Dauntless x 6 damaged

Japanese Ships
BB Hiei, Bomb hits 3, on fire
CA Mikuma, Shell hits 4, Bomb hits 2, on fire
CA Kumano, Shell hits 4
DD Harusame, Shell hits 4
CA Chokai

Air attack on TF at 43,42

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 42
SBD Dauntless x 38
P-39D Airacobra x 38
P-40E Warhawk x 16

Allied aircraft losses
SBD Dauntless x 5 damaged

Japanese Ships
CA Mikuma, on fire
DD Asagiri
CA Kumano, Bomb hits 1
CA Chokai
BB Hiei, Bomb hits 2, on fire

Night Time Surface Combat, near Irau at 42,43

Japanese Ships
BB Hiei, on fire
CA Chokai
CA Mikuma, on fire
CA Kumano
DD Akitsuki
DD Harusame
DD Asagiri

Allied Ships
PT 162, Shell hits 2, and is sunk

Night Time Surface Combat, near Irau at 42,43

Japanese Ships
BB Hiei, Shell hits 8, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
CA Chokai
CA Mikuma, Shell hits 13, on fire
CA Kumano, Shell hits 1
DD Akitsuki
DD Harusame
DD Asagiri

Allied Ships
PT 121, Shell hits 24, and is sunk
PT 142
PT 149, Shell hits 10, and is sunk
PT 150
PT 151
PT 157
PT 159
PT 167
(Note: Second time a PT got a hit on a BB)


Naval bombardment of Irau, at 42,43

Allied aircraft

Allied aircraft losses
P-39D Airacobra x 5 destroyed
P-39D Airacobra x 10 damaged
P-40E Warhawk x 2 destroyed
P-40E Warhawk x 6 damaged
F4F-4 Wildcat x 2 destroyed
F4F-4 Wildcat x 12 damaged
PBY Catalina x 2 destroyed
PBY Catalina x 6 damaged
SBD Dauntless x 1 destroyed
SBD Dauntless x 1 damaged

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 85

Airbase hits 18
Airbase supply hits 3
Runway hits 66

Crocky -> (5/30/2002 4:46:34 AM)

Kid tried to raid Shortland with a couple of older battleships with the result that the had to get a lot closer before they could commence their run in and came under attack from LBA

Air attack on TF at 30,42

Japanese aircraft
A6M3 Zero x 9
D3A Val x 7
B5N Kate x 21

Japanese aircraft losses
D3A Val x 1 destroyed
D3A Val x 7 damaged
B5N Kate x 5 destroyed
B5N Kate x 18 damaged

Allied Ships
BB Indiana, Torpedo hits 2, on fire
DD Mullany, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
CL Cleveland
DD Laffey, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage

Air attack on TF at 30,42

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 15
A6M3 Zero x 5
D3A Val x 10
G3M Nell x 6
G4M1 Betty x 13

Japanese aircraft losses
D3A Val x 7 damaged
G3M Nell x 7 damaged
G4M1 Betty x 1 destroyed
G4M1 Betty x 11 damaged

Allied Ships
DD Radford, Torpedo hits 1
BB Maryland
CA Chester, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage
DD Laffey, heavy damage
DD Mullany, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
BB Indiana, Torpedo hits 1, on fire

siRkid -> New Flash (5/30/2002 11:40:49 PM)

CDR W. Myer has been awarded the Navy Cross for his actions on the night of 01/02/03


Sub attack near Truk at 20,2

Japanese Ships
AP Myoko Maru, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
SS Gato

Sub attack near Truk at 20,2

Japanese Ships
AP Myoko Maru, Shell hits 20, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
SS Gato, Shell hits 1

Sub attack near Truk at 20,2

Japanese Ships
AP Enju Maru, Shell hits 14, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
SS Gato, Shell hits 1

Sub attack near Truk at 20,2

Japanese Ships
AP Enju Maru, Shell hits 5, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
SS Gato, Shell hits 5

Sub attack near Truk at 20,2

Japanese Ships
AP Brazil Maru, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
SS Gato


Happy Ney Year Crocky!

Crocky -> (6/7/2002 5:31:23 AM)

300 days gone in this campaign time for an update shortly

Slaughtermeyer -> (6/8/2002 11:15:59 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Crocky
[B]300 days gone in this campaign time for an update shortly [/B][/QUOTE]

Because the passwords are not encrypted, it might not be too much of a risk to post actual turn files and combat replay files from your geme. If one or both of you wanted to cheat by looking at the other guy's position it could have easily been done by now. The only real risk you might take is that you might see someone post something like: "Hey Crocky, I think now's the right time to commit that TF you've been hiding just out of search plane range."

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