Production (Full Version)

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Viking67 -> Production (11/16/2008 4:27:34 PM)

Why is it nearly impossible to produce units in St. Louis, D.C., Baltimore, and a few others?

Example: There is factory and manpower capacity in St. Louis. I select a riverboat to produce. The riverboat progrsses month after month, then the month it is scheduled to complete, suddenly you have no manpower??? Why?

Joel Billings -> RE: Production (11/16/2008 8:45:37 PM)

Check the rules about population in border states. You'll see that you usually get little, if any, depending on the status of the state. I think the rules are in section 15 somewhere (I don't have a copy of the manual with me at the moment, hopefully someone else can point out the exact section). Border states should be used for supply production with only 1 unit at most in production, and only if the state is aligned with your side so you'll be getting some population over time.

GShock -> RE: Production (11/17/2008 9:18:39 AM)

Build a transport in DC and a Gunboat in St. Louis then put them on hold when they get to the next month in the queue. As soon as u see 3 pop, unpause them. It's like Joel said, you will hardly ever build anything at all in these places but supply. 

Treefrog -> RE: Production (11/17/2008 5:48:18 PM)

GShock is spot on.
I once got carried away with the production capacity of Maryland and built my ironclad fleet there on turn one, thinking they wouldn't have far to travel to subdue those pesky rebs.

Time came for them to arrive and much to my chagrin I noticed -18 or something like that on the population. I read the rules and saw I had made a terrible mistake. I delayed the production of 5 of the 6 and eventually got the one.

Part of the texture of this game is learning the little things like population's effect on unit creation.

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