jspec -> RE: Wacht am Rhein 4.50.5b Beta (2/14/2009 6:51:55 PM)
hi andrew - Ok, I'll post once in a while to keep anyone who might be interested updated, that's a good point. Not sure what you mean by "those settings" fixing lock-ups, if you mean turning on or off aa/af I've already tried that and either way (on, off, application controlled) there is no difference, the game locks up. It's confusing as to why that would even matter, since tech support said they were in contact with the developer, and that's who the excerpt above was from (saying that it shouldn't mattter what the aa/af settings were on). I read through that linked thread, seems like if what I am experiencing is in fact the heat problem, for whatever reason the beta patch does not fix it for me (but it did for the people posting). I'll do some more testing and try to remember to keep alt/tabbing out of the game to check temps. Don't know if I mentioned this (or if it matters), but I purchased close combat cross of iron recently and have no problems at all playing through scenarios.