wheelsboy -> Next Patch Priorities - Combat Resolution Needs Work! (11/21/2008 2:43:08 PM)
Having played with the game for a week now, I think it is safe to say that the extremely poor design of the combat resolution screen is detracting from what is otherwise (potentially) a great game. I think the fix is easy: 1. Combat Results should be shown in a pop-up box after each round instead of in random locations on the screen in red text like now. That way one could look at the results and understand what happened. 2. The end-of-battle combat summary should show the results from each round. It would be simple and look like this (a hypothetical Russian 4 round attack): Round 1: 1-1 Result, Russian II Corps reduced, German VIII Corps reduced Round 2: 2-M Result, Russian XXX Corps OOC, German XIX Corps Disorg Round 3: 2-0 Result, Russian II Corps Eliminated Round 4: M-1 Result, Russian XIV Corps Shaken, German VIII Corps OOC Russian Losses = 7 Russian RP Used = 3 Russian MUN Used = 0 German Losses = 4 German RP Used = 3 German MUN Used = 4 Without this information players are going to just fly blind and not understand how combat works, or how to plan for it in future turns. This data has to be in the game, so why not provide it after the battle ends? This game's combat system is ALL ABOUT RP, Losses, and MUN management, so players need the data. For a "Large Battle" (with 2 sub-battles), it could be shown like this: Round 1A: 1-1 Result, RU XI Corps Reduced, GE XXII Corps Reduced Round 1B: M-M Result, RU III Corps OOC, GE XVI Corps Shaken -Doug