RE: spouse issues? (Full Version)

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Chad Harrison -> RE: spouse issues? (11/24/2008 11:56:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: SS Hauptsturmfuhrer

. . .

Do you married gamers reckon it is worth getting married? 

. . .

As has been mentioned above, video games/board games/pen and paper and so on are a hobby. No different than being a sports fan, or a TV fan, or a book fan, or a movie fan. Its what we do in our free time. Its something fun that we look forward to as an escape from the hardships of life. I dont care who you are, you need your 'crash' time. Games just happen to be what we choose to fill that time.

This is just my two bits, but concerns about gaming should not hold you back from seeking a spouse. If you have other reasons, thats fine and none of our business. Not to mention, its most likely a much larger, personal decision that anyone is 100% entitled too. But your hobby and your spouse can certainly co-exist and that should not be a concern going into a relationship. As long as your hobby is in moderation [:)]

As for marriage in general, I have been married for nearly eight years and have three kids. Best decision(s) I have ever made in my life. My wife and my kids are my best friends.

Again, just my opinion.


E -> RE: spouse issues? (11/25/2008 12:10:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: Jeffrey H.

Marriage is not about gaming. I think us gamers tend to blur the lines on that one. Gaming is a hobby and one that can become so obsessive that a man will lose sight of more important parts of life. Marriage is about a partnership for life and always has to be at the top of the list in terms of importance.

What's the matter with you?! Do you realize what you're saying?! Snap out of it man!

Gem35 -> RE: spouse issues? (11/25/2008 12:19:52 AM)

Co-dependant wives will give you grief about playing games, spending time with friends or (insert activity here).
I feel sorry for those of you who have this problem.
I divorced it 10 years ago. Problem solved.
A truly working and loving marriage seldom will have these types of problems because both are independant, not co-dependant.[:)]

sabre1 -> RE: spouse issues? (11/25/2008 2:35:19 AM)

Yep Gem35, that was my last one, a Co-dependent Borderline personality.  I was lucky to get out alive (literally).  I must say it cured me for life.  I now trust no one of the opposite sex. 

BoredStiff -> RE: spouse issues? (11/25/2008 3:03:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: sabre1

Yep Gem35, that was my last one, a Co-dependent Borderline personality.  I was lucky to get out alive (literally).  I must say it cured me for life.  I now trust no one of the opposite sex. 

That also explains your screenname and avatar.

SS Hauptsturmfuhrer -> RE: spouse issues? (11/25/2008 4:36:45 AM)

Lots of good and bad experiences posted.  I guess it just matters how close the woman's interests and thinking style are to the man's.   I only ever met one who was similar to me and like the first time we met at her friend's house she said she was totally into martial arts.  I asked her to show me her goods and then we were like sparring and wrestling for the next hour while her friends watched in shock and awe.  Then she took me to a jujitsu class and I started learning MMA with her.   Soon after that she broke up with her boyfriend and the situation developed from there. 

NefariousKoel -> RE: spouse issues? (11/25/2008 5:38:53 AM)



Co-dependant wives will give you grief about playing games, spending time with friends or (insert activity here).
I feel sorry for those of you who have this problem.
I divorced it 10 years ago. Problem solved.
A truly working and loving marriage seldom will have these types of problems because both are independant, not co-dependant.[:)]

The first is painful, the second that you put forth is a business partnership.

Either way, they got papers on you. I'm not impressed with either, as Hertsie alluded to.

Grell -> RE: spouse issues? (11/25/2008 7:36:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: mantrain

Just wondering if anyone has issues from wife re- game play. My wife would rather me wnot playing and does not understand the redeeming value of these games. It's just "killing soldiers." How do you guys explain it, to get the wife in line with the "higher cause."? thanks.

My wife doesn't care if I play all day because I've got HD and it keeps my mind off it.



SS Hauptsturmfuhrer -> RE: spouse issues? (11/25/2008 8:38:07 AM)




ORIGINAL: mantrain

Just wondering if anyone has issues from wife re- game play. My wife would rather me wnot playing and does not understand the redeeming value of these games. It's just "killing soldiers." How do you guys explain it, to get the wife in line with the "higher cause."? thanks.

My wife doesn't care if I play all day because I've got HD and it keeps my mind off it.



What his HD? I'm abreviationally challenged. I tried to figure it out and all that comes to mind is Hoover Dam but I doubt that's it.

Zap -> RE: spouse issues? (11/25/2008 1:30:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: mantrain

Just wondering if anyone has issues from wife re- game play. My wife would rather me wnot playing and does not understand the redeeming value of these games. It's just "killing soldiers." How do you guys explain it, to get the wife in line with the "higher cause."? thanks.

Tell her, these games are really Learning history about men who served there country. The lessons you are learnig by your hobby teach you much better than a TV war movie would do. Tell her, the hobby has increased your patriotism. Tell her, by playing these games you feel that your appreciation for your freedoms: right to worship, right to pursue happiness, family values has and will continue to increase.

BoredStiff -> RE: spouse issues? (11/25/2008 4:09:35 PM)

I think simply turning the speaker volume down (or off) would greatly lessen the irritating effect some wargames might have on the significant others nearby, what without the constant rat-a-tat-tat of machine guns, various explosion sounds, the klaxons of diving submarines, the droning of bombers and the screams of dying men and beasts and the wailings of their women.

Kuokkanen -> RE: spouse issues? (11/25/2008 7:37:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: sterckxe


ORIGINAL: Matti Kuokkanen
I wonder why Marc got married and how does he get along with wife and games... Please, tell us!

You'd need to ask him

What, doesn't he read this topic?

Perturabo -> RE: spouse issues? (11/26/2008 1:41:57 AM)

Wargaming allows to escape from the horrors of peace.

Jeffrey H. -> RE: spouse issues? (11/26/2008 3:50:28 AM)




ORIGINAL: Jeffrey H.

Marriage is not about gaming. I think us gamers tend to blur the lines on that one. Gaming is a hobby and one that can become so obsessive that a man will lose sight of more important parts of life. Marriage is about a partnership for life and always has to be at the top of the list in terms of importance.

What's the matter with you?! Do you realize what you're saying?! Snap out of it man!

Sshh ! Wife was looking over my shoulder....

SS Hauptsturmfuhrer -> RE: spouse issues? (11/26/2008 6:29:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: Perturabo

Wargaming allows us to escape the horrors of peace.

This is good. You should put it in your signature.

noxious -> RE: spouse issues? (11/26/2008 6:35:39 PM)

Incidentally, you should change your nick, it's against forum regulations and some European laws. 

Kuokkanen -> RE: spouse issues? (11/26/2008 6:37:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: noxious

Incidentally, you should change your nick, it's against forum regulations and some European laws. 

Unless forum server is in that part of Europe...

Mark VII -> RE: spouse issues? (11/26/2008 9:19:08 PM)

As long as I get "my" house and yard work done everything is OK with playing. I even get the "honey, you have a turn" comment when she finds a recently arrived turn in Email.


ORIGINAL: mantrain
Just wondering if anyone has issues from wife re- game play. My wife would rather me wnot playing and does not understand the redeeming value of these games. It's just "killing soldiers." How do you guys explain it, to get the wife in line with the "higher cause."? thanks.

06 Maestro -> RE: spouse issues? (11/26/2008 10:03:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: noxious

Incidentally, you should change your nick, it's against forum regulations and some European laws. 

Aren't nuclear subs banned in New Zealand and a few other countries? I think you should change your avatar immediately (I am not a moderator, so I am only suggesting-not telling you). Even if it is not a nuclear sub in your photo, it looks close enough to be a real one. You could go to jail in some countries for having one of those![8|]

Are you one of those dangerous radicals or somthin??

06 Maestro -> RE: spouse issues? (11/26/2008 10:06:20 PM)

Wives are a good thing most of the time[:)]. If you can get one that allows for some individual "space", get one. I did, and it has been good for 20 years.[X(]

SlickWilhelm -> RE: spouse issues? (11/26/2008 11:00:41 PM)

When I was married, my wife soon realized that a man needs balance in his life. She realized that it was better to have me a room away living out my online gaming hobby instead of out at the bar or at a strip club. The key for me was to be attentive to her needs and to not let the gaming consume me.

Unfortunately, the marriage did not survive for other now I'm a single father and can game as much as I want on my off week when my son is away living with his mom. I still have my priorities in the correct alignment, though: being a good father to my son comes first, with the gaming second.

Perturabo -> RE: spouse issues? (11/28/2008 11:00:59 PM)

I'm wondering...
No one here married a hardcore gamer?

I mean, one of those?

Ike99 -> RE: spouse issues? (11/29/2008 2:21:02 AM)


Incidentally, you should change your nick, it's against forum regulations and some European laws.

That is a good issue you bring up noxious. I don´t believe having ¨SS¨ in a screen name or Nazi symbol in a screen name is against forum regulations.

If this is against European law I don´t know either. I have the understanding Nazi symbols are allowed in a historical context. I would think historical wargames would fit the description of ¨historical context¨

If not. I´m sure this picture will be removed moderator.


Kuokkanen -> RE: spouse issues? (11/29/2008 10:55:21 AM)




Incidentally, you should change your nick, it's against forum regulations and some European laws.

That is a good issue you bring up noxious. I don´t believe having ¨SS¨ in a screen name or Nazi symbol in a screen name is against forum regulations.

If this is against European law I don´t know either.

I know: it's banned in Germany... or at least used to. There's been some censoring in Finland too, at least in last millennia. As for games, many WW2 era flight sims that include Finland's front doesn't have Von Rosen cross (blue swastika on white background), that was adopted as symbol of Finnish Air Force in 1918-1945. Vanilla IL-2 Sturmovik is one of these.

Perturabo -> RE: spouse issues? (11/29/2008 1:32:59 PM)

I find such ahistorical games offensive - they often promote false prejudices (like in cas of swastikas on finnish planes) or are trying to whitewash history - like removing Nazi symbols from army of Nazi Germany. 

EUBanana -> RE: spouse issues? (11/29/2008 3:40:37 PM)

My beloved is entirely understanding.  In fact sometimes I do a WITP turn but forget to email it (things are rushed in the morning).  On such occasions if she's in the house (she works shifts) she will send it for me if I ask.  She even knows where the file goes! [:D]

Kuokkanen -> RE: spouse issues? (11/29/2008 5:03:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: Perturabo

I find such ahistorical games offensive - they often promote false prejudices (like in cas of swastikas on finnish planes)

There was an excuse with Warbirds: avoid confusion... or something like that. In WB blue swastika was replaced with army (ground force) symbol of blue circle edging white center. I can well imagine some foreigner seeing Messerschmitt with blue swastikas and saying aloud: "Who are flying those things!?" Ahistorical, definitely, otherwise... dunno [8|]

Arctic Blast -> RE: spouse issues? (11/29/2008 10:08:45 PM)



My beloved is entirely understanding.  In fact sometimes I do a WITP turn but forget to email it (things are rushed in the morning).  On such occasions if she's in the house (she works shifts) she will send it for me if I ask.  She even knows where the file goes! [:D]

[X(] have you achieved such a startling marital victory?!


Perturabo -> RE: spouse issues? (11/30/2008 12:04:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: Matti Kuokkanen


ORIGINAL: Perturabo

I find such ahistorical games offensive - they often promote false prejudices (like in cas of swastikas on finnish planes)

There was an excuse with Warbirds: avoid confusion... or something like that. In WB blue swastika was replaced with army (ground force) symbol of blue circle edging white center. I can well imagine some foreigner seeing Messerschmitt with blue swastikas and saying aloud: "Who are flying those things!?" Ahistorical, definitely, otherwise... dunno [8|]

I think that it's quite easy to write about it in game manual[8|].

E -> RE: spouse issues? (11/30/2008 4:17:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: Jeffrey H.




ORIGINAL: Jeffrey H.

Marriage is not about gaming. I think us gamers tend to blur the lines on that one. Gaming is a hobby and one that can become so obsessive that a man will lose sight of more important parts of life. Marriage is about a partnership for life and always has to be at the top of the list in terms of importance.

What's the matter with you?! Do you realize what you're saying?! Snap out of it man!

Sshh ! Wife was looking over my shoulder....

You mean you're replying in this thread when she's awake?!?! Don't you have a lock on your computer room door?!?!

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