Chad Harrison -> RE: spouse issues? (11/24/2008 11:56:54 PM)
ORIGINAL: SS Hauptsturmfuhrer . . . Do you married gamers reckon it is worth getting married? . . . As has been mentioned above, video games/board games/pen and paper and so on are a hobby. No different than being a sports fan, or a TV fan, or a book fan, or a movie fan. Its what we do in our free time. Its something fun that we look forward to as an escape from the hardships of life. I dont care who you are, you need your 'crash' time. Games just happen to be what we choose to fill that time. This is just my two bits, but concerns about gaming should not hold you back from seeking a spouse. If you have other reasons, thats fine and none of our business. Not to mention, its most likely a much larger, personal decision that anyone is 100% entitled too. But your hobby and your spouse can certainly co-exist and that should not be a concern going into a relationship. As long as your hobby is in moderation [:)] As for marriage in general, I have been married for nearly eight years and have three kids. Best decision(s) I have ever made in my life. My wife and my kids are my best friends. Again, just my opinion. Chad