iamspamus -> A mish-mosh of musings, suggestions, and issues (12/2/2008 1:36:26 AM)
Hey ME and all, So, I was playing as France, killed everything and conquered all, and then am currently playing Austria. Here are some comments and such, in no particular order. 1. Still think that Turkey should control Dardanelles access. They did. Make it a specific access request like other land requests.[8D] 2. Is it in the works to get rid of the bug that says you can't reach a minor? Or at least make it a note not a hindrance? I have had two issues with it. --a. I have a fully loaded transport ready to invade and errrrrrcchhhhh, can't do it. --b. Built a depot on a previous land turn. Purchased troops and an empty corps. During Reinf phase, I'll place the corps and new troops to sneakily dow the minor. But alas, I get the damn "Can't dow" message. So, I place the troops and corps down to dow the FOLLOWING turn, but on the same turn France also dows the minor (hadn't for 8 months) causing me to go to war...bollocks. [:D] 3. Was playing Turkey - I marched an army from Trip towards Cyrenacia placing depots as I went. Then advanced a corps from Egypt. Combined them to attack the stupid Cyrenacians and of course lost the battle (twice!). But the dumb thing was that it retreated me toward Egypt and AWAY from my depot. Huh? Trip was closer than Cairo, so that shouldn't factor in. [&:] 4. Am I correct in noting that if ONE guy forages then the rest of the force can't assault? If so, that is pretty rubbish. [:-] So, as France to make sure this doesn't happen, I have to go around and auto siege 30 units? What am I missing? 5. Small pet peeve. When fighting a battle and losing...I know, I know. It so RARELY happens, [8|] but anyway, if you click on a cav line on a unit, you get a pop-up stating that you have to pick a cav first. So, then you have to close that and hit cav then continue on. Whereas at other times you can just mouse over a units strength type (mil, inf, or cav) and click to reduce them. If it's automatic that you have to lose a cav first, why not just have the cav button chosen? 6. Playing the Austrians fighting the UBER-TURKS (see other thread: Death to Turkey) - The Turks were blockaded into Constantinople by the dirty Russians. I was besieging Const and finally broke in there. Next thing I knew the Turkish fleet was in Smyrna. Are they not scuttled? It is possible that they fought a battle and won. Is that the case? 7. On another note, why the heck does the AI use a light fleet to blockade a "real" fleet with heavies? Example: Whole French and Dutch fleet in Toulon blockaded by one lone British fleet or the whole Turkish fleet blockaded by one lone Russian fleet. AND they just sit there…not killing the blockading fleet. That would be ground meat to me. 8. I had a question on the placement and use of the Insurrection corps, but it is being answered on another thread. Well, it’s 1:30am, so I’m off to bed. Thanks for all of the hard work, ME. [&o] Jason