problem with sniper weapon (Full Version)

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Koloret -> problem with sniper weapon (12/11/2008 6:32:10 PM)

first sorry by my english if cannot explain sucesfully wit the bug.
i have experienced a issue when a merc. with sniper rifle its as follow:
a merc. its looking at 12 oclock (i assure they have shoth in the last turn a enemy there) and still there but cannot see it again if dont make a counter clock wise turn of 90 degrees that supouse a waste of 4 AP points to make the turn then i see the target again
but for fire it again they have to stand in the good direction so i have to waste again 4 points in rotate 90 degrees again.
( if a sniper rifle its the most costly weapon in make a shot i ask how many AP's have to have a sniper soldier to make 2 shots betwen turn of game at the same target in the same place?.).
imagine that above if the snipper its prone (they cant do any shot).
have anyone experinced this please this its a maddness for me.

VassagoPT -> RE: problem with sniper weapon (12/11/2008 7:03:11 PM)

From what I understood seams like something that happens to me with Vampire with Enfield rifle.
Don't worry, even if the target doesn't show red the merc is still seeing him, so just shoot away without wasting precious APs ;)
But yes, thats obviously a bug.
Also, after deployment in the train station, if I have an Enfield equiped on Vampire he appears with a severe graphic glitch, but when I switch the weapon on and off with "s" the graphic issue disapears.

Joram -> RE: problem with sniper weapon (12/11/2008 7:24:47 PM)

Agreed, I experience this too where they say they can't see something, you turn and then turn back (or alternatively it can be cheaper to kneel than stand again) and magically you can see the person again.  Part of the problem is the camera angle makes it very difficult to be sure there isn't something in the way but if you're certain it's clear, I'd do as Vassago said and just tell him to fire again without turning him.  They will fire at a target they can't see (theoretically or otherwise) if you click twice in a row on the target.

Koloret -> RE: problem with sniper weapon (12/11/2008 7:42:46 PM)

thx to you for answer so quickly but problem its there no phisical target to fire at
so i have to change angle 90 degrees left to get a target to fire i mean im firing at very long range where no others mercs can see

Koloret -> RE: problem with sniper weapon (12/11/2008 7:44:51 PM)

i mean itts like the scope of the sniper rifle seem 90 degrees wrong

Koloret -> RE: problem with sniper weapon (12/11/2008 7:47:04 PM)

i mean its like the scope of a sniper rifle have a deviation rigth of 90 degrees

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