'No Name' Leaders: (Full Version)

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AbsntMndedProf -> 'No Name' Leaders: (4/26/2002 9:29:31 PM)

In MCLV I've noticed that several replacement units have leaders with no names, just a blank space after their grade. ???

Eric Maietta

Grenadier -> (4/26/2002 10:05:04 PM)

This was resolved in the patches. have you installed them and started over as suggested?

AbsntMndedProf -> (4/28/2002 10:53:05 PM)

Yes, I've downloaded and installed all the upgrades up to, and including the Kohlkoze fix.

Eric Maietta

RedMike -> (5/7/2002 9:26:44 AM)

I'm experiencing the same thing. Presently playing node 9 scen 28
and several of my leaders are nameless. Also low ratings in teens and twenties. All patched up but no still no names. Tried campfix but does not list a lot of units so can't fix them.

Paulus Pak -> (5/7/2002 11:43:11 PM)

I have the same problem, some units with nameless commanders.

RedMike -> (5/8/2002 2:11:30 AM)

Yes! And very low rally, Inf, arty, & Arm ratings too. 0's, teens, and twenties. Needs a new patch!!!

Gen.Hoepner -> (5/8/2002 7:20:50 AM)

Me too.The old same problem of lost leader.

JMAC -> Lost Leaders (5/9/2002 12:47:01 AM)

Love the program and North Africa campaign. But the lost leader glich makes it very difficult to enjoy.

I have completely reloaded MCNA and the upgrades to 7.1 and have tried several different campaign paths. I get the lost leaders problem no matter which path I take.

Has anyone heard if Matrix is going to address this issue with a patch? This appears to be a serious ongoing problem by the numerous post regarding this issue. For me none of the upgrades and patches have eliminated the problem.

Supervisor -> (5/9/2002 10:11:26 AM)

The lost leader issue in MCNA will be with us until the core.dat file is redone so it mates with the newest SPWAW game engine (mech.exe file) and the updated OOB's. This was the issue with LV forcing the core.dat file to be redone to try to correct this issue as best as possible within its means. Even then it won't be perfect because of the the way the original game code was written, in it's origianl formats it was never intended for battles to be ongoing and branching the way they do now carrying leaders from battle to battle. Single scenario' is how it was originally designed. Even the best attempts with the LV core.dat file still leave some minor issues such as rankless leaders. This will always plague SPWAW, it's one of those minors flaws we all have to live with and overcome.

Paulus Pak -> (5/9/2002 4:55:08 PM)

Thx gmenfan for describing the problem. Well, rankless or nameless leaders don't make impossible to play SPWaW, so I think, we have to live with it ;))

AbsntMndedProf -> (5/9/2002 8:33:38 PM)

What Paulus said! If that is the worst thing we have to deal with, I'm a very happy camper. :D

Eric Maietta

RedMike -> (5/9/2002 10:55:55 PM)

Thanks once again, gmenfan!! I can live with it...How about the CampFixer utility? I can fix up some leaders, but not all are listed; Only up to 32. Would be nice if that could be made to work for all leaders in a LV scenario. I gotta tell you, these mega campaigns are a blast!!!

Supervisor -> (5/10/2002 4:03:48 AM)

I think the individual who created the MCNA camp fixer was going to try and create one for LV, but the lost leader issued got resolved with updated patches leaving us with the random rankless leader instead. We'll see

Anthony_MatrixForum -> Info req to update campfixer for LV (5/20/2002 7:07:07 AM)


I still need to know the number of leaders that are in the core
force for LV. I can change the number of displayed leaders, but due to the poor performance of the free components that the program uses - I have to keep the number of leaders as small as possible.

(Does anyone know of a free, well behaved grid-box OCX with easy to use editing capabilities?, I am using ubgrid at the moment:-)

MC-WT seems to have less leaders that MCNA so that should
be covered, but on my one look at MCLV it seemed to have 120+ leaders - that did not seem right....


RedMike -> LV Core force Leader count (5/20/2002 7:27:58 AM)


By my count using Spwaweditor there are 60 leaders in the LV core force. Hope that helps!!!

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