PBEM Question (Full Version)

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Mark Breed -> PBEM Question (12/31/2008 4:51:29 PM)

The AACW Wiki site indicates the following:

"Host resolves turn
The hosting player saves the .ORD file received from his opponent into the appropriate directory and loads the game again. He now clicks on "end turn" to launch the turn resolution, where all orders are then executed. A new turn is now ready to start. Go back to step # 2 ("Host sends TRN file to opponent") and repeat.

Note: The non-hosting player doesn’t get to “play back” his opponent’s turn. However, he can check the turn’s message log to see what has occurred during the turn."

Does this mean that the non-host player cannot see what happened in the turn and, if so, what impact have players noticed? As it stands right now, this is a killer for me and I won't be buying the game based on this one statement.


Arsan -> RE: PBEM Question (12/31/2008 6:41:26 PM)


Yes, the non hoster cannot see the actual movements. But every battle or event on the turn generate a clickable message on the in game log that let you check what has happened on the turn and see details about battles and events.

On the newest AGEOD game (Wars in america) it was implemented a Replay turn system that allowed the non host to also see everything that happens on the turn, just like the host does.
The good news is that on the recent beta patch 1.12 (RC5) for AACW this new Replay function has been retrofitted to AACW. [&o]
So from now on, host and not host will have the same info on AACW too! [;)] 

Mark Breed -> RE: PBEM Question (12/31/2008 7:50:02 PM)

Thanks. That is good news.

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