Windows Vista (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [American Civil War] >> American Civil War – The Blue and the Gray


hdaleb -> Windows Vista (12/31/2008 11:00:32 PM)

I just received ACW - The Blue & Gray 1861-1865. Will it run on Windows Vista. The box says Window 2000 & XP. Thanks

Arsan -> RE: Windows Vista (1/1/2009 11:41:05 AM)


Yes it works on Vista too. No problem.
Only that Vista likes to store saved games on a different location instead of on the game installation folder.
Here there is a link with info on how to find the saves (you will need them for PBEM games for example)

Other way is install the game directly on C:/ instead than on the Program files windows folder. That way Vista will not mess with the saved game location.


Gray_Lensman -> RE: Windows Vista (2/3/2009 9:17:04 AM)

Yes, Arsan is quite right. Also see post #7 of this thread:

Yogi the Great -> RE: Windows Vista (4/1/2009 5:21:36 PM)

Say, Gray-Lensman

Nice of you to post your picture, I always wanted to know who that guy was on the commercials and if he was really as happy as he appeared to be.  Must be nice having all those women fawn over you.[sm=innocent0009.gif]

Gray_Lensman -> RE: Windows Vista (4/3/2009 5:20:03 AM)

LOL... Don't I wish I had women fawning all over me, NOT... Too old... It'd probably kill me.

However, I do get a kick out of the commercials and the avatar does indeed stand out.

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