RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (Full Version)

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Titanwarrior89 -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/6/2009 11:14:49 PM)

I second that[;)]

I don't think there was any intention to pretend that the 101st was the only unit in the ETO. When you're following a single company within a division though, I don't see how you're going to get a picture of the war that doesn't focus on their perspective.

Personally, I'm extremely glad that we're getting any kind of work of this quality still being done on WWII.


- Erik


pasternakski -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/6/2009 11:16:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd
I'm hoping Tom and Steven get together to remake some of the epics...

I despise Spielberg movies. I am a founding member of the "I Hated 'Saving Private Ryan' Club," which needed a new identity after the "I Hated 'Dances With Wolves' Club" ran out of gas (don't get me started on Kevin "Worst Actor Ever and Even Worse Director" Costner).

Tom Hanks? Please. Couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag. Almost as bad as Tom Cruise.

Now, for a total disaster, how about resurrecting George Lucas's career for a shot at a good version of "Starship Troopers"?

And the director of the "Hellboy" movies in charge of "The Hobbit"? Gawd help me. Peter "Let's Make 10 Hours of Movies Where At Least Eight Hours Are Spent With the Camera Staring Into the Faces of Actors Far Too Pretty For Their Roles" Jackson was bad enough...

goodwoodrw -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/7/2009 12:14:36 AM)

You're gotta like some people for their consistency. [:D][:D][:D]

Jeffrey H. -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/7/2009 4:00:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: pasternakski


ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd
I'm hoping Tom and Steven get together to remake some of the epics...

I despise Spielberg movies. I am a founding member of the "I Hated 'Saving Private Ryan' Club," which needed a new identity after the "I Hated 'Dances With Wolves' Club" ran out of gas (don't get me started on Kevin "Worst Actor Ever and Even Worse Director" Costner).

Tom Hanks? Please. Couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag. Almost as bad as Tom Cruise.

Now, for a total disaster, how about resurrecting George Lucas's career for a shot at a good version of "Starship Troopers"?

And the director of the "Hellboy" movies in charge of "The Hobbit"? Gawd help me. Peter "Let's Make 10 Hours of Movies Where At Least Eight Hours Are Spent With the Camera Staring Into the Faces of Actors Far Too Pretty For Their Roles" Jackson was bad enough...

I thought "The Postman" was kinda alright, although DwW pretty much put Costner on my permaban list. He was pretty good in that cowboy shoot'em up with Robert Duvall. Well maybe not pretty good but I didn't hate him for it. He was ok and almost believeable in Tin Cup.

Yes, a good version of SST is really needed.

JudgeDredd -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/7/2009 7:38:30 AM)




ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd

They would do a good job, though. It's only Hollywood that screws it up!

Just like the film about the Capture of the Enigma Machine off the U Boat?[:D][:D][:D]

That wasn't Tom Hamks and Steven Speilberg....I specifically wanted those two. God knows if The Battle of Britain remake was to be made by Hollywood, it would be about an understrength airforce in New York being besieged to the point of annihilation by the Luftwaffe before the Wermacht try and amphibious assault on the US Eastern sea board!!! [:'(]

Man...did I just explain a game of HoI2??? [:D]

JudgeDredd -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/7/2009 7:40:45 AM)



Hey guys,

As I was searching the web for information on The Pacific I found this thread and figured I would let you know the preview has been uploaded to Youtube again. It can be seen here:

The clip from The Pacific starts about 3 minutes into the video.

For anyone looking for more information on the mini-series I run a group on Facebook which currently has almost 500 members. I keep the group updated with just about any news I find on the series. There are also quite a few photos from the production as well as real life photos in the picture section. Anyway, feel free to join if you are on Facebook. Here is the link:

"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Seven Network"

Way to go copyright for promotion at that! Arseholes. [&o]

sterckxe -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/7/2009 8:15:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: Terminus
It Ain't Half Hot Mom was another one...

Now, *that* was a long time ago - those "indian" proverbs cracked me up each time [;)]


Eddy Sterckx

anarchyintheuk -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/7/2009 8:11:43 PM)




ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd

They would do a good job, though. It's only Hollywood that screws it up!

Just like the film about the Capture of the Enigma Machine off the U Boat?[:D][:D][:D]

To their credit, they only got the time, location, manner and people involved wrong on that one. [;)]

madgamer2 -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/7/2009 10:41:13 PM)

I think there was a line from the movie "Das Boot" which on of the characters says"life on a sub is long periods of boredom between short periods of shear terror", or something to that effect. I think your right about WW 2 or any war for that matter. Unless your there its hard to describe or define.


morvwilson -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/9/2009 8:35:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: pasternakski


ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd
I'm hoping Tom and Steven get together to remake some of the epics...

I despise Spielberg movies. I am a founding member of the "I Hated 'Saving Private Ryan' Club," which needed a new identity after the "I Hated 'Dances With Wolves' Club" ran out of gas (don't get me started on Kevin "Worst Actor Ever and Even Worse Director" Costner).

Tom Hanks? Please. Couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag. Almost as bad as Tom Cruise.

Now, for a total disaster, how about resurrecting George Lucas's career for a shot at a good version of "Starship Troopers"?

And the director of the "Hellboy" movies in charge of "The Hobbit"? Gawd help me. Peter "Let's Make 10 Hours of Movies Where At Least Eight Hours Are Spent With the Camera Staring Into the Faces of Actors Far Too Pretty For Their Roles" Jackson was bad enough...

Been a while since my last post, but there is something here I have to object to.
Kevin Costner can't be the worst actor in the business.
What about Keanu Reeves?

KG Erwin -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/9/2009 10:29:47 PM)

To get my thread back on topic, I can upload the trailer on sendspace if anyone is interested. BTW, the latest news is that the series won't be aired until 2010. This one is gonna be much bigger (production-wise) than "Band of Brothers", so I'm not surprised. To give you an idea on what it takes to make a 10-hour series, the primary filming started in 2007.

Military advisor Dale Dye gave some hints on the scope of this production in his blog : see

RyanCrierie -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/10/2009 3:59:06 AM)


Band of Brothers was propaganda , USMC grabbing glory in the post WWII media ……….[8|]



As for Ryan C's comments, he apparently has a Eurocentric viewpoint of WWII.

Actually, the airborne divisions were the most egregious offenders in the ETO; they spent large parts of the war undergoing "training/rest/refitting" at regular intervals.

To give you an example; the One Oh Worst arrived on the night of 5 June in Normandy and after a mere 38 days in the line, pulled out on 13 July to England, where they spent 66 days doing well, nothing, until they dropped at Arnheim. Arnheim was a bit more dicey, as the Bridge too Far Campaign required 72 days in the line for the One Oh Worst to fix up, before being sent to France for a 20 day vacation, which was interrupted by the Battle of the Bulge.

Third Armored is a much better representative unit; they entered combat on 29 June in Normandy, and with only occasional breaks of a few days rest, fought all the way from the Hedgerows into the Ruhr, and established the following records:

First artillery fired into Germany by 991st Field Artillery Bn. on 9/10/44 at 13:00 hrs. in vicinity of Eupen, Belgium, with 155mm M-12 self-propelled guns.

First to advance across the German border by Task Force Lovelady under Lt. Col. William B. Lovelady, east of Eupen and south of Aachen, on 9/12/44 at 14:41 hrs.

First to capture a German town, Roetgen, west of Bonn, by Task Force Lovelady, with first actual entry into the town by 83rd Armored Reconnaissance Bn., 9/12/44.

First to breach the Siegfried Line by Task Force "X" under Lt. Col. Leander L. Doan in the vicinity of Scheidmuchle, Germany, on 9/13/44.

First to advance across the Siegfried Line by Combat Command "A" on 9/15/44 under Brig. Gen. Doyle O. Hickey.

First to shoot down a German plane [FW-190 fighter-bomber] from German soil by M-16 halftrack crew from Battery C, 486th AAA Bn on 9/18/44. T/5 Russ Eick, quad-.50 gunner.

First to capture a major German city, Cologne, west side of Rhine River, during March 5-6, 1945.

First ground invasion of Germany by foreign force since 1810, the final year of Napoloen's expeditions into then Prussia.

Record Holder: Longest one-day advance in history by lead elements of the 3AD in the northward drive toward Paderborn, Germany, 3/29/45, 101 miles, as part of U.S. First Army operation to encircle the Ruhr Pocket.

Same thing occured in the Pacific.

While the Marines got the headlines, the Army did a lot of dying, unremarked by the headlines.

The Japanese never had any operational depth, or firepower worth speaking of in all the various Marine landings in WWII except for Okiwana; you only need to look at the land area of the various places they had to seize:

Gavutu-Tanambogo: 24~ acres (0.0375 Square Miles)
Betio (Tarawa): 0.45 Square Miles
Tulagi: 1 Square Mile
Peleliu: 5 Square Miles
Iwo Jima: 8 Square Miles
Saipan: 46.5 Square Miles
Okiwana: 463 Square Miles

Even the "famous" land battles of the Corps aren't that impressive.

Guadalcanal, for all it's hype was nothing more than the Marines landing a force into a random nowhere island, and overrunning existing Japanese facilities that were weakly defended by construction troops; and then holding the resultant Lunga Beachhead; a mere 22.5~ square miles for several months against attacks by weakly supplied Japanese forces who could come ashore relatively easy from the Tokyo Express, but couldn't bring any heavy weapons ashore in large numbers, resulting in the awesome tactical brillance of Banzai charges against dug in Marine positions; resulting in such great battles as the October 23-26 battle for Henderson Field which ended with 2,200 to 3,000 Jap KIA and only 80 Marine KIA.

Sure, a Banzai Charge is dicey if they get close enough to your perimeter, but in such battles the kill rate is so outrageously in your favor you win anyway as they'll have expended all of their men in them, for no effect at all. By the way, the largest Banzai charge ever, on Attu Island, was defeated by US Army troops.

As a bonus, actually clearing Guadalcanal of Japanese needed a whole Army Corps who landed after the Marines left. As an even further bonus, MacArthur's forces conducted 52 (!) amphibious operations between the invasion of Leyte and the end of the Pacific War.

A while back I surveyed "To Foreign Shores : U.S. Amphibious Operations in World War II", by John A Lorelli.

It's a very revealing read; and reveals some things I did not know; such as the Army having contact with Higgins of Higgins Boat fame before the war; regarding landing craft; which does rebut the Marine claim of "we were the only ones farsighted enough to talk to Higgins!", and it makes the Marine/Army philosophical differences regarding amphibious landings clear.

Marine Amphibious doctrine was a direct evolution of what the Marines throughout the Corps' history, small local operations centered around very little opposition to seize small strips of land; and was carried forth into it's doctrine during WWII; seizing isolated outposts where reinforcements were not likely to arrive.

The Army's doctrine on the other hand, was a direct evolution of it's Mexican-American and Civil War experience with Amphibious operations, and was centered around invading large continental land masses where immediate and strong enemy reinforcements and counterattacks would be quickly coming.

This carried out into basic loading doctrine during WWII; the USMC wanted a 5 day basic loadout as the minimum for invading an island, while the Army wanted a 10 day basic ammunition load out along with a host of other things minimal. Also, beachhead doctrines were totally different; the Marines wanted as little supplies to be unloaded onto the beaches to keep them clear, so that they could be rapidly moved off of.

The Army on the other hand preferred to unload as much as they could as fast as possible onto the beaches and to hell with congestion.

This did not make them very popular with Navy Quartermasters; because the Army liked to overload whenever possible; which meant that usually the first LVTs off a ship would sink due to overloading, and stuffing 600 men onto a LST that the Navy says can only hold 400 men.

The Army's amphibious doctrine is superior as evidenced by two events during WWII:

Sicily 1943: When the beachhead was counterattacked nearly immediately by full fledged Panzer Divisions with a weight of equipment the Japanese never had, and it was held.

Biak 1944: The US Army lands with 12,000 troops to take out an island whose garrison is estimated to be 2,000. Only after the battle begins do we find out that there actually are 11,000 Japanese troops on the island, and as an added bonus, the major landing beach on Biak overlooked a cliff full of Japanese. As a bonus, the Japanese contested Biak with major air and sea forces, for example Yamato and her sister sortied to attack the landings at Biak, but were called off because of the landings on Saipan.

It comes down to this:

Biak: 12,000 Army troops vs 11,000 Japanese; 1.09 to 1 ratio; 474 KIA and 2,400 WIA.
Tarawa: 35,000 USMC troops vs 3,000 Japanese; 11 to 1 ratio; 1,000 KIA, 2,296 WIA.

The difference?

Marine doctrine called for advances at all costs, Tarawa was taken in about 3 days, while the Army's doctrine called for methodical advances, Biak took about a month.

This doctrinal difference came to a head on Saipan, when Howlin Mad Smith USMC, relieved the commander of the US Army's 27th Division, because he felt that the division was moving too slowly, instead of the mad-dash craziness of Marine Doctrine.

leastonh1 -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/10/2009 11:53:13 AM)

Personally, I don't care about the politics and rivallry about who got shot at the most, who spent more hours on the front or whatever.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who put themselves forward to give their lives to defend their country and our future, deserves the utmost respect.

Goblin -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/10/2009 3:35:05 PM)



Personally, I don't care about the politics and rivallry about who got shot at the most, who spent more hours on the front or whatever.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who put themselves forward to give their lives to defend their country and our future, deserves the utmost respect.


pasternakski -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/10/2009 9:07:31 PM)



Personally, I don't care about the politics and rivallry about who got shot at the most, who spent more hours on the front or whatever.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who put themselves forward to give their lives to defend their country and our future, deserves the utmost respect.

Thanks for that, Jim. Service to your country is an inherently honorable act.

Arctic Blast -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/10/2009 10:41:25 PM)



Personally, I don't care about the politics and rivallry about who got shot at the most, who spent more hours on the front or whatever.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who put themselves forward to give their lives to defend their country and our future, deserves the utmost respect.

Agreed! [&o]

KG Erwin -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/11/2009 9:30:54 PM)

OK, guys, here's "The Pacific" promo, as it aired in Australia:

Note that the promo is in flv format, so make sure you have the proper video codec to be able to see it. It is 1:14 in length. HBO has been aggressive in trying to get this vid removed from the web, but it's too late. However, I made a point of downloading it before my source was shut down.

Also note the trademark Spielberg "washed-out" color, which has become de rigeur for his WWII films.

leastonh1 -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/11/2009 10:35:24 PM)

Thank you KG Erwin, much appreciated. I still cannot wait to see it. [:)]

Why did HBO remove and try to keep it offline? I don't understand that bit.

KG Erwin -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/11/2009 11:26:19 PM)



Thank you KG Erwin, much appreciated. I still cannot wait to see it. [:)]

Why did HBO remove and try to keep it offline? I don't understand that bit.

You are quite welcome, JimH. Remember, this trailer was for an Australian audience, which is why you hear the tag-lines "filmed in Australia" and "the battle that saved Australia". I'm thinking that HBO is planning a much-more-intensive promo package for summer/fall 2009, so Channel Seven just jumped the gun with this limited footage.

Twotribes -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/11/2009 11:57:14 PM)



Dang it! I just read about this on The Pacific Fans Forum. Channel Seven (Brisbane, Australia) aired a trailer for the upcoming HBO miniseries, but it was pulled off the web yesterday. I didn't get to see it. [:(]

"The Pacific" is the followup to the hugely-successful "Band of Brothers", except this time we will follow the 1st Marine Division from Guadalcanal to Okinawa.

The series, produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg, is currently in post-production and is set to air on HBO later this year. The three main characters are John Basilone, Robert Leckie and Eugene Sledge, and the series follows them through the course of WWII in the Pacific. The scripts are partially based on the well-known books "Helmet For My Pillow" and "With the Old Breed..."

As a Gyrene fan, this will be my personal TV highlight of the year.

Don't know the last two but Basilone dies on Okinawa (. And he didn't even have to be there. He made them send him to a combat unit. Either a grenade or a mortar killed him, I think.

Mac67 -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/12/2009 12:54:07 AM)



Personally, I don't care about the politics and rivallry about who got shot at the most, who spent more hours on the front or whatever.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who put themselves forward to give their lives to defend their country and our future, deserves the utmost respect.

Well said sir! [8D]

hgilmer3 -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/12/2009 12:59:43 AM)



Personally, I don't care about the politics and rivallry about who got shot at the most, who spent more hours on the front or whatever.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who put themselves forward to give their lives to defend their country and our future, deserves the utmost respect.

Good post!

KG Erwin -> RE: "The Pacific" Trailer Aired, Then Pulled (1/12/2009 2:16:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: Twotribes



Dang it! I just read about this on The Pacific Fans Forum. Channel Seven (Brisbane, Australia) aired a trailer for the upcoming HBO miniseries, but it was pulled off the web yesterday. I didn't get to see it. [:(]

"The Pacific" is the followup to the hugely-successful "Band of Brothers", except this time we will follow the 1st Marine Division from Guadalcanal to Okinawa.

The series, produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg, is currently in post-production and is set to air on HBO later this year. The three main characters are John Basilone, Robert Leckie and Eugene Sledge, and the series follows them through the course of WWII in the Pacific. The scripts are partially based on the well-known books "Helmet For My Pillow" and "With the Old Breed..."

As a Gyrene fan, this will be my personal TV highlight of the year.

Don't know the last two but Basilone dies on Okinawa (. And he didn't even have to be there. He made them send him to a combat unit. Either a grenade or a mortar killed him, I think.

John Basilone earned the Medal of Honor as an MG platoon leader in the 7th Marines of the 1st MarDiv on Guadalcanal. He was sent home to help raise war bonds. Yes, he did request to be sent back, and he died on Iwo Jima, not Okinawa, as a member of the 5th MarDiv.

Robert Leckie was an infantryman and a scout. Eugene Sledge served as a 60 mm mortarman with K/3/5 at Peleliu and Okinawa.

Note that the series depicts experiences from various frontline viewpoints: infantryman, machine-gunner, mortarman. This will be very different from Band of Brothers, as it will focus closer upon the non-coms and private soldiers.

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