Gus_Tarballs -> Spoiler Alert! Dictator's Palace issue? (1/8/2009 1:14:07 AM)
Hi there. I just completed a pretty bloody battle at the Dictator's Palace, in which I had to kill 40 Strong enemies. After the battle was complete, I searched the map for any NPC's and found no one. I even checked the entire underground bunker and found nothing. During the battle, there was always a 'civilian turn' which took place though. After leaving the battlefield, I looted the grounds and then checked for any emails or journal entries in regards to my big victory. There were NONE! I even advanced time for four days. I have captured every sector in the game, and now it seems my reward is to use my own imagination as to the final out come. Anyone else experience this? It's pretty disappointing to be quite honest.