Japan -> RE: OT: HBO's Taking Chance (1/9/2009 6:43:38 PM)
ORIGINAL: mlees Unfortunately, once you join the military, you're in. You are expected to carry out the orders of those who are placed into the proper positions of authority over you. When I did my military servise (here it is universal military servise, I also spent time abroad) I remember one very important thing I learned (sorry if the translation is bad) : "Do not follow any order or decission that I personaly can not guarantee is within the limits of International law, the Geneva Convention or regulations defined in the Human Rights Regulation, any of those threatys are above my personal valus, they stand above my commanding officers orders, and they stand above any political decissions from my own goverment, I will personaly be responsible if I or any under my command fail to obay them". Now with that in maind, it is also pointed out specificly (evan at seval locations) that conducting offencive war aiganst another suverigen nation without a resulution from the UN is a crime, for this reason if an order like that would be given, I would personaly arrest the officer who gave it. So, it is (at least not here) no longer possible to blaim your commanding officers.. or to say you only followed order, here every individual solider is expected to think himself, and to act only within the regulations of International law. His personal opinion does not count, and he do not need to obay any order conflicting with International law. This is not only the SOP given to soldiers, but also constituted into the Actual Law of the Country. I understand based on what you say that it is different in your country, but here anyways you can not get away with "only following orders", you are here not expected to only follow orders, but to evaluate them first with the Law perspective in maind, then to execute them, you are also expected to on the battlefield take own initiatives and to act without orders if you value it to be in favur of your side, aigan only you will be responsible both in failure and sucsess. Individual responsibilety is valued, officers will guide the troops throu an opperation, but any of the troops are expected and educated to be able to do it also if neccesary. (PS: The idea about educating privates to that degree of responsibilety is because as this is a nation with a drafted army a full wartime mobilisation would make it over 500 000 soldiers, but the nation has only 4000 high and low ranking officers, so every soldier in the current standing army (13 000 men) would take upon the role of an officer in a full war mobilisation situation, this means that the current standing army has privates (not conscripts) with a large degree of education, you can call it an standing army of semi-educated officers).