not_a_pc -> HARPOON on LINUX (1/10/2009 10:32:02 AM)
I enjoyed HARPOON CLASSIC back when I was A PC [Win-95] era
So I have downloaded HARPOON-3-GOUGE-DEMO onto UBUNTU 8.10 into WINE 1.0.1 environment [just to see if it works]
I am asking if anyone else in forum has tried this and encountered/solved any problems [&:]
Whether I am successful or not: I will write up a report in
TonyE -> RE: HARPOON on LINUX (1/10/2009 7:35:29 PM)
well, the Harpoon: Commander's Edition demo can be convinced to run with WINE's help fwiw. There are some graphical anomolies but otherwise it seems to run half decently.
not_a_pc -> RE: HARPOON on LINUX (1/12/2009 11:31:35 AM)
YES seems OK [so far]
I have problems with my sound [from motherboard] but this will be resolved with ALSA complient card
Mouse is very 'twitchy' - I will look at this if it becomes too annoying, I can use KEYBOARD.
I DO NOT GET [PICTURES] of units H3 freeze/crashes, but Mission Sucessful Grahic is GOOD [also 'wreckage']
not_a_pc -> RE: HARPOON on LINUX (1/26/2009 7:04:43 AM)
I have found that:
VIDEO CLIP playing [weapon/aircraft launch etc] and STAFF MESSAGE
both ==> FREEZE/CRASH big time [lucky I'ave an escape key] will try [PAUSE game] and SET VIDEO OFF permanently