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Raverdave -> Mine Warfare (5/2/2002 1:19:55 PM)

I seem to remember a discussion on mine warfare taking place on this forum, but am unable to find where it has gone (the speed of the posts has increased to the point where you nearly have to log on twice a day to keep up!). Anyway,I thought that I would post a few essays that I have found on the net that deal with mine warfare and in the second essay, the effects of a mine on a warship. Both essays or from the excellent site http://www.warships1.com/default_main.htm.

Even though the first essay also talks about mordern mines, the principles are still the same. Enjoy!

[B]Mine Warfare
by Stuart Slade
Updated 18 April 2000[/B]


[I]The most important point to start with is that the destruction of ships, whether civilian or military, is not the primary purpose of a minefield. Mines are intended to prevent the use of, or passage through an area of sea. Mine countermeasures are intended to permit the exploitation of an area of sea or allow safe passage through such an area. Following from these concepts, it is most effective to define offensive mine warfare as the laying of minefields and the maintenance of same while defensive mine warfare is definable as the destruction (or neutralization) of existing minefields and preventing their replenishment or creation. Both offensive and defensive mine warfare can form part of both offensive and defensive operations undertaken by the armed forces as a whole. Under such circumstances, the offensive mine warfare forces always have the initiative and the mine countermeasures groups will always be forced into a position where they are responding to those initiatives.

Asset protection

Historically, the use of minefields to impede and defeat an enemy attack is the oldest application of the technique. This was first attempted, on a systematic basis, by Confederate forces during the American Civil War. In the absence of significant naval forces and with severe limitations on their ability to construct conventional coastal defenses, mines offered the Confederacy the only possible way of defending critical ports and coastal cities. They were aided in these endeavors by the absence of any effective mine countermeasures technology on the Union side.

Minefields are extensively used to protect ports and other installations from intrusion by sealing off all but a few, very secret, passages. The same technique is used to defend coastal shipping lanes by laying comprehensive minefields to seaward of the route. With the development of mine countermeasures, such defenses are only effective when used in combination with other coastal defenses. Thus, to defeat such defenses, a balanced naval task force has to be committed. The mine warfare ships themselves must be extremely capable and ships other than mine countermeasures vessels have to be risked in order to protect them

In order for such defenses to be effective, the minefields need to be dense and extensive. Any attack is likely to be determined and its threat axis cannot be reliably predicted by the defenses. As a result, the numbers of mines required is immense. The sheer effort required to lay mines in this magnitude cannot possibly go un-noticed by the enemy so the areas mined in this manner are relatively well known and defined. It would be possible to use guile and deception to blur this perception but the results would not be worth the effort. The minefields also need to be continually maintained and supported. This suggests that attacking and destroying the minelaying vessels may be as valuable a counter as attempting to clear the mines.


In mine warfare terms this involves the obstruction of shipping lanes and transit points by well-placed minefields intended to restrict the ability of hostile forces to mount attacks from the sea, to prevent the infiltration of submarines into critical areas or to inhibit the free flow of commerce. Interdiction differs from asset protection in that the mines are not laid in close proximity to own installations and may be far removed from support by friendly forces. Indeed, in many cases of interdiction mining, the minefields will be laid off enemy ports or assets. In effect, the use of interdiction rather asset protection strategy turns many of the mine warfare problems on their heads.

The problem distills to getting the mines to their target. Since the area to be infested is usually covered by enemy defenses, the effort involved must be covert. This prevents the use of the huge numbers of mines used for asset protection. Yet the density of the minefield must be maintained in order to be effective; the implication is that the minefields resulting are very small and must be placed with the greatest of care. Asset protection minefields can be used with great effect here. If the minefield can be mapped, then the interdiction fields can be placed in the safe channels. This raises the delicious prospect of the presence of the hostile minefield not being suspected and the ship losses attributed to mines drifting from the defensive fields or being incompetently laid.

From the mine countermeasures point of view, the problems posed by interdiction minefields are also turned on their head. The threat now is small, dense fields that crop up in unexpected places without prior warning. Once such a minefield is discovered, the port or other installation in question is undeniably closed until the mines have been swept. The mine warfare ships are not at serious risk, except, of course, from the mines themselves. The problem distills to the massive effort required for routine surveillance at every port, on all shipping routes, all of the time. The Second World War solution of using converted fishing trawlers is no longer viable due to the efficiency of modern mines. Yet constructing dedicated mine warfare ships in sufficient numbers is quite impossible. Combining numbers, availability, crew considerations and financial constraints is a serious challenge to naval ingenuity.


Interdiction is effectively mining somebody or something out of a given area; attrition can be defined as the art of mining high value assets into a selected area. Usually the effort is aimed at preventing a particularly crucial naval unit (typically an aircraft carrier or a ballistic missile submarine) from getting to sea and deploying. In a major conflict, attrition mining can be a crucial part of the naval balance of power - the consequences of destroying even a single SSBN or aircraft carrier (in both military and political terms) are incalculable. Usually attrition is achieved by selecting a suitable choke point through which the asset in question must pass and then mining it into oblivion.

In essence, countering attrition mining is a simple task. It is necessary to carve a single path, once, through the suspected choke point. The problem is that since the target is, by definition, of the highest value, the mines laid will be of the most sophisticated and dangerous types. The enemy will also make every effort to lay them in the largest possible quantities. The situation is complicated by the fact that the mine countermeasures ships cannot afford to make a single mistake (the commander of a minehunter responsible for mine clearance when, for example, the USS Abraham Lincoln hits one is unlikely to have much in the way of career prospects afterwards). To make matters worse, getting such assets to sea is often time-critical. At its most extreme, this could be to get the ship or submarine out before its base is incinerated. In such cases, low value ships are likely to be used as mine bumpers, accepting their loss to save the crucial unit.

The fact that the primary examples of attrition mining countermeasures have quoted aircraft carriers and SSBNs as the primary assets to be protected does not mean that this task is restricted to superpower navies. Once the overall size of the fleet decreases, smaller assets become equally important. In a war between two Newly Emerging Maritime Powers (NEMPs), a single frigate or amphibious warfare ship can be a crucial element in the naval balance of power. For example, many nations have a submarine fleet of two or three boats. If they cannot get out of port, all the investment placed in acquiring, supporting and maintaining that force have been wasted.


At first sight, the terrorist use of mines can be considered a sub-set of interdiction, yet the reality is that the problems and demands of countering terrorist mining are in a class by themselves. A terrorist "minefield" can consist of as little as a single covertly-placed mine. The objective is not so much the destruction of the ship that touches off the mine but the economic damage caused by disruption to trade, the financial penalties resulting from increased shipping insurance rates and extended journey times and the political impact of "demonstrating" the inability of a government to defend its citizens from outrage. The intended result is to cause pressure on the Government from the public and the business community to change policy in the direction desired by the terrorists.

Countering terrorist mining is very difficult. Essentially it involves proving that no mines are present to a business community that has nothing to gain and everything to loose by accepting the validity of any proof offered. They are quite right to adopt such a position; the fact that a given area is mine-free at 8 pm one evening does not mean it will be mine-free at 8 am the next morning. This situation boils down to a command and control problem; it is necessary to be able to demonstrate, quickly and unobtrusively that nothing has appeared on the seabed or, if something has appeared, it can be investigated and, if necessary, neutralized.

Force multiplication

A further use of minefields is to accentuate the effectiveness of other weapons and to provide a suitable environment for their use rather than as a primary weapon. This may be achieved by using minefields to channel enemy shipping into selected killing grounds or to restrict their maneuverability and thus enhance their vulnerability. A good example was the Silkworm attack on the USS Missouri during the Second Gulf War. Here, the Iraqis had placed minefields offshore of a coastal defense missile battery with the intention that either the Coalition warships would hit mines while maneuvering to avoid the attack or remain on their restricted course and get hit. This plan was defeated by the combination of mine avoidance sonars and integrated command systems on the escorting British destroyer HMS Gloucester. Other potential uses of force multiplier minefields include decoying submarines into attacks on "high value targets" (actually dummies surrounded by mines) or herding surface ships into positions suitable for submarine ambushes. Another, and very important, role is to draw scarce and irreplaceable mine warfare ships into positions where they (and their highly trained crews) can be destroyed. The only real counter to these strategies is the use of mine detection equipment in combination with fully integrated command systems to create a multi-dimensional tactical picture.

Riverine Mine Warfare

The subject of mine warfare carried out within the environment of inland waterways (including canals as well as rivers) is often neglected. Yet such waterways often represent a major means of commerce movement, and in many Asian countries, are the primary means of communication in rural areas. Such mining activities may also affect food production in, for example rice growing areas.

The environment of rivers is not an easy one for either offensive or defensive mine warfare operations. The combination of fast-flowing waters and silt-covered beds makes conventional mining activities very difficult. Usually resort is made to floating mines which are dropped in upstream of the target and allowed to run down into the target. This is actually an offense against international law but that has never appeared to stop anybody. Other techniques include off-route mines, rocket launchers, fougasses or claymore mines which are installed on the river or canal banks and detonated when the target passes. These are all, basically, terrorist techniques and are not usually part of operations carried out by regular military forces (more for want of opportunity than any reticence over the tactics).

Mine countermeasures in such environments is eased by the absence of acoustic or pressure mines; such would be detonated by the water and flow conditions. Since most craft will be built of wood and many will be oar- or sail-powered, magnetic mines are not that great a threat. Floating mines can usually be spotted visually. However, contact and off-route mines are very serious problems indeed and the latter are almost as insoluble a problem as pressure mines are on the high seas. The major difficulty is that the riverine environment forces the adoption of very small craft which have correspondingly limited capability. They are vulnerable, subject to intense threat, not necessarily mine related, and liable to substantial operational attrition.

The most attractive solution for this environment is the use of remote-controlled craft which can be used to sweep ahead of manned vessels. The Chinese have designed the Type 312 minesweeper drone for this role and have sold eight to Thailand for the same purpose. The problem with them is that the command link is vulnerable and this can result in serious operational unpredictability.

[The Thailand Army no longer uses the Type 312 as drones. Instead, they now stretch a oil-drum supported net across the river above the bridge to be protected. This then traps any mine floating down the river.]


Mine Categories

There are two generalized categories of mines, moored mines and ground mines. Moored mines float at a given depth and are held in place by an anchor. These are by far the least sophisticated and expensive form of naval mines. The problem with these weapons is that they cause less-destructive contact explosions rather than devastating under-the-keel hits. Ground mines detect the target by the acoustic, magnetic, or pressure signatures of a vessel, or a combination of these signatures (this detection method has caused these weapons to be called influence mines). After the target has been detected and is within range, the mine explodes at a set distance from the target. This ensures that the explosion is of the under-the-keel variety and maximizes damage.

Moored Mines

Contact mines

Contact mines are detonated when the ship strikes the mine. This bends horns on the outside of the mine, causing glass cylinders of acid inside the horns to break. This acid then ignites the detonator, either directly or by acting as an electrolyte for a battery. Other types of contact mines have used inertia switched but these proved to be very vulnerable to premature explosions. Contact mines have been fitted with many ingenious anti-sweep devices including explosive charges to cut sweeping wires and ratchet devices that enable a sweep wire to pass through the mooring cable without cutting it. Contact mines are practically restricted to the anti-ship role. Since the hull of the target actually has to touch the mine, using contact mines for ASW means that mines have to be set at all the depths a submarine is likely to adopt - requiring huge numbers

Antenna mines

The desirability of exploding a charge under a ship rather than in contact it has long been recognized. The first practical attempt at this was by the US in 1919. The antenna mine is moored on a short cable so it is a set distance under the surface. A long copper wire stretched upwards, terminating in a float. If any steel object touches the wire, anywhere along its length, an electrical potential is generated which detonates the mine. Antenna mines are particularly valuable in anti-submarine work since they can be set to sit deep in the water with their detonation antennas terminating a set depth under the surface. Thus, surface ships can sail over the wires in relative safety but submarines are in mortal danger.

String mines

The problem with antenna mines is that the explosive charge has to be within about 100 feet of the hull of the submarine if significant damage is to be achieved. The chance of achieving this was greatly increased by the introduction of string mines. These feature tiers of charges which may be either contact or antenna fused. The explosion of one mine necessarily means the discharge of all due to sympathetic detonation. The whole assembly is incredibly clumsy, looks rather like a perverted Christmas tree and can effectively block water up to 800 feet deep. It is, therefore, exclusively an asset protection system but one which is very effective. A slightly cleaned up version, in which the tiers of charges are replaced by much smaller single ring charges at 4 meter intervals has been marketed by the Italian Whitehead Motofides Company.


Moored mines are by far the most common in the world's mine warstocks and any minefield encountered will probably contain mostly contact mines of varying types. The manufacture of such mines or their equivalents, is a worldwide industry. The going cost for a new contact mine is around US$5,000. It is therefore impossible to ignore these weapons or to dismiss them as obsolescent. The use of moored mines is nowhere near as easy as it appears. The option of air-dropping moored mines is also now also virtually extinct since few aircraft have the weight-lifting capability and capacious, airborne-accessible bomb bays required for the role. Those nations that have such aircraft have better things to do with them. All these considerations mean that laying moored minefields is likely to be undertaken only by converted surface ships. If these can be identified and terminated with extreme violence, the threat from contact mines will be greatly alleviated. This is basically a C3I function and one which needs to be integrated with other mine warfare operations. Inexperienced construction of moored mines can also be dangerous. The Iraqis decided to "improve" the Pattern 1908 mine by increasing the explosive charge. In order to preserve buoyancy, a lighter cable was substituted for the heavier chain used in the Russian original. As a result, the inertia of the heavier mine in sea swell caused the less robust cable to break and resulted in the mines drifting out of control.

A very effective technique is visual observation; lookouts in the bows saved a British destroyer and two frigates from hitting floating mines in the Second Gulf War. The mines were then destroyed by 20 mm fire. A much more sophisticated variant of the same idea is the mine avoidance sonar. Effectively, this is a high-frequency imaging sonar scanning ahead and below the ship. It does not need the very high resolution of the mine warfare classification sonars since the identity of the mine is not required; just the data necessary to keep well away from it. Another essential requirement is the provision of parvanes. These prevent a contact mine being drawn against the hull of a ship by the suction generated as a result of its motion through the water. It is this suction that gives moored mines their lethal radius.

Bottom Mines

Magnetic Mines

Magnetic mines were developed by the British who wanted a mine which sat on the bottom and was, therefore, limited to relatively shallow water. The original magnetic mines built by the British used the vertical component of the ship's magnetic field to trigger the mine when a given field density was reached. Mines of this type were first used in 1918 off the Belgian coast as anti-submarine devices and were used in the anti-ship role of Russia in 1919. Examples were captured by the Russians at that time, found their way to Germany which copied them. The small number of magnetic mines laid by Germany in 1939 virtually brought the infested ports to a standstill until sweeping techniques could be developed. By this time, the British had developed a superior derivative of their 1919 mines which worked off the horizontal component of the ship's magnetic field. This apparently insignificant change made it possible to design a mine fuze which responded to the rate of change of field strength rather than absolute field strength. This made defense against magnetic mines by degaussing and magnetic sweeping procedures far less effective. Later, the mines were further improved by introducing double-tap fuzing. In this case the mine would be activated by increasing magnetic field strength but only detonated by decreasing field strength. Thus the mine would explode as the ship passed, under the screws rather than under the bows. The combination of horizontal-component and double-tap fuzing was an order of magnitude more damaging and was also much more difficult to simulate when sweeping. It made the whole generation of Second World War built minesweepers obsolete. Magnetic bottom mines were probably the last naval mines which could be built simply, inexpensively and in very large quantities by unskilled labor. The going cost for a magnetic mine is around US$10,000.

Defenses against the magnetic mine revolve around reducing the magnetic signature of the targets as much as possible. This predicates avoiding the use of steel components wherever practical. Hulls have to be made of non-magnetic material and fittings, such as anchor chains and windlasses fabricated from bronze. All low magnetic materials are extremely expensive, yet the use of steel in some areas remains unavoidable. Thus degaussing is still essential to correct the resulting magnetic field. An often-neglected aspect of this problem is that drastically reduced magnetic signatures have a disturbing tendency to increase unpredictably. This is partly the result of natural processes and partly the effect of apparently minor modifications to the ship..

Acoustic Mines

Acoustic mines were first introduced by Germany in 1940 and exploit the principle that all ships and submarines have a specific acoustic signature. This is generated by the vessel's machinery, the design of the hull, the propellers, and many other factors. Delay clocks can be included to leave the mine inert (and thus unsweepable) for up to twelve days after it has been laid while the incorporation of counters means that the mine will only be detonated after a certain number of impulses (usually up to 16) have been received. This means a sweeper would have to make a large number of passes over a suspected field before it could be sure that all the mines within the field had been exploded.

Acoustic mines can be set to work in either broadband or narrow band modes. The original broadband mines were those introduced by Germany and work on the integrated volume of noise emissions across all frequencies. As such, the fuzing system is relatively simple (all that could be achieved by the electronics technology available at the time) and mines of this type can be swept using relatively simple noise generators. Mines of this type are very widespread and are produced extensively. They do, however, require a degree of electronic sophistication in the fuzing making them more expensive and time-consuming to produce. Such mines are available for about US$25,000.

During the 1970s and 1980s, advancing electronics technology made it possible to increase the degree of electronic sophistication that could be packaged into small units. This had a major influence on all aspects of military technology and made the development of relatively intelligent weapons possible. In mine warfare, the result was the development of narrow-band signals processing software for mine fuzes. These revolutionized the prospects for acoustic mines and have had a major effect on mine countermeasures technology.

Narrow band noise processing exploits distinctive frequencies centered around specific shipboard activities. These may be the thumping of a diesel, the cavitation caused by screws in water or the characteristic whine of a gas turbine. Flow noise is generally not used since it is insufficiently precise for the sort of fuzing here in use. The implications of narrow-band processing are that the sound profiles used are so precise that the mine can be programmed to listen for specific types of ships or powerplants and ignore others. One Russian narrow band acoustic mine, for example, can be set to listen specifically for the LM-2500 gas turbine and ignore other powerplants.

This makes sweeping exceptionally difficult. In effect, the sweep devices have to emulate the sound profile of a target in order to detonate the mine. The processing capability of modern mines means that the match has to be fairly exact since errors will be detected and used to filter out the sweep. Such acoustic sweeps are in service but their use faces many problems. One is that the sweep may not be simulating the intended target; or may be simulating the wrong aspects (or combination or aspects) for the mine in question. Thus many sweeps will be necessary to cover the available aspect combinations (and then repeated up to 16 time search to allow for counting devices in the fuze). The resulting time consumption is so high that the development of narrow band acoustic fuzes for mines is widely believed to have rendered sweeping techniques ineffective when faced with this threat.

The good news is that these mines are very expensive, are very difficult to make and require great hydro-acoustic expertise if the fuzing system is to work. Such mines are usually found only in the inventories of major powers such as the USA, Russia, France etc. Even where mines of this type are exported, their fuzes are much simplified. For example, the Italians produce the MR-80 narrow-band acoustic mine for their own and NATO use. An export customer can buy an MR-80 (as did the Iraqis) but the version delivered will be the export-only MRP (which the Iraqis got but still labeled MR-80!) which has a broad band acoustic fuze. Few export customers have the sophistication to know the difference. The Russians have the same policy, openly calling the simplified mines "monkey models". Non-traditional mine producers (for example, Iraq, Iran, North Korea and Chile) have all tried to produce narrow band acoustic mines and failed. Chile tried to duplicate a British Stonefish mine in the mid-1980s and failed. They got around the problem by duplicating the outside casing (including markings) and general appearance of Stonefish while releasing data sheets that duplicated GEC-Marconi's corporate style. They also hinted that they had received a secret license to produce Stonefish. In fact, the Chilean mine had a simple broad band fuze.

The cost of acoustic mines differs dramatically depending on the capability of the fuzing system. Since these mines are produced in much smaller quantities than their simpler cousins, the operations of economy of scale are less pronounced, again increasing unit cost. As a result, acoustic mines are priced between US$50,000 and US$150,000.

Magnetic-Acoustic Mines

A vulnerability noted with acoustic mines is that the fuzing mechanism must be powered-up all the time the mine is active. Running the fuze powered-up requires electrical power, albeit in small quantities. The provision of such electrical power is restricted to banks of batteries which must be limited in volume. This limits the life of the mine to that of the battery power provided, typically as little as twelve days. Since the mines cannot be recovered and replenished, it is obvious that minefields consisting entirely of acoustic mines will be short-lived. Another potential problem is that any electrical system that runs constantly emits electrical energy that can be detected. There have been frequent claims that mine hunting systems have been devised which can use this emitted energy to locate and classify mines, the methodology does seem theoretically feasible; this does not mean it is practically realistic.

These problems are overcome by a magnetic-acoustic fuzing system. In this arrangement a very simple magnetic switch (comparable to those used in the original magnetic mines) is used as an initiator. This needs not be sophisticated or complex since it does not directly detonate the mine. What it does do is activate the acoustic portion of the fuze. If this determines the target is worth engaging, it will do so, otherwise it automatically turns off after a few minutes. These systems have many advantages. The very simple magnetic switch does not require energy so has almost infinite life. The acoustic fuze is switched off most of the time, (thus conserving battery power and limiting any suggestion of detectability). Even more useful is the fact that any sweep must not only combine magnetic and acoustic generators but must do so in carefully integrated and carefully phased proportions and sequences. In effect the combination of magnetic and acoustic fuzing not only integrates the benefits of both, it does so with a synergistic effect that adds an order of magnitude to the lethality of the system and the problems involved in countering it.

Pressure Mines

Pressure mines are invariably bottom mines since they measure the absolute drop in pressure associated with the difference between the known pressure due to water depth and the depth of water under the hull of a passing ship. This differential is directly related to the depth at which the mine is situated, the ratio involved being roughly proportional to the square root of the pressure drop. In other words, if the depth at which the mine is located is increased by a factor of 1.414, the baseline pressure drop required to detonate that mine must be doubled. In addition there is a necessary minimum below which a pressure drop will not explode the mine; this is an absolute requirement since wave motion would otherwise cause sufficient pressure drops to explode the mines. For these reasons, pressure mines are inevitably shallow-water inshore weapons. As with acoustic mines, pressure mines have selective time delay fuzes, letting the mine become active after a certain day and, if no targets have passed over it after a certain period, making it inoperative again. They also have similar multiple target ship count devices allows a predetermined number of ships to pass before detonation.

Pressure mines are completely unsweepeable by any known means. A variety of experimental methods have been tried including the use of mine bumpers. These were adopted in 1945 by the US Navy to clear pressure mines dropped off the Japanese coast by the US Air Force. These mine bumpers consisted of old freighters with their holds filled with sealed drums (to preserve buoyancy) and with all ship functions automated so that the crew could concentrate above decks. In fact, the ships were run entirely from the bridge where the crew sat of 12 layers of conventional bedding mattresses. These precautions proved inadequate since the mine explosions disabled the bumpers and the crew were seriously hindered (though not actually injured) by the shock waves. Pressure mines do have serious operational limitations. Since the pressure drop required to detonate them is directly related to the draft of the ship in question, shallow draft vessels can traverse most pressure minefields with impunity. Shallow draft implies restrained displacement and this consideration is the reason why the maximum size of NATO coastal mine warfare ships is restricted to 800 tons (and means that the US Avenger class minehunters should never go near a suspected pressure minefield). Air cushion craft should be able to traverse a pressure minefield in relative safety. On the other hand, many types of amphibious warfare craft (for example the AAV-7) have high pressure signatures and are very vulnerable indeed to such mines.

These characteristics mean that pressure mines are usually regarded as inshore defense and, specifically, anti-amphibious operation, weapons. In these roles, they would be located in such shallow water (even surf zone) that even minute pressure signatures would detonate them. In such operations, even the minimum pressure levels set by wave action are low since deep rollers will be attenuated as they come inshore. Thus, pressure fuzing has been adopted for an entire generation of small anti-invasion mines, specifically intended to destroy amphibious craft. Much of the current US mine warfare effort is being diverted to counter this problem. Pressure mines are available at costs between US$25,000 and US$50,000.

Rising Mines

This type of mine is particularly useful in either very deep water, which could not otherwise be mined, or where the seabed is soft and glutinous. The rising mine lies on or under the sea floor. It is normally equipped with a passive acoustic sensor to listen for a ship or submarine to pass within range. When contact is made, it switches to an active mode and jettisons ballast to change its buoyancy from negative to positive. This causes it to float up and explode at the appropriate moment. These weapons are particularly dangerous since no reliable means has yet been developed for detecting buried mines. A much more dangerous version of the rising mine fires a projectile rather than just floating upwards A rising mine's case depth is probably fixed by the crush depths of the mechanism and the projectile. In really deep water, then, the mine must be moored, and its case must be buoyant enough to support a considerable weight of cable. Consequently, the mine must be large, and the laying rate will be limited. In shallower water, down to a thousand feet or more, the mine case might well lie on the bottom, unsweepable by mechanical means (i.e., by any device that would cut the mooring cable).

The effect of the existence of deep-water rising mines is to extend the minable area of the world significantly. Countermeasures are very expensive because the mine may cover a substantial lethal area (the projectile may maneuver to one side or the other) and because any attempt to destroy mines or mine mooring requires very deep operations. Although not technically rising mines (the projectile shoots sideways rather than up), the same basic philosophy has been adopted for a range of surf-zone anti-invasion mines. These use similar acoustic sensors to detect landing craft and amphibious armored vehicles approaching and then fire their projectiles at them. The Italians released a mine of this type in the late 1980s while the Russians have offered the KPM anti-invasion mine which uses the same principle. These are particularly serious deterrents to an invasion since their large target acquisition area means that the conventional anti-mine tactics of clearing narrow paths to the beach are no longer adequate - the anti-invasion mines would cover such paths from the flanks.


Not every mine-like object is a mine. An object on the seabed could be domestic rubbish, sunken buoys, oddly-shaped rocks, debris for sunken ships, or even a mine. The problem in clearing them is the very large numbers of mine-like objects that have to be checked and, if dangerous, eliminated. A skilled mine warfare team (which the Iraqis were not) will lay thousands of cheap dummies for every genuine mine and bring the mine clearance process to a congested halt. It is very easy indeed to make a cheap plastic imitation of a mine casing, paint it with the correct markings and fill it with concrete. The estimated cost is around US$10.00. Each has to be treated as a live mine until proven otherwise. The reverse is also true, of course. The installation of modern and very dangerous fuzing packages in apparently simple, old contact mines comes under this heading.

The ultimate in dummy mines are the mines that are not there. For example, in a future Second Gulf War-like intervention, the leader of the country about to be intervened on would simply have to solemnly declare that his country was not going to lay any mines in a given area and if any were found, they would have been laid by his enemies trying to discredit him. At the same time his two Type 209 submarines are seen surreptitiously leaving port at night with their external minelaying cradles in place. Any statements that no mines have been found are met with a smug grin and "No comment". The result would have to be a massive on-going mine clearance operation that could not be stopped (in spite of its negative results) and would represent a significant diversion of very scarce assets away from mine clearance operations in other sectors. Current efforts to counter dummies and decoys work on the thesis that improving the discrimination of the classification sonar used to identify the mine-like object is the best route. This means that a higher frequency sonar is required. A related approach uses a broad-band sonar to determine whether the mine is a dummy (the exact technique is classified). However, higher frequencies have shorter ranges in water. This means the ROV carrying the sonar will have to approach closer to the suspected mine, making them more vulnerable to booby traps.

Booby trapping

Another profitable line of attack is to attempt the destruction of the unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) or divers used by the minehunters to inspect and destroy the targets. Each minehunter usually carries two remote observation vehicles (ROVs) or UUVs with the total number held in inventory being small. It is very unlikely that more than a 100% excess of stock over deployed units is held. Therefore, if the skilled divers or their mechanical substitutes can be killed, the minehunting effort will be very severely impeded.

Booby trapping can be carried out in many ways; the installation of anti-handling devices on the mines to kill divers that attempt to close them, the location of small anti-diver charges around mines and rigged with various fuzing options or the development of mines specifically intended to detect and kill the remote-controlled submersibles. These developments could make the exchange rate for mines swept as opposed to ROVs destroyed unacceptable. A research program, launched by the British Defense Research Agency, has attacked this problem two ways. One is to produce a low-observables ROV in which all metallic structures are removed and all machinery is sound rafted. The other is to play with the emissions of the classification sonar so the ROV can stand off at a safe distance and simulate an approach. The exact methodology is classified but a calculated guess would suggest that the volume is increased at the appropriate rate while a doppler component is added.


The really unpleasant thing about bottom mines is that they are easy and safe to lay in comparison with moored mines. Their provision of delay fuzes mean they can be safely handled on board unspecialized platforms by unskilled crews. Effectively, the minelaying procedure is simply sailing to a specified point and dropping the packages over the side. Once in the water, they will create chaos out of all proportion to their numbers and actual effect. This means that bottom mines are ideal for covert laying and thus for the offensive use of minefields. They can be delivered by submarines (in place of torpedoes), by aircraft (especially if the destructor concept has been adopted) or by converted ship. The technique could be as simple as shipping mines to supporters in a hostile country (by Federal Express or DHL for example) who would take them to the nearest bridge over the river to be mined (or out on a ferry) and heave them over the side. [/I]

Raverdave -> Effects of a mine on a Warship (5/2/2002 1:25:16 PM)

Here is the second essay as writen by Kevin Homan. It graphiclly shows what damage a mine can do to a ship, and that is with out even breeching the hull! This is once again taken from the following site http://www.warships1.com/default_main.htm


Contributed by DP 1 Kevin Homan stationed on the USNS Spica (T-AFS9) at the time.


At 07:16 on February 18th, 1991, the USS Princeton detonated an Italian-made MRP acoustic mine (not a Manta as has often been reported - MRP is a much heavier and more dangerous weapon) on the seabed under the ship's quarterdeck.

The gas bubble from the explosion spread underneath the ship's keel, lifting the fantail nearly out of the water. Pressure effects meant that this bubble vibrated against the ship's hull, striking repeated blows and transferring large volumes of energy into the structure. The shock wave traveled from stern to bow, whipping the ship along its longitudinal axis so that the bow and stern shuddered, heaved and heaved and fell in a very rapid cycle. Crewmen were hurled off their feet into bulkheads and also into the overhead. The blast also detonated another MRP-80 mine three hundred yards off the starboard beam. This added a horizontal component to the vertical shockwaves buffeting Princeton. In effect, the ship was now being shaken like a rat in the teeth of a terrier - the shockwaves were three-dimensional with the bow, stern and bits in between rotating in circles but with no common axis (its difficult to visualize - my favorite comparison is the gyrations made by a gogo dancer).

Some idea of the ship's gyrations at this point can be judged by the fact that a gunner on a 25 mm mount amidships looked up at the mooring chocks on the fantail as it arched upwards. The decks in the forward superstructure had vertical and horizontal deflections of four to six feet on a cycle of six to seven seconds. Spring bearings on both prop shafts were knocked out of alignment. Fuel tank covers were thrown loose and the aft five inch magazine was flooded with fuel oil.

The structural damage was devastating. At frame 72, forty feet from the stern, the shock had snapped steel I-beams 8 by 10 inches thick. the ship's upper girder was creased by 7 inches causing the deck to be heaved upward twenty degrees and nearly severing the fantail from the rest of the ship. At frame 260, a six-inch crack opened in the Princeton's aluminum superstructure, running from the doorway to the Aegis radar room on the main deck, up through the radio room and down the other side of the ship. More than ten percent of the ship's superstructure separated from the main deck. There was major hull plate buckling all along the ship's length.

Steel teeth snapped from the elevation drive on the aft gun mount. Restraining bolts broke from several missile launchers on the fantail and four Harpoons burst through their membrane coverings before sliding back into the launcher tubes. In the crypto vault, where the ship's classified documents were stored, the shock sheared away 22 bolts fastening the door frame to a bulkhead, tossing the frame and its thick steel door twenty feet down a corridor.

Unlike the USS Tripoli, hit earlier by a Pattern 1908 contact mine, the Princeton's hull was not holed, but the ship still began flooding throuhg fractures, burst welds, split seals etc. The shock had severed a six-inch fire main at Frame 472, spraying tons of sea water into the stern and swamping number 3 electrical switchboard. Electrician's Mate Scott Smith, remained at his station, up to his waist in iced water while surrounded by damaged and shorting 450 volt power cables until power was routed to an auxiliary switchboard. If anyone ever deserved a Congressional Medal Of Honor, he does. The ship's chill-water pipes, used to cool radar and other equipment, also ruptured. Within minutes the overheated Aegis system shut down, blinding the ship and leaving her without AAW warfare capability. Contrary to some reports, the ship was incapable of any significant combat functions at this point. It would be two hours before the AAW systems could be brought back on line

Princeton had been turning to starboard, and the blast jammed the port rudder, leaving the ship out of control. A damage control team tried without success to manually crank the damaged rudder back to center line but their efforts were disrupted by an urgent order to abandon the after steering room because of fears that the fantail was about to tear away from the ship. Other damage teams clamped the ruptured fire mains and began pumping out flooded compartments while repairmen cut through a steel deck with torches, patched the leaks, and restored the Aegis system less than two hours after the explosions. The rudder problem was corrected by wrapping a long chain around the rudder post and yanking the port rudder into proper alignment by brute force.

The USS Princeton was left dead in the water, able (just) to fight but incapable of movement. Any further stress on her fragile hull and fractured superstructure, either from another mine or simply the vibration of her engines, could be catastrophic. Eighty percent of the structural strength of the ship had been destroyed, raising the possibility that the stern could suddenly fill with water and drag the cruiser to the bottom. The ship's propulsion systemw as so badly damaged that it was feared that she would detonate additional mines if the engines were started. Although all four gas turbines were functional, it was decided to tow her out of danger. A year later, both main reduction gears failed due to damage from the mines.

Supervisor -> Re: mine warfare (5/2/2002 2:08:22 PM)

[QUOTE]. . . terminated with extreme violence. . . .[/QUOTE]

Ah, isn't jargon a wonderful thing? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

As if "sunk" or "destroyed" is less seemly. :rolleyes:

MalleusDei -> (5/3/2002 3:18:11 AM)

Remember that during 1942-1943 in the South Pacific that only ONE USN warship was sunk by mines - and it was sunk in an Amercian minefield due to gross negligence.

In the South Pacific in 1942 and 1943 mines were NOT a significant weapon. I see no reason for them to even be in the game.

Erik Rutins -> Mines... not in the game? (5/3/2002 3:31:21 AM)


I don't understand your logic on how mines should not be in the game. US destroyer torpedos also did next to nothing from 1942 to 1943, should we leave them out? In my experience with UV, mines are a very secondary strategy.

If your opponent is not on top of his game and doesn't use minesweepers, he will no doubt take a hit or two eventually. However, they usually damage rather than sink ships. A definite nuisance, but not something to win the war with. If you use minesweepers, no sweat - they almost always find the minefields and clear some paths through them for the other ships.

Keep in mind also that if your opponent pursues an aggressive mining strategy, it means that his minelayers will be in harm's way. There aren't that many of those things and you can quickly put an end to his plans with air strikes, surface interception or subs. As with many other things in UV, if you execute a good plan based on the historical tactics and strategies, you will almost certainly get historical results. If you send in some APs without minesweepers to unload troops at a heavily mined enemy port and you don't take a few hits... now _that_ would be ahistorical.


- Erik

Supervisor -> (5/3/2002 3:38:32 AM)

[QUOTE]In the South Pacific in 1942 and 1943 mines were NOT a significant weapon. I see no reason for them to even be in the game.[/QUOTE]

They were there. They were used. And if you don't take them into account and handle them properly (gross negligence) they can affect you. Just because they didn't have any obvious effects (ships sunk, etc.) is NOT saying that they had NO effect. If they do nothing else than cause ships to change courses, then they have had an effect.

Using mines in a non-standard or non-historical way may change what the effect is/was. But then, the game allows you to try things that are not historical. If you want, you can send your carriers on a raid on Truk in 1942. May not be useful, may not be survivable (may not be sane :D) but, if you want to do that, you are the commander of the fleet in the game, and have the authority to do so. In real life you wouldn't. But this is a game where you don't have much to worry about from your superiors, now do you? :D

MalleusDei -> (5/3/2002 6:47:50 AM)

As a veteran wargamer who will not be plaiyng this against the AI, I know that anything that can be exploited by the oppsotion will be exploited. And this, you can bet your sweet *ss, will be so exploited.

The U.S. lost no warships to Japanese mines in the South Pacific in 1942-1943 and didn't do a lot of minesweeping. That's history.

If the Japanese in the game just happen to start aggressive mining operations in 1942-1943, if USN in the game has to actively worry about minesweeping, or if the USN loses ships to Japanese mines, then that's ahistorical.

Erik Rutins -> Mine Warfare... (5/3/2002 7:09:15 AM)


The minelaying and minesweeping ships were there for both sides and were used, so obviously it was a concern or they would not have bothered moving them to the theater. As for the historical results, the pure difference in knowledge is the first ahistorical factor in any wargame. We know what the key locations were, how the battles went, what mistakes were made in real history.

I would hope that the main concern would be not whether ahistorical tactics can be attempted but whether they would be rewarded. If, historically, the Japanese had mined more aggressively, the US would certainly have responded with more aggressive minesweeping. That would not be an ahistorical outcome, but rather an alternate and nevertheless possible history. The fact is that as I see it mine layers and mine sweepers are not out of balance to each other and mines are a minor factor as long as both players are aware that they exist.

I have no doubt that I could relatively quickly divest an opponent who depended on aggressive mining of his mining assets. That combined with my effective minesweepers would quickly put an end to that experiment.

If I understand your point correctly, we could use the same logic to argue for the removal of quite a few other elements of this game that most wargamers would consider essential to trying alternate strategies and thus enhancing replayability. As someone else pointed out above, if someone wants to try a carrier raid on Truk or invading Australia who are we to say they can't? :)

In all seriousness though, if it is the be all end all of issues to you we have also included an editor which will allow you to create a scenario without minelayers and minesweepers.


- Erik

MalleusDei -> (5/3/2002 9:11:59 AM)

Sweet. Rest assured they will be out of the scenarios in my game promptly after receipt.


Rob Roberson -> Mines (5/4/2002 3:20:20 AM)

I do not understand why this is even a debate. The idea behind mine warfare goes deeper then just sinking ships. If I have to train my crews to search for mines...spending that time..then they are less effective in doing other things. Its like a football team preparing for a gadget play their opponent may or may not use. Any time they spend practicing on that is time they are not spending practicing on something else. However, if they dont practice for that one play, then sure enough they will get burned in the game. You make your opposition worry about something you may or may not do then it takes time from preparing for things you will do.

When I was in the navy we spent an insane amount of time training for NBC attacks. Have any US ships ever been lost to these? No. But it is a viable strategy for our enemies to use. To make a modern naval war simulation without the possibiblty of NBC use would be stupid. Because it is a viable stategy in war....just like mine warfare.

Again, any result other then the Japanese losing the south pacific is ahistorical. If that is such a concern to you..why even play the game?

shall9 -> (5/5/2002 12:24:32 AM)

Again with mines, as with a lot of other military strategy, the problem is not how much damage they actually cause, but what damage they could cause. You are forced to take them into account spending resourses that could be used elsewhere. If not you just might loose that AP loaded with a marine regiment.

pad152 -> Question for Raverdave (5/5/2002 2:08:47 AM)


How common was air drop mining opeations used by the Allied and Jap forces in the pacific?


Raverdave -> Re: Question for Raverdave (5/5/2002 7:16:39 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by pad152

How common was air drop mining opeations used by the Allied and Jap forces in the pacific?

Thanks [/B][/QUOTE]

I have to pass this question onto others.....I simply don't know!

LargeSlowTarget -> Re: Question for Raverdave (5/5/2002 7:06:52 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by pad152

How common was air drop mining opeations used by the Allied and Jap forces in the pacific?

Thanks [/B][/QUOTE]

I may quote Ronald H. Spector's classic 'Eagle against the Sun' (p. 505):
"Almost as destructive [as the fire bombing of cities] was an aerial mining campaign unleashed by the 20th Air Force in March [1945]. The Allied submarine and air campaign had forced the Japanese to funnel most of their shipping through the Inland Sea and coastal waters. [...] The mines sank a number of ships and paralyzed traffic in the Inland Sea. At the large port of Kobe, shipping had declined from 320,000 tons in March to 44,000 tons in July."

Sorry, I have no info on Japanese or earlier US aerial mine warfare.

I think Rowlf, Erik, Rob and shall9 are right, mine warfare is more than just sinking ships. The point is that even if the mines do slight actual damage they seriously affect operations. You need not to sink a ship, it is enough to prevent it from performing its task (unit kill vs. mission kill). The opponent must divert assets to minesweeping or must redirect its shipping - if geography allows this - or is rendered impotent because his ships can't be moved without danger of damage or loss. Well, people like Kid may send their ships into minefields anyway, hoping that there will be enough survivors left to do the job. :D

mogami -> A historic removals (5/5/2002 9:30:52 PM)

Also be sure to remove Yamato and all IJN ships that never actually sank an USN ships. Don't ever play the May long campaign it would just make you crazy with all the ahistoric stuff.
Remove all LCU not actually ever sent into theatre. When you are done. Just do exactly what the historic commanders did.
You say you don/t play against AI, I am wondering who is going to want to play as Japan with everything missing. While I intend to mostly employ mines around my own harbors to try to damage enemy subs. I would like the option of using them elsewhere if it would require my opponet to commit his resources to removing mine rather then placing more of his own. The whole point of the long Non Midway campaign is lost if from the very outset we do not allow for A-historic use of Japanese assets. In the June start I don't think IJN mines will be much of a factor.

reapagan -> (5/5/2002 10:09:47 PM)

Is not the whole point of wargames to try and use what the creators of the game give you to acheive an ahistorical outcome?

madflava13 -> Air dropped mines (5/6/2002 12:05:50 AM)

I was looking at the Black Cats website (PBYs) that someone else posted on the forum - they regularly dropped mines at night into the channels around Kwajalein and Eniwetok. 1 PBY carried 2 mines. This was a nuisance to the Japanese, who had to constantly sweep their channels - almost on a daily basis. If they didn't, they risked losing ships.

Personally, I am going to mine the hell out of everything with my subs... Any opponent better sweep the slot and ironbottom sound regularly... hehe

pad152 -> Sorry madflava13 (5/6/2002 4:22:04 AM)

Sorry madflava13 but, UV doesn't support air drop mining operations. You can only do mining operations with subs and minelayers.

I hope they fix this in a upgrade and add it to WITP.

madflava13 -> (5/6/2002 5:49:09 AM)

Although I hadn't heard that, I assumed as much... It would be mighty difficult to keep track of 2 mines in a 30 mile hex. Someone had asked about US/Japanese mining ops though...

I'd also like to see it in the patch or WITP, but I'd understand if air dropped mines were left out.

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