Local Yokel -> RE: Name This AE...196 (1/13/2009 12:04:11 AM)
I don't think this is a Naka class CL. If it were, I would expect to see some sign of the cutter + davits immediately abaft of the port gun mount. Moreover, note the spoon-shaped bow. Sendai had one, but she was only Naka that did, so far as I know. All the Nagaras had spoon-shaped bows until Abukuma's 1930 collision, when she received one similar in shape to that of Naka and Jintsu. So I think this is more likely to be a Nagara class CL. Could well be Natori. To be different, I'll guess this is Yura. The skyline suggests to me that this is Yokosuka, looking south from a point just north of the principal dry docks.