Radio -> Whack-a-noob. (1/25/2009 12:29:04 AM)
Hello, Having had the game for a few months I think it's time to knock it up a notch and play some pbem. I'll play either side but would prefer some house rules that: a) Don't add massive amounts of complexity. b) Keep the ridiculously unhistorical out of the game. I'm thinking limits to 4E Naval Bombing altitude(8000), PT boat(6) & ASW(6) TF size's & no using merchant ships as advance scouts, or deliberatly spreading all kinds of nautical trash in front of oncoming enemies to soak up the airstrikes/ammo. I would also like to play one day turns and the 7th December scenario with non-historical start. I'm also happy to play any enhanced historical (as opposed to alternate history) mod that might be proposed. So if you want to victimise a new player, or are a new player looking for a pbem yourself e-mail me at jcplumb2002[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk or just PM me here. (My time zone is GMT, Obviously this is far from essential but might help speed up turns on the weekend and such like) Cheers.