More Tech events (Full Version)

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joe_canadian -> More Tech events (1/27/2009 4:50:59 AM)

Im still quiet raw at this game but I think the tech events portion is underused For one thing the germans had the best machine gun by far by the end of the war. Still one of the fastest single barrel machine guns in the world MG-42 (i belive i dont have time to check). Also they devoloped the very first assualt rifle the StormGriver(sorry for the spelling). There tanks where also superior at the end of the war. While the tigers and panthers did have production problems in tank vs tank combat they where usually unrivaled. Putting these without an answer on the allied side would probably unbalance the game but i think if some more technoligies where implemented it would add some divercity to late game play. Anyways thats just my 2 cents. Thanks for improving a already great game

runyan99 -> RE: More Tech events (1/27/2009 5:02:46 AM)

I'd say the tech events are overused. Outside of maybe Allied amphibious capacity ramping up automatically, I don't see a reason for it. Any tech can be researched and improved.

Marshall Art -> RE: More Tech events (1/29/2009 10:14:20 PM)

I would not mind a couple of additional tech events which also would include Japan, and which would direct Axis and Allied research towards more historical paths. The Japanese had superior naval torpedoes, a German heavy tank event would be cool, too. How about an Allied Radar event that gives WA BBs a ship and an air attack bonus. Throw in a Russian tac bomber event (flying tanks) and late war German missiles that increase AA Air attack. I like the way tech events are set up, they simply motivate the player to research into a tech that already has a few tech points but no event gives a tech for free.

joe_canadian -> RE: More Tech events (2/3/2009 3:59:25 AM)

Exactly the heavy tanks might make one last counter attack possilbe especially since there is talk making it more worthwhile to hold onto all the territory germany can.

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