GMeyer -> RE: Looking for Opponent (3/4/2009 6:17:47 PM)
Joel, I greatly appreciate your considerate advice and will undertake to follow it immediately--or at least as immediately as my son, who knows how to do these things, wakes up. I am truly impressed that you would take the time to attend to such a minor matter. I enjoy this game more than I have any other for many years. Its truly brillant. This is the Go of strategic military simulations: appearently simple to play, but layered with depths of complexity. I dont play a game of this without learning something new. I am glad, however, to see you've slowed the north down a bit. Not having continent wide amphibious lands in August 61 will be a relief. A while back I wrote you about an anomally in the reaction phase--the reactor was allowed to enter an enemy occupied area that was not the site of a battle threby initiating a new battle in the reaction phase (clearly prohibited by the rules. After a lot time looking through e-mails and their attachments, I was not able to find the file in which that happened and so did not get back to you. I apologize for not at least telling you I couldn't find the file, but figured you had plenty else to do.