2ndACR -> RE: AE Productions? (2/13/2009 7:20:11 PM)
I only started using it as the game progressed and the Japanese begin to out produce me as the Allies (which we know they could not IRL, but can in the game). At least this way, well, they cannot out produce me either. Only diff is they can instantly replace a/c where I lose the unit for 90 days. Never tried it with CV units, but have done so with F6F Hellcat land based unit......once it arrived, well I just downgraded them and poof, I had some Hellcats for my CV's. Also have done it in my game with Nemo, but it is a no holds barred, basically no HR game. Hence the Allied navy basically ceased to exist on Dec 7 across the board. We can all agree that by mid 1942, well the US never lacked a/c.....IRL.......but we all know game wise they do.