CeltiCid -> Naval Interceptions (2/28/2009 9:44:21 PM)
Hi, i have played some turns as France. Sometimes, i put my fleets on "intercept" option, to get merchants, destroy trade routes and intercept enemy naval formations. I click end turn button. Things moves on map, but i just cant remember the names of my fleets and the provicnes names where they are. So when a message pop up "do xxxx naval force want to intercept xxxx force on xxxx province"....[X(][:(] i just cant remember who and where is. If i click "ok, intercept" i can find my little force struggled by any enemie force. A previous window that shows where is that encounter will be very helpful. If this is not possible, then there should be an option to slow down the moves on map, so we can see the naval movements clearly.