Play testers needed (Full Version)

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Fradar -> Play testers needed (5/14/2002 6:23:13 AM)

I need play testers for my Nam Dinh Part I scenario, Indochina 1947, french first airborne operation, that John "Redleg" Rank has already mentoned in the "scenario design" thread.
Before going into designing Part II I would need detailed report and comments on Part I.
Thanks in advance for those who want to volonteer.

Redleg -> (5/14/2002 7:06:22 AM)

I had the good fortune of testing this scenario. Fradar has out-done himself with this one.

It was action-packed right down to the wire. Some very unexpected things occurred which kept me entertained and wondering how many turns I would survive.

This is a large battle that takes a good while to play but if you like tense paratroop and infantry fighting, this is for you.

I cannot go away without mentioning the map. Fradar makes great maps and this is no exception.

I am very curious to know if anyone can better my score in this battle. Sorry, the score and battle details must remain secret for a while.

Bring on Part 2. Fradar will have a challenge matching the quality of Part 1 but he will find a way.

M4Jess -> (5/14/2002 8:29:18 AM)

im all over it! ;)

I have made it public that i have to help out more and this will be a great start!

M4 Jess

Fradar -> Play testers needed (5/14/2002 2:42:17 PM)

Thanks John for your nice introduction and M4 Jess for volonteering

Valoche -> (5/14/2002 8:03:30 PM)

OK Fradar, je vais le tester aussi de mon coté

Steelgun O=

M4Jess -> (5/15/2002 9:24:52 AM)

;) Wo!:)

I did nothing on turn one but defence fire!


The map is GRAND! (please enter into the Map Contest!)

I should have moved my airborn, but truth is..I was scared! :(

There are lot of dead UM Tu Ve but there are 1000's more to re-place those I kill!

I wounder if I get more Air-Born...

So far................:D

M4 Jess

Redleg -> (5/15/2002 10:12:48 AM)

A great battle - you ain't seen nothing yet!

The map is just magnificent - accurate also.

Fradar -> Play testers needed (5/15/2002 3:44:35 PM)

Hello M4 Jess !
I think you start feeling what the encircled French experienced :fear and lots of VM infitrated everywhere and very determined. You still have 19 turns to go ! Enjoy and stay alert.
BTW I Have exhausted my quota of maps for the contest but I sent you this map already last week, I do not remember when. Have a little check please. if needed I can remail it.


Farfullo -> Hi Fradar, good scen :) .... put the second part SOON!!!! (5/16/2002 5:17:54 AM)

Hi Fradar:

Thx to every people who post scen here =)..... Fradar...good scen i like it...i have only played two turns :( (i dont have more time... :rolleyes: )i hope to end it tomorrow or perhaps on friday ;)

Until this second turn i have seen that it is not too hard... (perhaps i have not played too much time and so i have not seen the real bloody part od the scen) but VM soldier losses morale too quick and retreat too soon... my troops only have to go out of the trenchs and kill whole formations in melee attack....

Sorry for my spelling ... i am not a good English speaker...i only hope you get the idea :) .

Well ...i let me finish this scen to tell you my final idea. (it is extremelly, extremelly good by now) Keep that way. !!!! :D . It is very very very possible that i was wrong about its difficulty.

Bye bye :)


hellcat -> (5/16/2002 5:21:09 AM)

I'm on this too! :)

Fradar -> Play testers needed (5/16/2002 11:17:38 PM)

Hi Farfullo,
Thanks for your comments.
Be cautious! Do not get too often out of your entrenchments! VM breaks apparently easily but the same units come back very quickly and quite aggressively.
Just a little warning!

hellcat -> (5/16/2002 11:48:53 PM)

yes I noticed they come back quick! those pathfinder units are excellent! am already having serious trouble hanging onto that 3 VH position in the S. E. sector and so far have been unable to send any kind of support in their direction...

without any ammo dump the mortars are on limited firing too... it's a tense situation! great map!

Farfullo -> Hi again Fradar (5/19/2002 12:45:06 AM) scenario. Turn 11. VM has taken southeast position but my troops are striking back to gain it again :) .

Yeap.. i was is not too easy even playing with AI 0 i have some troubles to stop those VM units specially those formed by 25 people however it is fun see them fleeing hex by hex with one or two soldies lost, 25-23-21-20-19 eheheheh tacatacatacataca..piung piung hehehe..... I like it, i like it. Great map too. =).....

Fradar.....when will you post next scenario???? i am wait that moment. hehehe =)


Redleg -> (5/19/2002 2:10:50 AM)

Fradar has posted several scenarios at

[URL=]Dirty Dozen[/URL]

Just go there and download this month's scenarios.

13 scenarios this month. Some very good gaming there, I think.

BryanMelvin -> Re: Play testers needed (5/19/2002 3:15:37 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Fradar
[B]I need play testers for my Nam Dinh Part I scenario, Indochina 1947, french first airborne operation, that John "Redleg" Rank has already mentoned in the "scenario design" thread.
Before going into designing Part II I would need detailed report and comments on Part I.
Thanks in advance for those who want to volonteer. [/B][/QUOTE]

Just downloaded it - looks good:)

Redleg -> (5/19/2002 4:32:28 AM)

Hang on to your chair - it is a wild ride.

Redleg -> (5/22/2002 2:37:28 AM)

I am hoping that some of you will tell how this scenario played out for you.

My results were a decisive with 1500+ casualties produced.
I lost the Banque which I never did regain. The Shooting Field was hotly contested throughout the battle and right at the end, I lost one v-hex there. The left flank was hotly contested but I was able to hold on there.

Come on, guys. Let Fradar (and me) know how this played out.

Farfullo -> Hi fradar and Redleg and the raiders =) (5/22/2002 5:13:06 AM)

Hi everybody :)

Heheheh =) Decisive victory =)...perhaps a little crazy i have moved almost all my troops to the edges and protect the v-hex's with a mortar or even nothing. Hehehe Why??? Well, the answer is that mortar could stopt the first wave of VM troops for about 1 or 2 turn...that allow me move some of my troops there and defend the v-hex =)... The tactic worked well... All v-hex's was taken and more than 1800 VM was killed or surrended for about 250 french soldiers. I post the last turn out about the emptyness of the central v-hex...this is a little crazy... but moving some troops far around then i have been able to ensure them.

Sorry about my English spelling again...i am almost translating from Spanish to English literally (and some word are invented because i dont have much time to look for in a dictionary :( )

Well goodbye my friend tomorrow or perhaps on Thursday i will begin with the first scenario of May from Redleg and the Raiders....

Wish me luck hehehe..i will need it =)

Sincerally Fradar...a good scenenario......make more like this....

Wave averybody..i have to go to sleep now...Ought!!! the file..i forgot it !!!!! Hehehe Here it is =)

Bye bye


Fradar -> Play testers needed (5/22/2002 5:42:24 AM)

Thanks Farfullo for your report. Interesting tactics. I will look at your last turn.
John Redleg was quicker than me. I also wanted to ask if some volonteers have played this scenario through.
Come on ! Do not be shy !

Fradar -> Play testers needed (5/24/2002 5:19:53 PM)

Ever heard of protest songs ? By such people like Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger, Joan Baez... Way back when in the mid 60's.
I remember two of those, slighly adapted for this thread :

- " Where have all the testers gone, I'd like to know, wow, wow.."

- "How many times must a tester play a scen, before he can tell if it's right,
the answer, my friend, is not on the forum,
the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind".
I thought winter was gone, maybe not for those hibernating testers.

:D:D...:confused: :confused: ...:mad: :mad: :o
:o :) :cool:

Farfullo -> (5/25/2002 5:58:42 AM)

Hehehe hi all :)

i have to ask you one thing heheheh :D ... what ai level is the best to play this and all scenarios posted here...??? hehehe i knmow your answer...that one where i felt more confortable but however there are scenarios where even at ai level 0 i can't achieve a drawed end. I played this scenario at ai level it significative???? i ask this because i would like to know how much apreciated am i as a newbie tester hehehe :).

Only that .....i sorry a lot about anybody else put here its comment :(. Dont feel sad... :) Here i am....waiting your new scen

Redleg and M4 dont feel sad too.... i will test your scen as sooner as possible...i work about 10 or 12 hours a day and a dont have too much free patient......i am doing my best....

Any suggestion about ai is apreciatted...thx :D

Now....good night...bye bye


Redleg -> (5/25/2002 8:44:48 AM)

I cannot speak for others but I design scenarios to be played with all settings at default with C/C turned off.

A lot of effort is put into making scenarios challenging and a bit difficult to win. My thought is if someone wants it easier, they can adjust settings or generate a battle.

hellcat -> (5/27/2002 12:01:10 PM)

I'm almost done on this will post results as soon as.


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