AmmoSgt -> (5/15/2002 9:17:43 AM)
Alot depends on if you move first or second , of course.. I find it very useful to use the whole map ..or at least make it clear in the opponents mind that you can and might use the whole map ... I like to drop recon and light anti tank ( bazookas ATR. Panzer fausts, whatever)( buy just one ot two transport aircraft as your last unit purchased , you don't need 4 transports for this) or inflitrate commandos in the rear( never any of these full company airborne drops ( ok well maybe sometimes) , not alot of points usually, but occasionally I use them as my main attack .. they make arty much more flexible, at any rate by spotting rear area and reserve units . And I like to use my mobile AA , or MG armed AC's as rear area security on the first turn, so it is harder to do this to me . A good kill zone is a good kill zone , if you find one on the map use it .. I know a human player will try an use the smoke signature of onboard arty to shoot at them so I tend to fire smoke from mortars and light arty randomly( well not exactly randomly , try and smoke unselected good positions) , around my rear on turn 0 to make this harder for this to happen, also notice how smoke rounds "pattern " when fired , I arrange mortars and light arty so they mimic this pattern to make them harder to identify . I co-ordinate infantry and AT assets by using the engagement range settings so that they will engage at the same spot on the map .. The Biggest thing is don't try and take more than one group of victory hexes at a time .. it is a heck of a lot easier to take VHexes north to south or south to north than it is to try and take a whole frontage .. Take a flank Vhex first, let the other guy defend everything, and then take them one at a time with overwhelming force .. once you have a flank Vhex send recon deep to protect your flank( reinforce or exploit what your droped or inflitrated troops have spotted ) and dig in on that Vhex with a follow on force of at guns and infantry .. any arty even the lightest arty causes suppresion use it just before any assault or on any suspected ambush postions before you move into their kill zone, suppressed troops are easier to spot and shoot less accurately . I move two man recon ahead of my adavance and leap frog my advancing units onto them , not past them .. they may spot enemy units before I move into a trap, but they surely give me an advantage when they are staionary and in the same hex when my Armor moves up in spoting opfiring AT guns . Smoke Smoke Smoke isolate advancing units from any supporting or overwatching units ..use arty to seperate infantry from armor ..but use smoke to create the battlefield you want to fight on .. some maps don't need much , some need alot buy accordingly. Thus my strategy is to buy a unified force , and I buy units than can quickly eliminate INFANTRY,more so than armor, that operates as a single battlefield unit with about 80% of my points with 20% going into recon, arty, and rear( the enemy's rear) area units .. I practice deception and informaton denial and force protection to the maximum extent possible while attempting to gain as much info as possible . Of my 80% 2/3's is assualt and 1/3 is hold what I have gained ..if I have a north south road I can feint at the top or bottom of the map smoke and rapidly shift to hit the other flank... You do NOT have feint with your whole force, you can preposition most of your force along the actual avenue of attack , and feint with a convincing but mobile segment.. Maybe even feint with your holding force and withdraw them , and shift them once the other player commits In pre game negotiation I will often insist on aircraft, or if playing a side that would typically have aircraft , and then having created in my opponents mind a need for AAA not buy any aircraft.. or negotiate for a higher than normal off board arty percentage and only buy a battery or 2 and leave them silent for counter battery .. but then sometimes I buy what I negotiate for .. you never know. But when buying remember , Blind Armor unsupported by Infantry is an easy kill for specialist units and smoke and terrain can make visiability whatever you want it to be if you want to reduce visibility, and elite recon and arty can make visibility anything you want it to be if you need lomger visibility.. Use the whole map , or make the whole map a threat in the opponents mind , deny the opponent as much info about as much of the map , and your deployment , as you can.. Plan to attack with overwhleming force , Plan to defend with an economy of force. Never leave valuable units exposed to direct fire during the enemys turn .. forego that last shot or two and drop back behind cover.. let the computer do the other guys firing during opfire , and you do your shooting during your turn with mobile units , have overwatching mortars with smoke , or mobile mortars close by to screen units in trouble. If a unit draws opfire , don't use it to shoot back , and don't move it farther into the trap , bring up another unit .if it recieves op fire from the same place maybe the first unit can spot it and engage , if you move advancing armor onto 2 man recon units you usually spot the firing unit.. the more you remove control of firing from your opponent and the more you retain control of your firing , the better off you are. Uh ..hmm sometimes I forget to load anything in those transports .. that drives the other guy crazy in low visibilty situations especially if they fly back corner to back corner on the opening turn.