Karnaaj -> (5/17/2002 2:57:35 PM)
Ahhh, it's been a while since last I read the forms, and now there's yet another "weird-***" thread to contribute to. Bat bombs - there's a book out about the project - BAT BOMB World War II's Other Secret Weapon, ISBN 0-292-70790-8. "Iceberg" carriers - yup. The mix of sawdust and ice, called (as I recall) "Pykrete". "Geoffrey Pyke, presented the idea of constructing "berg-ships" - up to 4,000 feet long, 600 feet wide and 130 feet in depth – that could be made cheaply, and in great numbers, from ice. The ships would be insulated and cooled, made practically invulnerable to bombs or torpedoes." Tested a model in a Canadian lake in the summer of '43, where (with refrigeration on-board) it didn't appreciably melt. And finally, "bullet deflectors": I have right behind me a 1975 issue of MILITARY MODELER, with *lots* of pix and data on the M2/M2A1 tank - 37 mm, and *6* .30-cal MGs. (Two forward, ala aircraft MGs, and 4 barbette/sponson-mounts covering the corners.) On the rear fenders are square chunks of sheet metal (armour, one would hope ) that would deflect the rear guns' fire downwards as/after it crossed the trenches. (Relating to a path thread, the pictures were shot during those Louisiana manevers of '41...) Now, if only I still had the issue that had the scratchbuilt T95, with many pix and details of the dual-track mechanism, including the *detatchable* outer tracks that were locked together and towed for road-width purposes...