Suggested Reading: W.E.B. Griffin (Full Version)

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Stoney -> Suggested Reading: W.E.B. Griffin (5/16/2002 2:01:53 AM)

I don't know if many of you like to read much, but I wanted to tell some of you about an excellent series by W.E.B. Griffin called "The Corps" series. It deals extensively in this particular Theater and will be an outstanding "aid" to draw you into the game even more. There are tons of books in the series but books 4-7 "Line of Fire", "Battleground", and "Close Combat" in particular deal with the subject in the game.

You will feel much closer to the places you are fighting for and the familiarity will add to the gaming experience. You younger guys may get a better understanding exactly why these seemingly insignificant islands were of such extreme importance to the War. (Aussies young or old excluded, of course)

Just wanted to throw that out there in case some of you have never heard of the series and would like to increase your knowledge in the area without having to watch documenteries or cracking a history book :)

I am ecstatic to see Grigsby back in the gaming world (though he never left my hard drive)and big thanks to all the designers and everyone who made this game possible!!!


Stoney -> (5/16/2002 2:30:01 AM)

BTW- I mentioned that the series deals with many of these islands, but I didn't really explain myself too clearly about the details about the books themselves.

The series is "Semi-fiction", in other words it deals with some fictional characters but primarily focuses on real people and events of the period. They represent some of the best insight of what the mindset was for the men (and women) who participated in the war in that particular area that I have ever seen. The books explain how important the CoastWatchers were to the effort as well as shows the problems the Marines faced upon landing (not only with the enemy but with the Navy and regular breakdowns of communication and damaged egos). They will take you through the capture (and naming) of Henderson Field and what perils were involved in doing so and many, many other things that are pertinent to the game.

I strongly suggest to anyone interested to grab the entire series and feed your mind with what you find there. It is amazing how much more enjoyable wargames can become when you have a complete understanding of the environment.

P.S.- I'm sorry for the first line in my other message. I wasn't suggesting that gamers don't read. Some people don't like to read much or don't have the time. This msg is focused towards the people who like to read in conjunction with wargaming.


mogami -> He got carried away. (5/16/2002 3:07:48 AM)

In one book the Marine hero is fighting nazis in South America helped by his buddy the German non nazi fighter pilot ace.

Stoney -> Re: He got carried away. (5/16/2002 4:39:08 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mogami
[B]In one book the Marine hero is fighting nazis in South America helped by his buddy the German non nazi fighter pilot ace. [/B][/QUOTE]

Sounds like a different series. This series begins with the China Marines and proceeds through Pearl Harbor and escalates to Guadalcanal ( the majority of the books take place in the Pacific)

Not sure what you were talking about, but griffen has a ton of books out about WW2 so I wouldn't be surprised if that took place in another series.

If you were just pulling my leg...well, I gave ya the beneift of the doubt......

mogami -> WEB (5/16/2002 4:51:36 AM)

Hi, No I have read his 'real' books. I can't remember the name of this charactor. He is a Marine Capt fighter pilot. He is the son of some south american general (american momma) who grew up on grandpa farm and he is sent to south america to track down Nazi spies. and gets helped by a German fighter pilot. I only read it because it was on the floor of the jail. I read alot a books in the pokey i would not have touched otherwise. It occupied monday and tuesday. I'll think of his name. but it was a WEB Griffen book (I think I read my first WEB Griffen book, something like "The Old Breed" many years ago (I was a jarhead from 73-77)

MalleusDei -> (5/16/2002 5:37:32 AM)

Uh, guys? You need to listen up and learn something.

W.E.B. Griffin is a pen name. The author's real name is Willam E. "Bill" Butterworth III. He has written a lot of books - mainly children's books and a lot of the M*A*S*H novels - under his own name. His pen names include W.E.B. Griffin, Alex Baldwin, Patrick J. Williams, Edmund O. Scholefield, James McM. Douglas, Walker E. Blake, Webb Beech, and Eden Hughes.

He has FOUR World War II (+) series:

1. The Brotherhood of War Series (The Lieutenants,
The Captains, etc.), which deal with the careers of some Army officers from the end of World War II through Vietnam and the Cold War.

2. The Corps Series (Semper Fi, Call To Arms, etc.), which deal with the careers of some Marine officers from WWII on to Korea.

3. The Argentine Series (Honor Bound, Blood and Honor, etc.) which deal with the exploits of the OSS in Argentina in WWII (and which are supposed to continue on through the Falklands War) and which focus on one half-Argentine, half-American OSS/USMC officer.

4. The Men at War Series (The Last Heroes, The Secret Warriors, etc.), which deal with the Flying Tigers initially and then with the OSS in WWII.

You can learn all about him on - and there's even a decent photo of him, along with a list of his works.

I've been on an authors' panel with him before; he is a real good guy and a true Southern gentleman.

Stoney -> (5/16/2002 6:03:28 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by MalleusDei
[B]Uh, guys? You need to listen up and learn something.

W.E.B. Griffin is a pen name. The author's real name is Willam E. "Bill" Butterworth III. He has written a lot of books - mainly children's books and a lot of the M*A*S*H novels - under his own name. His pen names include W.E.B. Griffin, Alex Baldwin, Patrick J. Williams, Edmund O. Scholefield, James McM. Douglas, Walker E. Blake, Webb Beech, and Eden Hughes.

Uh, thanks (I guess) Your "listen up and learn something" remark was uncalled for if directed at me. I KNOW about the other series and have them (although i am on the 7th book of the Corps at the moment)

I posted an innocent comment about something that may be of interest to those who may want to learn a little more about the setting in which the game takes place. When the other poster brought up the book about South America and a non-nAzi pilot, I suggested that he was probably talking about one of the others...not the Corps.

Then, here comes MightyMouse to save the day who expulges his plethora of knowledge upon us all since surely these low-lifes wouldn't know their a$$ from a....

Geez. Excuse me for trying to add a little to the gaming experience for some of the others.

In closing. the books by "The Artist Formerly Known As W.E.B. Griffin" are superb books that are an excellent companion to the game. If you want to know all about the author's pen names or other series by to MalleusDei.

Semper Fi

mogami -> OSS Marine South American Guy (5/16/2002 6:35:50 AM)

Yep thats the series, but unlike his earlier works this one was some what boring and predictable (Had more sex then violence, whats up with that?)

11Bravo -> Re: WEB (5/16/2002 6:41:59 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mogami
[B]I only read it because it was on the floor of the jail. [/B][/QUOTE]

This would be a cool quote to read on the back of the book's cover.

mogami -> Jail Books (5/16/2002 6:52:05 AM)

Hi, Only get new books on saturday night (2) by monday I need something new to read so it's poke around the day space where departed persons throw their junk before they get to go out drink beer smoke cigarettes and play computer games. I read several books by wjhacko female mystic moonunit semi historical (or hysterical) novels sent in ancient Rome with babal talking high prietress to the alieans who built stonehedge know it all but we forgot it when atlantis sank after being hit by a comet caused by atomic weapons in space.

Ron Saueracker -> For Mogami (5/16/2002 7:58:11 AM)

Ever drop the soap...?:eek:

mogami -> Nope (5/16/2002 8:02:43 AM)

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: being the military student that i am I learned to keep my rear protected :eek:

MalleusDei -> (5/16/2002 10:49:44 AM)

Gee, what a hoot. You are all over the map and I put you straight and you have the gall to get MAD?

Sorry that I knew the truth and posted it. Next time I'll let you stay lost in the dark.

Ron Saueracker -> Hey MalleusDei! (5/16/2002 12:31:46 PM)

We could all use a bit of humility on this forum. No point in alienating people with the wrong approach.:cool:

MalleusDei -> (5/16/2002 8:08:44 PM)

I assume that was addressed at the jerk who got angry when he was presented with accurate information.

It better have been.

Preacher -> (5/16/2002 8:13:36 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by MalleusDei
[B]I assume that was addressed at the jerk who got angry when he was presented with accurate information.

It better have been. [/B][/QUOTE]

Laughing out loud at this one. :)


MalleusDei -> (5/16/2002 8:47:56 PM)

Well, then the Hell with you all.

There are laymen and there are experts. You guys were flailing around, hipdeep in massive ignorance, on a subject on which I happen to be an expert. If you fools are so arrogant in your ignorance that you get angry when presented with the facts by someone who has forgotten more on a subject than you will ever know, then to Hell with the lot of you.

As the Spanish say, "He who washes the head of an *** wastes both his time and soap."

Adios. Enjoy being ignorant. I will spend my online time in the company of people whose egos aren't so huge that they get angry when their ignorance is corrected.

Preacher -> (5/16/2002 8:52:30 PM)


Ron Saueracker -> MalleusDei (5/16/2002 9:24:45 PM)

Stoney got miffed because your post "CAME ACROSS" as arrogant, that's all. No big deal. No reason to lose it.:confused:

Stoney -> (5/18/2002 1:11:49 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by MalleusDei
[B]Well, then the Hell with you all.

There are laymen and there are experts. You guys were flailing around, hipdeep in massive ignorance, on a subject on which I happen to be an expert. If you fools are so arrogant in your ignorance that you get angry when presented with the facts by someone who has forgotten more on a subject than you will ever know, then to Hell with the lot of you.

As the Spanish say, "He who washes the head of an *** wastes both his time and soap."

Adios. Enjoy being ignorant. I will spend my online time in the company of people whose egos aren't so huge that they get angry when their ignorance is corrected. [/B][/QUOTE]

LOL Thanks for the laughs!! I've been busy playing the game in my free time and haven't had much of a chance to check this thread.

Your first post *did* come across as arrogant to me and I didn't think the comment was called for. That was the reason for my response and it's tone. As it turned out (from reading your responses afterward), my initial assessment of you was correct. You *are* an arrogant S@B....but with all due respect, I appreciate you "edumacating ma aboot ma ignorinse."

"Adios. Enjoy being ignorant. I will spend my online time in the company of people whose egos aren't so huge that they get angry when their ignorance is corrected."

Methinks my ego isn't the one you should be most concerned with, friend. Have you ever listened to yourself talk? You will end up a VERY lonely man up on that High Horse with your "Holier than Thou" attitude. Admittedly, I am one of the most sarcastic people you will likely ever meet and I let my mouth run away with me sometimes....but I have no qualms admitting when I am wrong. It was improper of me to reply with such sarcasm on my part and I do apologize for that. I am having a much more difficult time feeling bad about letting my sarcasm leak out in this message, however.

If I may make a suggestion:

In the future, if you happen to come across a conversation of which you feel is in your area of expertise. Gently ease your way into it and share the knowledge you wish to share without putting people immediately on the defensive or making them feel inferior or alienated. Not only will you gain the listener's ear but likely their respect of your knowledge in that area.

Apologies to the others of the forum. This thread deteriorated rapidly! Hell...I was just suggesting some reading material. I didn't think I would get into a p-ing contest with someone when I posted the original msg. (Has been kinda fun though)


mogami -> What the? (5/18/2002 1:34:15 PM)

Hi, I missed something and I was here from the start. What I really wanted to know was the real name of that 'Homer' guy who wrote those cool Trojan and Greek war series
Book one "The really old Breed"
Book Two "Hoplite, Grunting on the Plains
Book Three "You want I should build a Wooden what?"

The next series was the "Oddity" or something. I guess maps had not been invented and this feller gets lost (lots of sex)

anyways they are mostly out of print now.

Stoney -> Re: What the? (5/18/2002 1:53:56 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mogami
[B]Hi, I missed something and I was here from the start. What I really wanted to know was the real name of that 'Homer' guy who wrote those cool Trojan and Greek war series
Book one "The really old Breed"
Book Two "Hoplite, Grunting on the Plains
Book Three "You want I should build a Wooden what?"

The next series was the "Oddity" or something. I guess maps had not been invented and this feller gets lost (lots of sex)

anyways they are mostly out of print now. [/B][/QUOTE]

LOL!! I think I may have an original copy of that one on audio.....but it is on 8-track. Thats pretty old stuff you're talking about (late seventies, early eighties?) The only problem is that I can't get that "NostraDamFarfagnugen" tape unstuck so i can listen to it.

note to self: quit posting after 2am....sleep deprivation makes me crazy

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