Soldier Statistics after a battle (Full Version)

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Akilla21 -> Soldier Statistics after a battle (3/19/2009 4:47:03 AM)

I just recently acquired this game, but more so I recently downloaded the 4.5 patch. And I didn't see within read me the following changes:
1. Squad selection is preselected and statically assigned (Meaning I can't change my soldier or equipment layout before the battle)
2. No Soldier Statistics after the battle

With the older Close Combat Invasion Normandy at the end of the each battle you can see the statistics of how your soldiers and the enemy's soldiers performed. Including their kills, bravery and medals achieved.
I'm I missing something? Did my patch not install properly? Or is that the new game design?

Andrew Williams -> RE: Soldier Statistics after a battle (3/19/2009 6:37:13 AM)

with the 4.5.07b patch

My game doesn't have fixed Battle Group


1. I play Classic CC4
2. I download the "Locked Battle Group" mod

After Battle I have all soldier info (see pic)


Akilla21 -> RE: Soldier Statistics after a battle (3/20/2009 12:33:50 AM)

So, where do I change my game type to Classic CC4? Or is that a different version from Wacht Am Rhein?

Andrew Williams -> RE: Soldier Statistics after a battle (3/20/2009 1:06:19 AM)

Click on Play CCWaR to Play Wacht am Rhein

Click on Play Classic CC4 to play classic CC4


Akilla21 -> RE: Soldier Statistics after a battle (3/20/2009 1:19:19 AM)

I've played the classic and the regular wacht am rhein. And on my classic I can change the unit setup. But no statistics at the end. And I just played a new battle? So, with the Mod will that remove the locked battle? Or enable it?


Akilla21 -> RE: Soldier Statistics after a battle (3/20/2009 1:24:18 AM)

My game version 4.50


Andrew Williams -> RE: Soldier Statistics after a battle (3/20/2009 1:28:47 AM)

get the update

It's not a mod it's an official update.

Akilla21 -> RE: Soldier Statistics after a battle (3/20/2009 1:39:30 AM)

I'm downloading it now... How are you able to play MP? Is there a mod for that? I wouldn't love to play you online if possible.

Senior Drill -> RE: Soldier Statistics after a battle (3/20/2009 2:09:16 AM)

You are mistaken.  You can not change the battle group in Classic CC4.  Never could and never will.  You can change the battle group in CC WaR.


ORIGINAL:  Akilla21  How are you able to play MP? Is there a mod for that?

Both can be played MP over LAN or TCP/IP.  There is no mod for that, it is a feature of the game.  There are a few game lobbys about and after you install the updates you will have the menu option for Battle HQ that you see as the third option in Andrew's image above as a way to find opponents.  There are other options.  Having a VOIP application like TeamSpeak or Skype helps, but is not required.


 I wouldn't love to play you online if possible.

[&:][&:] Spreek Engrish, Troop!

Akilla21 -> RE: Soldier Statistics after a battle (3/20/2009 2:19:11 AM)

Excellent... At least you know how to read. And yes, I was able to get all the features you mentioned. Happy Hunting.

The Greek

Andrew Williams -> RE: Soldier Statistics after a battle (3/20/2009 2:42:55 AM)

Playing classic CC4 my stats are retained after battle and through a campaign


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