Breaching the Brisbane Line: Sierra Juliet v Ambassador (Full Version)

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SierraJuliet -> Breaching the Brisbane Line: Sierra Juliet v Ambassador (3/27/2009 2:00:41 PM)

In the chill of early dawn Captain Okada Jisadu surveys the fleet. From his vantage point on the bridge of Kaga the finest ships of Japanese naval aviation could be seen steaming away from the homeland. Only hours before the fleet had weighed anchor and slipped out of the safety and secrecy of Hitokappu Bay. Mt. Berumarube had just now dipped below the horizon.

Cruising at a stately 14 knots Kaga was accompanied by the other front line strike aircraft carriers of Japan; Akagi, Soryu, Hiryu and the newest additions Shokaku and Zuikaku. Together these six powerful ships constituted the cutting edge of the finely honed sword that was the Japanese Imperial Navy. Since taking over command of Kaga in September Captain Jisaku had had plenty of time to appreciate the power of this one ship in the fleet. A long time proponent of naval aviation Captain Jisaku well understood the blow this one ship could wield. Indeed she was a far cry from his previous commands. Jisadu’s mind wandered as he savoured his memories of Notoro and Ryujo. Those times, though, were yesterday’s memories. Memories of peaceful times… today though war permeates the air.

After the fleet had gathered at Hitokappu Bay the order for the attack had been issued. Where it would lead to was open to debate. Captain Jisaku was certain though that Kaga and her men would acquit themselves well. Kaga was a sturdy ship and she had gained a reputation as a happy ship. In the short time of his command Jisadu had come to know her aviators well and now had a measure of their mettle. Within days the enemy would also know and fear that mettle…..

The orders have been issued and the fleet has sailed. Welcome to the AAR of SierraJuliet versus Ambassador. The expansion of the Empire is at hand..

SierraJuliet -> RE: Breaching the Brisbane Line: Sierra Juliet v Ambassador (4/1/2009 3:09:24 PM)

Alone in his cabin Captain Jisaku contemplated the results of the strike on Pearl Harbour.  As he had known his pilots and aircrew had acquitted themselves very well.  Indeed throughout the whole fleet only 13 planes had been lost.  The American airfields had been smashed and the port hit hard too.  Reports indicated that some 60+ aircraft had been destroyed.  There remained one disturbing point to ponder.  The harbour had been empty of ships.  The fleet which should have been there had sailed.  With the strike committed to the attack on the harbour it was with much regret that reports had only just started filtering through of American ships at sea within striking distance.  Already reports had come in of confirmed sightings of the battleships Maryland, Arizona, California and Nevada.   

Captain Jisaku was glad that he did not have the command entrusted to Admiral Nagumo.  With the fleet so close to the American base and the enemy fleet now at sea Nagumo had some difficult decisions to make.  With the American fleet at sea and close at hand a glittering opportunity had been presented.  All Nagumo had to do was take the opportunity, win a stunning victory and bring his fleet back in one piece.  No reports of the American aircraft carriers had been received though either.

On reflection Captain Jisaku was more certain that he did not envy Nagumo. 

Well it appears that Ambassador has presented me with a difficult decision to make.  Playing within the HR the American Fleet was formed up into task forces and silly me forget to set KB to port attack as a secondary priority.  Points to Ambassador.  Now though I have the Pearl fleet at sea and in easy striking distance although KB is perilously close to the Americans.  I'm thinking I should run but the opportunity is great.  I'm leaning towards standing off at a reasonably safe distance, sorting out my CAP to deal with LBA strikes and see if I can't sink some ships.  The runway at Pearl has taken 155 hits and the airbase 40 hits.... is this enough to cause significant interference to a LBA strike against KB?

n01487477 -> RE: Breaching the Brisbane Line: Sierra Juliet v Ambassador (4/1/2009 11:46:29 PM)

what does the recon damage level of the airfield say ? It is possibly only partially closed, so you will have to contend with some form of CAP or LRCAP of those TF's.
How is Lahaina looking as well, that is a lvl 3 airfield? A nice place to put in some TB/DB's with CAP. Luckily in stock the Allies don't have too many aircraft at Pearl in the beginning...

I'd expect him to steam out of Pearl this turn probably due South(but he could go East or West too) or a very small chance of double crossing and disbanding them, but I think the first option is what he will do. Maybe deploying his CV based or damaged groups to Lahaina.(I note the HR says can't replace, but doesn't stipulate removing them for land based - or am I wrong?) Not sure what he can fly in from SF, but it would have to be large LB.

Also you will find it hard to attack any shipping if you stand off, his forces will be 6 hexes or more away from the danger zone.

This is one of those nail biting decisions and it is up to you... whether to split KB and have them follow eachother or more dangerously go hunting seperately, or keep them together and power close to Pearl...or take an educated guess where the fleet will go.

Of course the alternative is to bide your time, accept the failure and stand down ... there will be other opportunities.
Good luck

ny59giants -> RE: Breaching the Brisbane Line: Sierra Juliet v Ambassador (4/2/2009 12:09:09 AM)

I would say go south young man. Since he did not have to use op points on flak, he may be able to move up to 5 hexes with his BBs. As a AFB who is now trying his hand with the "Evil Empire" many players do not remember that for the first turn there is only a single naval movement phase. Thus, the farthest he could be is 6 hexes away. It you came in from the north, then go to full speed for one day. Place your FP on 100% naval search. Place your TB and DB on 10 or 20% search levels. His 2 CVs started to the west of Hawaii.  He has DMs and a CA at Johnson Island, more transports and another CA at Canton. If he wants to link up, that is the direction to head. 

Edit - Reset KBs home port to one of the eastern most Marshall Islands. The AI will use the distance from the TF to its home port to determine if the shorter legged DDs need to re-fuel. Besides fighting the Allies, you have to deal with the AI. Plus, good old weather. Speaking of weather, check on the various hexes around Hawaii to see if rain is forecasted as he may try to run into it.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Breaching the Brisbane Line: Sierra Juliet v Ambassador (4/2/2009 5:53:51 AM)

Thanks Damian.  I'd forgotten to have a look at recon damage level for the airfield.  The airfield is at 27 and the port is at 22.  I'm guessing that 27 doesn't mean too great a degradation to the operation of this airfield.  If I do decide to stay I expect to have to contend not only with CAP or LRCAP of the TFs but a potential attack on my carriers as well.  Makes for a hard decision on how much to leave as CAP for my carriers.  I was thinking 60% CAP and 40% escort but maybe 50/50 is a better mix.  I hadn't forgotten Lahaina either.... I suspect that Lionel has stashed some planes there as we could move planes around during the first turn.  South sounds obvious but all options are open and I have considered the possibility of a double cross by sending all ships back to Pearl.  Will have to re read the rule about carrier based planes.  As to standing off I was thinking this would make any attack on ships rather difficult... guess I'm a little wary of sending KB to some location and finding a bunch of surface action task forces have reacted and tracked me down with the obvious fatal consequences.  I'm inclined to keep KB together and I'm not sure about educated guess... seems likely to just be a guess.  My recon lists 22 task forces in the Pearl Habour hex with some ships listed as being in port as well.  Perhaps Lionel will go for the scatter gun approach and send ships all over the place.

Good to hear from you ny59.  I'm liking your thinking and already have a run to Kwaj factored in for the KB after the Hawaii affair.  I decided to plonk KB only 1 hex NW of Pearl so will have to move about 4 hexes west before they can make a run south though.  I'm favouring this option though as it keeps me away from Lahaina and opens up the route to Kwaj and Wake Island if I choose to send KB in support of landings there.  Besides what is the point of having KB and targets out there and then simply turn tale and run away.... Maybe this is similar to what Nagumo had to contend with.

In general this is not where I expected to be after turn 1 but I have to admit the options and possibilities are enticing and far more grey matter use is going on than I expected.


n01487477 -> RE: Breaching the Brisbane Line: Sierra Juliet v Ambassador (4/2/2009 7:33:40 AM)

I'd be guessing that the FOW is really hiding the true value of the airfield damage due to not enough recon data.(But then Japanese recon is never very accurate anyway --- I've had Nemo fly on bases that said 100% damage, but obviously were not(sometimes shows accumulative service and runway). Still I'd be thinking Lahaina is dangerous, but without enough cap planes they aren't going to attack KB anyway, except in suicidal runs... It has been a long time since I played stock, but I think there is less leaking of aircraft getting through to strike KB compared to other mods.

He will probably head south as we have suggested, and possibly make small TF's to do this. I'm glad you are in for the chase as catching TF away from port might mean a clean strike and sinkings.

1 hex NW of Pearl will put his BB's out of DB range - if he does track Sth ...


SierraJuliet -> RE: Breaching the Brisbane Line: Sierra Juliet v Ambassador (4/2/2009 7:38:58 AM)

I'm working on the turn now and as time progresses I think I'm coming around to the southerly course on a high speed run for one turn to see what I can bag.  I'm certainly keeping away from Lahaina.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Breaching the Brisbane Line: Sierra Juliet v Ambassador (4/2/2009 11:59:15 AM)

  Highlights of action on 7 December 1941

Port Attack on Pearl Harbour

 A steep learning curve for this new PBEM player.  Our HR allowed for both players to create task forces without moving them…. Only ships to move were those already in a task force.  After playing the AI for so long I forgot that ordering naval attack as priority for my KB planes with port/airfield as secondary to avoid what happened…… any empty port.  Admiral Nagumo has decided to act boldly and has ordered the fleet south at high speed in the hope of locating American ships at sea.  


Patrol craft attached to the invasion force off of Khota Bharu locate S-36 and give her a pounding with 8 hits reported.

Raids were launched against airfields at Alor Star, Singapore and Khota Bharu.  For the loss of no Japanese planes 9 Buffalo were claimed as destroyed.   An allied air attack on the surface combat TF off Khota Bharu resulted in the downing of 1 Swordfish, 1 Vildebeest and 1 ineffectual bomb landing on CA Kumano.   A further attack by 10 Vildebeest on the Khota Bharu invasion fleet resulted in 1 bomb hitting AK Akita Maru – 56 casualties and 22 22 08 damage.  


Troops landed at Khota Bharu and set about securing the beachhead.
China (Hong Kong)


A raid by 28 SB-2c on Canton leads to the destruction of 1 Tojo. 


Units have starting moving to take up position protecting roads and railways.  A number of units are moving towards Yenen.  A shock attack to clear Chinese units in Nanchang results in Chinese forces retreating and suffering 236 casualties and 8 guns lost whilst Japan suffered 403 casualties and 11 guns lost.   Troops from Canton are on the move to Hong Kong.  



CVL Ryujo locates at task force near Naga and in two separate strikes claims 3 torpedo hits on AK Elcano and another 3 on AK Escalante.


Raids were launched against airfields at Clark Field, Laoag and Batan Island.  Allied planes had been successfully dispersed resulting in damage only to airfield facilities. 


Troops land at Vigan, Lingayen and Laoag and set about securing beachheads.


I-3 snooping around Pearl Harbour is located and hit resulting in 26 58 00 damage.  LCDR Mifune sets a course for home but the outlook is bleak.    

Naval Losses for the Day

AK Elcano  


I think good points to Ambassador for this turn.  KB is sitting out there looking a bit silly but turn two might see some things happen in the seas around Hawaii.  Otherwise a fairly conservative opening by the Japanese forces with invasions only taking place in Malaya and the Philippines.  There was also a notable lack of planes on the ground so it appears that the allied planes have been properly dispersed.    

John 3rd -> RE: Breaching the Brisbane Line: Sierra Juliet v Ambassador (4/2/2009 10:18:42 PM)

Good Luck Sir.

What--precisely--happened at Pearl?

SierraJuliet -> RE: Breaching the Brisbane Line: Sierra Juliet v Ambassador (4/3/2009 5:45:14 AM)

Hi John

I believe the short terminology is called a "brain explosion".  Lionel and I have a HR allowing for task forces to be created prior to commencing the first turn with the proviso that they did not move.  For reasons I put done to inexperience I didn't properly think through the implications and left the strike planes not on AF attack as port attack.  Well naturally they were going to clobber an empty port.  In game terms I've imagined that for some sneaky reason the Americans got wind of the attack just in time and skedaddled in the nick of time. [sm=scared0018.gif]

Lionel was very magnanimous and offered to do a replay but I responded that I'm prepared to go on... my mistake and all and I don't for a second believe it will be my only one in this game.  Besides I still harbour some hope of success on Nagumo's mad southward dash.  Well that is what I hope for... if it turns out to be ashes in my mouth I'll live with that too.  Heres hoping that Nagumo is made of stern stuff.

John 3rd -> RE: Breaching the Brisbane Line: Sierra Juliet v Ambassador (4/3/2009 6:26:21 AM)

I, personally, would not be happy over that move but...good thoughts...maybe you can plant the Fleet in 15,000 Ft of water instead of 40 Ft.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Breaching the Brisbane Line: Sierra Juliet v Ambassador (4/3/2009 7:49:52 AM)

I can't say I have many happy feelings about this move either... so many outcomes that don't bode well for the KB.  I'm not keen on the run away with tail between legs option either.  Being bold, though, does have potential for great results and like you say any sunk ships are going to stay sunk not sit waiting on the mud of Pearl awaiting reincarnation a couple of years down the track.  What I'm really looking to achieve is sink some ships without losing elements of KB that way I'll have damage to the airfield and port plus ships down on the other side.

I can't run the move until later tonight (children's swimming club end of year meet) so I will be staying concerned for a little longer. [:)]

SierraJuliet -> RE: Breaching the Brisbane Line: Sierra Juliet v Ambassador (4/4/2009 3:17:22 AM)

Ambassador and I have a temporary truce while we sort out some animation issues. 

KB did survive but alas no targets located on the southward dash.  Ambassodor had sent his battle fleet back to the west coast on a north easterly heading from Pearl. My submarine picket picked them up with a couple of subs getting clobbered in the process.

ny59giants -> RE: Breaching the Brisbane Line: Sierra Juliet v Ambassador (4/4/2009 4:12:44 AM)

Maybe its because I'm in mental health, but I like playing a new opponent to see what kind of thinker he is. Which military strategist will he be most closely associated with?? His opening moves will help you later in the game to use his tendencies against him. 

SierraJuliet -> RE: Breaching the Brisbane Line: Sierra Juliet v Ambassador (4/4/2009 3:37:33 PM)

Hey ny59giants.   I'm still trying to work out what kind of strategist I am..... I figure that if I can keep myself guessing for long enough no one else should have any idea of what I'm up to.  [8D][8D][8D]

SierraJuliet -> RE: Breaching the Brisbane Line: Sierra Juliet v Ambassador (4/10/2009 3:08:21 PM)

After our short hiatus Ambassador and I are back into it.  We are still having some animation issues but I am hopeful we can sort them out and we will both be getting what we want from this game.  

I only have time for one short snippet of the events of 9 December 1941.  

Force Z sorties and makes a night time appearance off Khota Bharu.  Standing off the beaches to protect the fleet of transports are the heavy cruisers Mogami, Mikuma, Suzuya and Kumano and destroyers Maikaze, Nowaki, Arashi and Hagikaze.  It is not long before the well trained Japanese seamen; trained to perfection in night time fighting, identify their opposite numbers as being Prince of Wales, Repulse, the light cruiser Danae and destroyers Vampire, Vendetta, Tenedos, Electra and Express.  What follows is a wild night of action.  The Japanese long lace torpedoes are let loose and ships match up and start slugging it out.  In the early hours of the morning it is Force Z that breaks off and retreats although both sides have been hit hard.  
Damage reports flood in and the Japanese Admiral considers the cost with Mogami reporting 5 large calibre shell hits, fires raging and heavy damage, Mikuma reports 1 shell hit and Suzuya 7 shell hits.  Of the destroyers Arashi reports 3 shell hits, fires and heavy damage and Hagikaze 7 shell hits and fires.  

The assessment of damage caused to the Force Z is that Prince of Wales received 2 shell hits, 3 torpedoes, was seen to be on fire and was believed to have suffered heavy damage.  Repulse was believed to have taken 3 shell hits, 2 torpedoes and was also on fire.  Danae was reported as being hit 4 times and was on fire; Vampire took 2 hits and 1 torpedo, was on fire and believed to be heavily damaged.  Vendetta and Express were each reported as being hit twice and fires could be seen.  Electra was hit twice, was hit by 1 torpedo, had fires burning and appeared to have been heavily damaged.  

The approach of dawn would tell the true extent of the damage.

SierraJuliet -> Force Z strikes (4/11/2009 2:13:31 PM)

Before dawn approaches, however, Force Z and the heavy cruisers covering the transports tangle again.  Mogami staggers under the punishment of another 6 heavy calibre shell hits exacerbating her fires and causing further heavy damage.  Mikuma is hit 3 times and now has fires to contend with.  Suzuya suffers another 2 hits but Kumano is once again spared any damage.  Destroyer Arashi is hit one more time whilst Hagikaze is hit by another 6 shells and her condition is becoming desperate.
The Japanese respond again and during this early morning exchange Repulse is reported to be hit by 4 shells, Danae by 3 shells and 1 torpedo.  Vampire and Vendetta are reported to have each been hit by 4 shells.  Electra also is hit by 2 shells.
Force Z breaks off and retreats.  The Japanese task force has completed the task of protecting the transports – Force Z was unable to penetrate the screen and the initial assessment of damage caused to the ships of Force Z is optimistic.  The battle is a success but it has not been without cost.  As relative peace returns to the sea lanes off of Khota Bharu the silence is regularly broken by the sound of explosions coming from the twisted and burning hull of Mogami.  Frantic efforts at fire and damage control are under way but the fires burning most fiercely on and below the aft decks are moving inexorably forwards to the engineering compartments.  The aft magazines have been flooded.  Further forward the ship has to contend with more flooding coming from 14 inch shells that opened up holes in the hull at and below the water line.  Mogami is down by the bows and has developed a list to port.  Counter flooding has slowed the rate of list but little by little the list continues to increase.  The detritus of a dying ship litter the water and a short distance away Kumano stands by to assist with the rescue of the injured.
At 11:08 the captain issues the final order to abandon ship.  Within 20 minutes Mogami turns turtle and sinks below the waves and comes to rest on the sea bed not far off shore from Khota Bharu.
On board Destroyer Hagikaze valiant efforts have been underway all through the day to save this ship.  She is badly damaged but her crew has put their all into keeping the ship seaworthy.  Then at 15:15 3 Vildebeest are spotted skimming the wave tops.  Where, wonders the crew, is the CAP that should have been here to knock down these intruders?  Barely able to make any headway Hagikaze is a sitting duck and one by one the crew watch as the bombers drop their deadly cargo.  So few attackers yet one torpedo runs true and ends its run by slamming into the middle port side of the ship.  A tremendous geyser of water erupts next to the ship.  Men are thrown about as the ship is jolted out of the water.  Hagikaze smashed in the overnight battle and her back now broken by the torpedo quickly settles and then sinks.
Within a few days of commencing the war the Imperial Japanese Navy has lost its first heavy cruiser and first destroyer.

Any conjecture out there on the likely fate of the ships that make up Force Z?

Capt. Harlock -> RE: Force Z strikes (4/11/2009 4:06:44 PM)

Am excellently written AAR. Having the Americans get wind of the PH strike is, or course, entirely realistic. (American intelligence lost track of the six main Japanese CV's before the raid -- it wouldn't have been hard for them to send a sub to scout Marcus Island, among other things.) I wonder if there are any major battleship fights in the future?

SierraJuliet -> RE: Force Z strikes (4/12/2009 3:01:52 AM)

Many thanks good Capt. Harlock. 

The 9th of December 1941 was a totally wild day for the Empire of Japan.  Ambassador has put together some fantastic counter punches which has had my mind spinning for the last couple of days.  Stay tuned for the write up of 9 December once I have my turn off to Ambassador.  The forces of the evil empire will be focused on the complete destruction of Force Z.  [sm=00000028.gif]

SierraJuliet -> RE: Force Z strikes (4/12/2009 10:45:45 AM)

Word travelled quickly across the Japanese air bases in Indo China.  If reports were correct crippled ships attempting to find their way back to Singapore were sure to be located today.  As the crews readied their planes the level of anticipation rose to a fever pitch.  

The first strike of the day went aloft comprising 14 Lily escorted by 18 Oscar.  A fleeting glimpse was caught of a warship on fire.  Those lucky enough to see it report the sighting as being the battle cruiser Repulse.  All thoughts of an attack dissipated when a CAP of 28 Tomahawks descended upon the bombing formation.  At the end of a wild aerial melee 6 Oscar and 2 Lily had crashed into the sea.  In return 3 Tomahawk had been shot down.  A subdued bombing formation returned to their airfields.  For now Repulse is left alone to make her way back to Singapore.  

It was fortunate that news of this rebuff did not reach the other bombing formation and dampen their enthusiasm.   

The next formation of bombers (7 Sally and 4 Lilly escorted by 30 Oscar) locate an undefended formation of British and Australian warships.  After suffering the ravages of the overnight battle the ships are in no condition to take effective evasive action and before long the bombers are making the most of their early morning target practice.  In the space of ten minutes Danae is rocked by 6 bomb hits and Vampire is hit by 1 bomb.  A heavy pall of acrid black smoke hangs over Danae as the drone of the bombers recedes into the distance.  

Not long after the same group of warships is located by a formation of 4 Sally and 60 Nell escorted by 5 Zero.  Electra and Vampire are hit by 1 torpedo whilst Danae is hit be 3 torpedoes.  As the Japanese planes depart the scene Danae is seen listing extravagantly to starboard and the two destroyers were no longer making headway.  

Later in the day reports from a scout plane making observations confirmed that all three ships had sunk.  

At 13:00 a force of 6 Nell and 27 Sally locate the British battleship Prince of Wales without support and making slow progress.  Fires were still burning and only a sporadic anti aircraft barrage rose up from the ship to meet the incoming attackers.  Within a short time the battleship had been hit by 3 bombs and took 1 more hit from a torpedo.  The jubilant pilots reported that the ship was crippled and it would not take much more to finish her off.  

The protection of night time and the possibility of an unmolested run into Singapore beckoned for the men on board the warships Repulse, Vendetta and Express.  That was until lookouts reported pagoda style fighting tops appearing on the horizon.    Raising whatever extra steam could be cajoled out of the engine rooms the tiny fleet attempted to outrun the Japanese warships.  Before night time closed in and provided an opportunity to escape Repulse and Vendetta had both been hit by 1 shell each without any apparent hits on the enemy.  The long range shooting fell away soon after.  Maybe, just maybe, the dark night hours would be their salvation.

SierraJuliet -> The day before Force Z (4/12/2009 12:39:56 PM)

08 December 1941 (Yikes with all the angst of our animations issue I neglected to write up the actions of the day before the sortie by Force Z….. here it is)

Air:  24 Oscar hit the airfield at Alor Star and destroy 1 Buffalo.  92 Nell escorted by 23 Zero hit Singapore.  7 Buffalo rise to meet them without success.  The raid nets 1 Buffalo and 1 Catalina destroyed and 9 airbase hits and 24 runway hits.  A number of strikes are made on Japanese fleets without success until a strike of 5 swordfish escorted by 5 Wirraway and 4 Buffalo locate one of the invasion fleets and manage to guide 1 torpedo into AP Kasui Maru.  8 Vildebeest surprise the fleet at Songkhia and put one torpedo into AP Atago Maru for the loss of 1 Vildebeest.   (39 casualties)
Land:  Troops make landfall on Khota Bharu

China (Hong Kong)
Air: Air strikes cause 33 casualties and 1 gun lost 80th Chinese Corps,
Land:  A shock attack at Hong Kong results in Japan losing 462 casualties and 7 guns to 112 allied casualties and 6 guns lost.  The result is a disappointment for Japanese High Command.
Land:  Vigan, Lingayen and Laoag are all subject to assault from the sea and all 3 bases are captured.  42 allied casualties are reported lost along with 2 guns and 9 P-35A destroyed on the airfield at Laoag.  At Vigan Japan loses 39 casualties to 46 allied casualties and 2 guns lost and 8 P-26A destroyed on the airfield.  Why would Ambassador leave planes on these bases when my ships were swarming around here last turn?
Sea:  23 Betty and 24 Ann escorted by 16 Zero locate and annihilate AK Si Kiang with 19 bomb hits and 3 torpedo strikes.

PCs Ch7 and Shimushu, PG Tatsumiya Maru and MSW W.2 and W.1 manage to obtain 4 hits on KXII.
I-15 runs afoul of Destroyers Ward, Chew, Litchfield, Allen, Ayllwin and Monaghan and reports 11 hits.
I-9 finds DMS Wasmuth, Chandler, Perry, Hovey, Lamberton, Zane and Trevor but runs quiet and only hears the sound of depth charge attack from a distance.
Naval Losses for the Day 
Nil confirmed reports today.

Capt. Harlock -> RE: Force Z strikes (4/12/2009 11:07:19 PM)


Raising whatever extra steam could be cajoled out of the engine rooms the tiny fleet attempted to outrun the Japanese warships.  Before night time closed in and provided an opportunity to escape Repulse and Vendetta had both been hit by 1 shell each without any apparent hits on the enemy.  The long range shooting fell away soon after. 

For once, the habit of giving British ships more guns on the bow than astern has proved troublesome. (Good job it wasn't a Nelson-class battleship!)

SierraJuliet -> 9 December 1941 PART ONE (4/13/2009 2:25:20 AM)

09 December 1941
Sea:  Refer to my previous posts.  It was gut wrenching at the end of the turn to see Mogami head the list of ships sunk.  I’m sure everyone must find it hard to lose their first major warship when starting out.  In retrospect though I think the battle didn’t go too badly as the heavy cruiser screen did their job of protecting the transports and damaged Force Z badly enough to allow the follow up day time air strikes to make major inroads.
On the interesting side of things I’ve had a look at the damage states for Hagikaze on WitPTracker and she is listed as being 99 103 99.  It seems that she must have gone up in one massive conflagration after she was hit by that last torpedo.
A force of 5 swordfish escorted by 3 Wirraway find a surface action group and for the loss of 1 Swordfish put a torpedo into Haruna 12 07 13.
6 Vildebeest IV and 6 Blenheim surprise shipping at Songkhia and achieve 1 torpedo hit on PC Ch 9   76 83 33, 1 torpedo on AP Heiyo Maru 33 03 11 and1 bomb hit on AP Awa Maru 31 01 12.
2 Blenheim sneak in and plant 1 bomb on AK Sakura Maru 12 01 11 and cause the loss of 18 casualties and 2 guns.
Air:  52 Oscar raids the air field at Alor Star and destroy 2 Buffalo and achieve 1 airbase hit, 2 airbase supply hits and 4 runway hits.
17 Nell raid Singapore and destroy 1 Buffalo, 1 Hudson and 1 Vildebeest and achieve 2 airbase hits, 2 airbase supply hits and 5 runway hits.
Air:  Ambassador has started making night time air attacks on Bangkok with 9 Blenheim flying in from Burma.  No damage is sustained in Bangkok but the attackers lose one Blenheim to flak.
China (Hong Kong)
Air: Air strikes on Chinese land units achieve 13 casualties and 1 gun lost from 80th Chinese Corps.
Bombers out of Hong Kong strike at Canton and destroy 1 Tojo, 1 Sonia and 1 Babs fo the loss of only 1 SB-2c.  The airbase is hit 8 times, the airbase supply takes 2 hits and the runway is hit 22 times.
Land: Japanese bombardment attack at Hong Kong causes 27 casualties and 4 guns lost against 6 Japanese casualties and 1 gun lost.
At Yenen a bombardment attack costs the Chinese 118 casualties and 1 gun lost.
An allied bombardment attack on Nanning results in 40 Chinese casualties and 40 Chinese casualties and 9 guns lost.
Allied bombardment attack costs 24 Japanese casualties at Canton.

SierraJuliet -> RE: 9 December 1941 PART TWO (4/13/2009 2:33:34 AM)

Sea:  One of my surface combat task forces lurking around the sea lanes out of Manila gets jumped by a force of PTs.  PT-32 suffers 15 hits and is sunk.  PT-34 gets an unlucky 1 hit and is sunk and PT-35 is hit 7 times and is also sunk.  My ships don’t have it all their own way with destroyers Minazuki getting 1 shell hit, Harukaze 2 shell hits and Nagatsuki is hit by 6 shells and worst of all manages to stumble into the path of a torpedo launched from the PTBs.  She has massive damage and staggers away suffering 99 65 37.  She has a few hexes to go before she can make a safe habour in the Philippines….. if the crew can control the flooding and if the allied subs don’t find her.
Air: 21 B-17 flying out of the Philippines successfully raid Pescadores (beginners error in not having CAP over this port) and score 1 bomb hit on each of the following 4 ships; AK Hiyama Maru 41 14 06, AK Akashi Maru 44 20 04, MSW Hinode Maru #20 99 63 16 and AP Karachi Maru 23 18 06.  22 ground casualties and 1 gun is lost as well as 1 port hit and 1 port supply hit.  As if this first raid wasn’t bad enough 9 IL-4c flying from Hong Kong also made a raid and for the loss of 3 of their number managed to put 1 bomb into AP Jinsan Maru 13 00 04.
29 Nell escorted by 32 Zero tangle with 16 Tomahawk and 36 Warhawk over Manila.  4 Nell are chopped from the sky and 2 Zero are lost.  In return 6 Tomahawk and 6 Warhawk are destroyed.  A follow on raid by 23 unescorted Betty sees 4 Betty destroyed by the 19 planes that rise up for CAP duty before aborting their mission. 
North of the Philippines 30 Betty escorted by 10 Zero locates AK Taurus and sends 3 torpedoes into her.  In the same area 17 Kate from Ryujo locate TK Manatawny and dispatch her with 6 torpedo hits.  A second strike by 14 Kate puts 8 bombs onto AK Governor Wright.
KXIII is hunted at Khota Bharu and receives 1 hit and in return she evades the screen and scores 1 torpedo hit on AK Atutasan Maru 47 34 20 damage.
Naval Losses for the Day
CA Mogami, DD Hagikaze,
CL Danae, DD Electra, DD Vampire, PT-32, PT-34, PT-34, TK Manatawny, AK Taurus.
Ambassador has moved his planes around very well and had sent them off on some audacious strikes causing a couple of harbour masters some acute embarrassment.  Fortunately I shouldn’t loss too many ships from these attacks but my repair yards will start filling up shortly and at this early stage must surely be course for concern.
The loss of Mogami has been off set by the ships lost in Force Z.  The trick will be to see if the IJN can clean up Repulse and Prince of Wales without any further loss to themselves.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Force Z strikes (4/13/2009 2:37:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: Capt. Harlock


Raising whatever extra steam could be cajoled out of the engine rooms the tiny fleet attempted to outrun the Japanese warships.  Before night time closed in and provided an opportunity to escape Repulse and Vendetta had both been hit by 1 shell each without any apparent hits on the enemy.  The long range shooting fell away soon after. 

For once, the habit of giving British ships more guns on the bow than astern has proved troublesome. (Good job it wasn't a Nelson-class battleship!)

Yes, I suspect that those 2x15 inch guns at the stern end of Repulse wouldn't help too much in escape mode. Then again perhaps Fisher's mania for speed could be the difference in escaping into the night and making a safe return to Singapore.

SierraJuliet -> Thoughts on Force Z and psychological warfare (4/14/2009 10:46:53 AM)

Well the psychological warfare with Ambassador is gathering pace.  
I’m not sure that he would look on it as being intentional but if he is dabbling in that direction I’m cool with that as this seems to be one of the interesting dynamics of the game.   He has, though, communicated with me via email and in John III’s new AAR about how happy he is to trade a BB, a CL and 2 DDs for 1 Japanese CA (and a DD thrown in for good measure) at this stage of the war.  I do accept that this is a war of attrition and every loss for the IJN is critical but am I right in thinking that loses in British ships are crucial to the Allies too in respect of ships that must be sent back or incur a points penalty.  From what I have seen many allied players take the option of withdrawing Force Z for future operations probably with the ship return issues also in mind.  So well done to Ambassador for taking that difficult command descision to use that fleet for what it was meant to do.  I’m thinking that as the Japanese player I would much rather take on Force Z up front and hopefully deal it a fatal blow rather than have those ships lurking around and forming the basis of a much stronger Royal Navy in the not too distant future. 
On thing I'm hoping from Ambassador is that he is correct in his acceptance that Prince of Wales is lost… to date I have not received confirmation of this even though I have received reports of her being hit by 4 torpedoes.  I’m awaiting Ambassador’s response as I have a lot of naval assets out there looking for Repulse (not to mention my many Nells on naval attack) so I’m hoping to pick off Repulse and hopefully not pick up too much damage from his LBA and submarines.  I wonder if those Zeros I set for LRCAP are up to the job.
I should have the turn tomorrow so I can see if I should be deliriously happy or despondent and devastated.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Thoughts on Force Z and psychological warfare (4/14/2009 12:26:21 PM)

Just having a go at some colour in this AAR.  Damian I've followed you steps for using photo bucket.  I might have some issues to sort out as the photo looks a bit small in the preview box.


Hmmm.... just as I thought. This is a bit on the micro side of things. Good start though as least there is a map there. [:)]

Durbik -> RE: Thoughts on Force Z and psychological warfare (4/14/2009 1:09:59 PM)

remember to use "direct link to image", otherwise sizes may go fubar

n01487477 -> RE: Thoughts on Force Z and psychological warfare (4/14/2009 1:17:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: SierraJuliet

Just having a go at some colour in this AAR.  Damian I've followed you steps for using photo bucket.  I might have some issues to sort out as the photo looks a bit small in the preview box.


your code


my code


Hmmm.... just as I thought. This is a bit on the micro side of things. Good start though as least there is a map there. [:)]

I think the th_ indicates thumbnail ... [;)]

SierraJuliet -> Colour in my AAR (4/14/2009 3:01:28 PM)

Thanks guys.... I'll play with this some more soon.

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