Scharfschütze -> Belisarius vs. Scharfschütze - Steel Dawn (5/18/2002 6:56:09 PM)
We agreed on 8/43 6700 Pts Soviets vs. Germans, C&C off, rarity off, all else on, no strike AC, max. 1000 Pts off-board arty, Vis. 18 (dawn), clear weather and random large map (I´ll try to post it when I find out how to capture it!). Area is near Orel, with two creeks running south-north were they join in the upper third of the map. Several patches of wood are strewn across the map, as are numerous hills with a fair amount of rough terrain on them. A good road runs east-west, with a number of buildings and even a small village alongside. despite all the terrain features, there are rather large fields of fire between them, so it is a good thing that the sun has yet to rise on this battlefield (its 5.00 AM). Initial bombardment was inconclusive: My Katyushas ravaged a central hill with little casualities (at least there was some one up there), while Belisarius concentrated 105mm and heavy mortar fire on my northern front area and a southern hill just beyond "my" branch of the creek. Then came the surprise: Fallschirmjäger! The Germans were deploying some two platoons of paratroops reinforced by MG42´s behind my southern postions! I was worried. Then I assessed local forces, and found that I had two fully loaded Katyusha launchers for direct fire, some SU-76 SPA and - TWO PLATOONS OF OT-34 FLAMETANKS in the vicinity. :eek: Bright flames lit the early morning, and when the smoke cleared the Fallschirmjäger had perished to the last man. Belisarius then brought several 88AT guns into position, while being harassed by heavy MG fire and sporadic 85mm Flak shelling. Three of his SdKfz 11 are burning now, and I have put up local smoke screens with my SU-76 SP artillery. 120 mm mortar shells are now falling on the area where the FJ´s died, trying to hit my units there. I have yet to see the fearsome Tigers and Panthers, he has not committed them - or any other Panzer - yet.