tweber -> RE: Aircraft stacking.. (5/29/2009 10:05:32 PM)
I think the easiest way to avoid mega stacks of air and / or ships is to change supply required so they are mega difficult to keep in the field. In the big random game I am playing, I have a large naval stack and keeping it in supply is actually pretty hard. Also, mega stacks of air units are mega vulnerable to level bombing attacks. You only need a few level bombers to knock out and air field and then your mega stack is mega useless ; ) One idea to make an airbase with stacking limits is to use carriers. Take a carrier sftype and convert it to a land unit. You can tinker with combat and movement and you now have limits. I am personally not a fan of stacking limits for aircraft. In WWII, you could put a hundred planes on a large carrier the size of a football field. You could operate a lot of aircraft in a big open field. In the end, I think the issue is less about the engine than the specific scenarios people play. If you play with purchase cost, supply cost, ranges, combat effectiveness and regime variables - you can make mega stacks a great strategy or a horrible one.