Sad day for gaming (Full Version)

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old man of the sea -> Sad day for gaming (4/10/2009 7:12:50 PM)

David Arneson co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons has died at the age of 61.

I know Dave for many years and I will miss him greatly.


Hertston -> RE: Sad day for gaming (4/10/2009 7:43:08 PM)

Not long after Gary Gygax, who must have been relatively young as well. Very sad. My condolences on your loss, Eric.

leastonh1 -> RE: Sad day for gaming (4/10/2009 7:59:10 PM)

Yes, that's a great loss to the world of gaming! Between David Arneson and Gary Gygax, we were given something very special. Very sad.

Joshuatree -> RE: Sad day for gaming (4/10/2009 8:17:58 PM)

Sorry to hear that E., my condolences. And at 61 ... gosh [:(] 

Grell -> RE: Sad day for gaming (4/10/2009 10:47:41 PM)

Sad news indeed.



Yogi the Great -> RE: Sad day for gaming (4/11/2009 12:01:13 AM)

I use to go to the store in downtown Lake Geneva.  Also to the original Gen-con which was held at the small American Legion building in Lake Geneva, before UW Parkside, before Milwaukee, before Indianapolis.

ilovestrategy -> RE: Sad day for gaming (4/11/2009 2:05:09 AM)

Those 2 men made such a HUGE difference in my life. They created an outlet for my fantasies. They made magic and dragons come real. 

wdboyd -> RE: Sad day for gaming (4/11/2009 3:24:48 AM)

I experianced great fantasy fun because of these two mens creations. [:)]

They've gone on to the ultimate adventure and we will eventually join them.

I'll take point. [:D]

SS Hauptsturmfuhrer -> RE: Sad day for gaming (4/11/2009 8:30:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: wdboyd

I experianced great fantasy fun because of these two mens creations. [:)]

They've gone on to the ultimate adventure and we will eventually join them.

I'll take point. [:D]

Can I join your party? I can cast Aganza's Scorcher and Hideous Laughter and I got a plus one dagger.

AD&D and all the games that it inspired should have won these founder dudes Noble Peace Prizes. Too bad I virtually missed the pen & paper gaming era. I like PC games a lot but they can't compare to the wackiness of a bunch of people getting together for some real gaming.

cdbeck -> RE: Sad day for gaming (4/13/2009 12:06:08 AM)

Geniuses, in their own right, and it's sad we had to lose them both so soon and so close together. I came later to the game 2.5, but their fantasy worlds were present in my youth with all the D&D fiction and D&D based computer games.

The Order of the Stick, a D&D based webcomic had a great tribute for Mr. Arneson. They also ran one for Mr. Gygax, equally touching.

So many lives changed, yet so little actual credit and praise.


Perturabo -> RE: Sad day for gaming (4/13/2009 2:36:46 AM)

Sad day indeed.

Damn, it probably means that being a gamer shortens one's life span...

Peter Fisla -> RE: Sad day for gaming (4/13/2009 1:26:20 PM)

Even though I'm wargamer I like the fantasy stuff, especially the D&D 3.5 rules. Without Garry and David, there would never have been even the Baldur's Gate series, Icewind Dale, Torment...all great RPGs!

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