Supervisor -> (5/30/2002 2:25:42 PM)
[QUOTE]Admittedly I don't know how graphic engines are implemented. I presume there are two maps being used, one without, the other with grid. I just wonder if the graphics of the thick blue hexside detail lines can be replaced by thin black grid lines? I prefer playing without hex lines (the map looks so much better w/o), but for placing destinations etc. I would like to toggle the grid on. Now this thick blue lines downright violate this beautiful map... Well, just a personal opinion. Another 'would be nice if' on my wish list.[/QUOTE] Yeah, there are 2 versions of the map. One with, one without hexes. The hex details are apparently calculated by the program, not using a graphic overlay. It looks like it would take a code change/addition to alter the existing setup.