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Kingmaker -> Help Please (5/2/2009 10:18:59 AM)


Below is a C&P from a post I put up on 'the Blitz' site, I suddenly thought, Ahhh! maybe this is where I should have posted it given all the indepth knowledge on display here, ... Salute Sirs, Salute!

Something late entering the brainbox was maybe not a wife but a Mistress, anyhow any help either way would be appreciated, as I say it's Bugging me somewhat now.


This is now starting to bug me.

I seem to remember reading many, many years ago that General Beauregard shot his wife dead on catching her with a lover, his defence at trial (in Louisiana) was that it's easier to shoot 1 unfaithful Wife than lots of Lovers, and he was acquitted! Anyone come across that anywhere?

A subsequent Google on Wikipedia failed to find any mention of the incident, and Ironclad has suggested may be “It was Dan Sickles. Union general.”, but he shot the lover, and I’m certain the whole point behind the story was that it was a ‘Wife’ (I must admit as a child I was impressed with the logic!) and that it could only happen in Louisiana sort of thing.

Can anyone out there help?


All the Best

jkBluesman -> RE: Help Please (5/7/2009 5:27:40 PM)

As far as I know Sickles was the first one to go on trial and getting acquitted for temporary insanity. As for Beauregard I suggest looking into the bio "Napoleon in Gray" (I think it is from the 1950s).

Gil R. -> RE: Help Please (5/7/2009 6:13:33 PM)

I just checked the Heidlers' "Encyclopedia of the American Civil War" and there's nothing on this. Beauregard first married in 1841 at age 23, and that wife died in childbirth in 1850. He married again, and that wife's in-law helped get Beauregard appointed to be superintendent of West Point in Jan. 1861 -- which suggests they were all on good terms.

Kingmaker -> RE: Help Please (5/7/2009 11:32:19 PM)


Thanks for the reponces Chaps, looks like I picked up a real "weird" somewhere back in my childhood, Ho hum.

All the Best

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