Editor help! (Full Version)

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Marshall Ellis -> Editor help! (5/2/2009 9:21:36 PM)

Hey guys:

Having a few different reports on the editor so I need your help!
Can you tell if it is working or not working for you and your O/S?

hellfirejet -> RE: Editor help! (5/2/2009 11:28:52 PM)

Not working for me and I'm using vista.The game it's self runs great with vista, never had any problems playing the game, but the editor just won't load after saved ?

fw1206 -> RE: Editor help! (5/3/2009 12:24:37 PM)

I'm using XP (fully updated with all patches from microsoft) and it doesn't work for me as well. After starting the editor, selecting the map and clicking on "new", i get an error message "invalid ret from get table results [get_political_status_zone]". After clicking "ok", the 3 buttons on top (marked red in the picture) disappear. But i think they are important for the editor.
I tested to create a new scenario by just create and save. It doesn't appear in the game after clicking "new game". I had to close the program and start it again, then my scenario was able to select. But the message "unable to load scenario" appears. After clicking "ok" i get back to the start of the program and a new message "Wargame System Engine did not find the requested scenario! Please contact technical support. War Games Engine version 1.6.00 [FULL] Copyright 2005 Outflank Strategy Wargames" appears and can only be comfirmed by clicking an "ok"-Button. After that click the program crashes down.

hellfirejet -> RE: Editor help! (5/3/2009 10:29:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: fw1206

I tested to create a new scenario by just create and save. It doesn't appear in the game after clicking "new game". I had to close the program and start it again, then my scenario was able to select. But the message "unable to load scenario" appears. After clicking "ok" i get back to the start of the program and a new message "Wargame System Engine did not find the requested scenario! Please contact technical support. War Games Engine version 1.6.00 [FULL] Copyright 2005 Outflank Strategy Wargames" appears and can only be comfirmed by clicking an "ok"-Button. After that click the program crashes down.

Yo Marshall, I'm getting the exact same messages as above, I even uninstalled the game, loaded version 1 from the cd and then updated to 1.06, I even disabled my anti - virus software, because sometimes they tend to interfere with new installs.

Marshall Ellis -> RE: Editor help! (5/4/2009 2:48:13 PM)

What version did you guys upgrade from?

fw1206 -> RE: Editor help! (5/4/2009 2:58:52 PM)

I originally updated from official 1.05.05
But then I uninstalled the game, deleted all registry entries and files from disk.
I installed version 1.0 and updated it with 1.06 beta. Same error message and the new buttons at the top bar are also not available.

Marshall Ellis -> RE: Editor help! (5/4/2009 5:59:21 PM)

What New buttons at the top bar???

fw1206 -> RE: Editor help! (5/4/2009 7:05:48 PM)

Take a look at the attachement in my first post. There is a screenshot of these buttons i've never seen before. But after the error message and clicking "ok" they disappear.

Marshall Ellis -> RE: Editor help! (5/4/2009 9:50:52 PM)

OK, those are the PBEM game buttons.

hellfirejet -> RE: Editor help! (5/5/2009 11:37:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: Marshall Ellis

What version did you guys upgrade from?

Hi Marshall,
I initially upgraded from version 1.05.05. Then when the editor did not work right I uninstalled everything,and did a fresh install from the cd + 1.06 update.[:)]

Marshall Ellis -> RE: Editor help! (5/5/2009 1:41:31 PM)

Can you guys give me a click by click of how you are doing this?

hellfirejet -> RE: Editor help! (5/5/2009 2:02:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: Marshall Ellis

Can you guys give me a click by click of how you are doing this?

Hi Marshall,
I run the game as normal by clicking on play game, wait till main screen comes up, then I select editor,when the editor screen appears I select the MAP THEN CLICK ON NEW, THE EDITOR FACTOR SCREEN THEN APPEARS, I THEN INPUT THE SCENARIO NAME AND CLICK SAVE.

As a footnote the load button on the editor screen does nothing but make a error sound when I click on it,I have never been able to load a saved scenario,to continue working within the editor on previous changes to my new scenario.

While using the editor, when you alter any factors both the text and background turns white, with the result that what you are inputing is invisible untill you press enter, can you please alter the foreground or background fonts so that we can see what we are editing.

fw1206 -> RE: Editor help! (5/5/2009 3:43:49 PM)

Hi Marshall.
Same like hellfirejet.
But now i got something new i recognized today:
As you know, I tried to create a scenario just to look what happens. I changed the moral from french corps and saved (my scenario, not original 1805).
After beginning a new "original" 1805 scenario the french moral was that what i gave them in my created scenario. (I was lucky that i played the french and not any other mayor power. Or would you fight a french army with moral of 5.7?)

hellfirejet -> RE: Editor help! (5/7/2009 10:53:35 AM)

Hi Marshall,
It doesn't appear in the game after clicking "new game". I had to close the program and start it again, then my scenario was able to select. But the message "unable to load scenario" appears. After clicking "ok" i get back to the start of the program and a new message "Wargame System Engine did not find the requested scenario! Please contact technical support. War Games Engine version 1.6.00 [FULL] Copyright 2005 Outflank Strategy Wargames" appears and can only be comfirmed by clicking an "ok"-Button. After that click the program crashes down.

Why can't the game find the new scenario?[:(]
load button on the editor screen does nothing but make a error sound when I click on it why ?[:@]

Marshall Ellis -> RE: Editor help! (5/7/2009 1:23:31 PM)

I've got some testers playing around with this.

obsidiandrag -> RE: Editor help! (5/7/2009 2:08:25 PM)

Are you guys selecting an open scenario slot?  On the editor screen there is a listing of scenarios already set up (1805, Russian) then a group of open ones below..  If you want to create a scenario, select an open spot before you give it a name and description, hit the map then hit NEW and it will create it for you, now all you have to do is set up troop levels and setups...

If you select the 1805 and hit new (its not) so it confuses it and possible messes up your 1805 scenario making it unplayable..  trust me, I've done it when the editor first came out for testing...

Anyway, after you have created a scenario and hit new, the game automatically has the same starting strength as the 1805 for all countries.. if you do not set them up, the countries will start with all troops in the capitols.

After saving and exiting the game you can start it up and it should work, mine is..


hellfirejet -> RE: Editor help! (5/7/2009 2:16:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: obsidiandragon

Are you guys selecting an open scenario slot?  On the editor screen there is a listing of scenarios already set up (1805, Russian) then a group of open ones below..  If you want to create a scenario, select an open spot before you give it a name and description, hit the map then hit NEW and it will create it for you, now all you have to do is set up troop levels and setups...

If you select the 1805 and hit new (its not) so it confuses it and possible messes up your 1805 scenario making it unplayable..  trust me, I've done it when the editor first came out for testing...

Anyway, after you have created a scenario and hit new, the game automatically has the same starting strength as the 1805 for all countries.. if you do not set them up, the countries will start with all troops in the capitols.

After saving and exiting the game you can start it up and it should work, mine is..


In the editor I can't see 1805 or Russian options just empty slots for new scenarios?

could there be an error with the download,is there files missing?

Plus I'm getting a new error message = Unable to locate table project file.

hellfirejet -> RE: Editor help! (5/7/2009 2:46:49 PM)

Here is a screen shot of editor.


hellfirejet -> RE: Editor help! (5/7/2009 2:51:13 PM)

The screen shot with new error message.


obsidiandrag -> RE: Editor help! (5/7/2009 4:05:49 PM)

Yep, that is what I was talking about.. under the Scenarios, there are supposed to be the origional one and the russian one listed there, if you did not click on an empty slot before naming it Napoleionic Wars... Its gone and your Napoleonic wars is there... however, all of your other files (setups etc..) are still looking for the 1805 Grand Campaign game...

I am not sure if these files can be copied from elsewhere to fix it, I just reinstalled mine to correct it.

You should click on an empty one and give it a name etc.. before hitting Save...


hellfirejet -> RE: Editor help! (5/7/2009 4:20:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: obsidiandragon

Yep, that is what I was talking about.. under the Scenarios, there are supposed to be the origional one and the russian one listed there, if you did not click on an empty slot before naming it Napoleionic Wars... Its gone and your Napoleonic wars is there... however, all of your other files (setups etc..) are still looking for the 1805 Grand Campaign game...

I am not sure if these files can be copied from elsewhere to fix it, I just reinstalled mine to correct it.

You should click on an empty one and give it a name etc.. before hitting Save...


Well I just done another complete new install after removing everything about EIA from my system,when I open the editor there is no 1805 or Russian campaign listed only empty slots ?


Another thing I noticed about the download from the registered web site at Matrix, the 1.06 file size is listed as 158.21 MB and when I download the file it is 155 MB and when I install to update it states the file size as 157 MB so something is missing somewhere I'm 1.21 MB short ?

hellfirejet -> RE: Editor help! (5/7/2009 4:32:48 PM)

Here is the editor just opened untouched there is no 1805 or Russian campaign to be seen ?


obsidiandrag -> RE: Editor help! (5/7/2009 4:33:27 PM)

on the main menu if you go to new game, are the 2 scenarios listed in the drop down for you to choose from for a new game?


hellfirejet -> RE: Editor help! (5/7/2009 4:37:15 PM)

Yes the 2 campaigns are there.


obsidiandrag -> RE: Editor help! (5/7/2009 4:53:59 PM)

I looked back through the e-mails from long ago.. I had this issue with the editor early in the testing of it (back in December) and mentioned to Marshall what had happened, he released the next build version and it returned my scenarios to the screen (I had overwritten them and could not open kindof like what you had - but the editor was in the beta app and it removed them from my released ap version..) and we discussed that being a factor and he might have done something to remove them from the list to keep that from happening again..   The only thing I can think of is that its missing some more of the info like the setups or something..  did you set up the troops (or modify them)  I see the force strengths listed in the above post which are from the 1805 one (may be a default starting strength for the editor to give you something to work with.  I have been working with the BETA and have started a scenario setup myself where I have already created a new one.. I have the other 2 in my list still.. I selected an empty slot from below named it, selected the map and hit save and it opened up the forces modification..  From there I set up France, closed out of it (saved it) and started the application and was able to start it...  Unfortunately since I had done nothing with the other countries forces they all started in the home nation capitols so I am going through and working on that now but I could play it from there.

I look at the editor in the released version later tonight after reinstalling on my laptop, I have 1.05.05 on home system for PBEM and the BETA but will load the new 1.06 to play with it there and let you know what I come up with.


(Unless Marshall has any ideas as to what is causing it or if others are having the same issue)

hellfirejet -> RE: Editor help! (5/7/2009 4:54:42 PM)

Does it matter what software you use to download the update, what is best winzip or winrar or what?

hellfirejet -> RE: Editor help! (5/7/2009 4:59:51 PM)

Thanks for your help just now then, I have not changed or saved anthing in the editor since I redownloaded it this afternoon, do you no why the load button only makes an error noise, I have never been able to reload a saved scenario ?

obsidiandrag -> RE: Editor help! (5/7/2009 5:09:15 PM)

I use filezilla to the FTP site but stick to win.zip from there..  I have a bad experience with the .rar after someone used it for a PBEM game I was(am) in..  2 players got viruses and messed up thier computers and a third had netrork/internet issues after trying to get the .rar program to open the file.  The game is still recovering and has not moved much in the last month after it...

I wouldn't think that would be it but you never know...

I have found some really quirky things with computers and different ways of doing things that shouldn't matter or have anything to do with a situation but seem to in the end as you remove or change it and then everything works...


pzgndr -> RE: Editor help! (5/7/2009 11:06:45 PM)


Unless Marshall has any ideas as to what is causing it or if others are having the same issue

Maybe this will help troubleshoot. I assume the scenario files are the .ged files in \Data\databases, eianw001 for 1805 and eianw002 for 1812? I have a test scenario that shows up as eianw011, but will not load. All three files are 11,619 KB. So I further assume my test scenario is saved correctly in the right place. But either the save is corrupted or the game has a bug finding and reading the file. I note that the editor does not show the 1805 or 1812 scenarios in the list. Clearly there's an issue finding the files?

hellfirejet -> RE: Editor help! (5/8/2009 1:40:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: pzgndr


Unless Marshall has any ideas as to what is causing it or if others are having the same issue

Maybe this will help troubleshoot. I assume the scenario files are the .ged files in \Data\databases, eianw001 for 1805 and eianw002 for 1812? I have a test scenario that shows up as eianw011, but will not load. All three files are 11,619 KB. So I further assume my test scenario is saved correctly in the right place. But either the save is corrupted or the game has a bug finding and reading the file. I note that the editor does not show the 1805 or 1812 scenarios in the list. Clearly there's an issue finding the files?

I'm of the same opinion,furthermore I have tried about a dozen times to reload my saved scenario within the editor to no avail, the load button does nothing but make an error noise, anyone else getting the same problem or is it just my system ?

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