Scenario Editor (Full Version)

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kam99 -> Scenario Editor (5/6/2009 5:39:26 PM)

The information in the manual on editing scenarios is quite brief. Is a more detailed explanation available elsewhere? I am looking to create a small scenario involving say a company, to learn the basic tactics without being overwhelmed. Is it possible to do that, or must I stick with the default battlegroups.

Secondly, can anybody recommend a small scenario from the attached battles?

Many thanks in anticipation.

kam99 -> RE: Scenario Editor (5/6/2009 6:35:06 PM)

I think I have sort of worked it out. Having selected a battlegroup you can then edit it, deleting and adding units as required to create your own platoons.

You can also edit the existing battles in the same way. I am off to experiment further!

RD Oddball -> RE: Scenario Editor (5/6/2009 7:26:27 PM)

Hey Kam99, experimenting is the best way to figure this out.  There are so many possiblities with the scenario editor that it'd almost require a separate manual to cover them all.  Some tips to help provide you with the information you need.  You can click a battle group on the scenario editor screen then left click "battlegroup info" and it will bring up a list of available units.  Useful for deciding which battlegroups to pit against each other and to make sure the team/equipment types you're interested in seeing in the battle are there.  This will change slightly depending on the difficulty level so it's always good to check the various difficulty settings when setting up the battle on the command screen for play. 

The battlegroup names have an indication of what size BG's they are and what higher echelon they're drawing their forcepools from.  One new feature in CCTLD is the ability to lock the size of battlegroups at below the standard 15 units.  Regimental size BG's have the max of 15 slots open and the smallest represented in our Grand Campaign is company sized.  Those are all the German WN BG's from the 709 and 716 Infantry Divisions.  The smallest allied BG represented is Brigade sized.  If you wanted to modify that to be something different I could provide you with some instructions but I'd suggest getting more familiar with the game first.

Good luck with achieving your vision for the scenario and have fun!

Platoon_Michael -> RE: Scenario Editor (5/10/2009 5:04:01 PM)


Having selected a battlegroup you can then edit it, deleting and adding units as required to create your own platoons.

Is that on the Force Pool tab after hitting the Battle Group info button?
I sure hope thats one of the things you guys might add to WAR.
That would be totally Great.

RD Oddball -> RE: Scenario Editor (5/10/2009 8:26:09 PM)

Actually if you have a look at what he said you can figure out that he was describing what you're able to do on the battlegroup screen.  This is his first copy of CC afaik?  Don't get too excited Michael.[;)]  That would be a nice feature to have to edit BG's.  Hmmm...

Platoon_Michael -> RE: Scenario Editor (5/10/2009 8:54:51 PM)

Ok I see now,
Boy that one went right over my head.
Would be a cool feature for the Scenario Editer though    Dont ya think? 

RD Oddball -> RE: Scenario Editor (5/10/2009 11:41:21 PM)

Most definitely!  Something to throw into the pile of stuff to consider.  There's a lot of info that could be moded from there so that'd be a pretty complicated interface.   Might be a good way to incorporate a data editor for the spreadsheet challenged among us.[:D]

Fred98 -> RE: Scenario Editor (5/10/2009 11:54:14 PM)

If you choose a start date much later than 6th June

And you choose battlegroups that had went into action on 6th June

Those BG's will have taken losses and be much weaker.

This makes for great wargaming!


Andrew Williams -> RE: Scenario Editor (5/11/2009 12:06:05 AM)

An editor along the lines of what plt michael suggests would need a few considerations.

If it edited game data then you would immediately upset any ongoing campaigns or CHANGE THE BALANCE in any H2H scenarios being played.

In essence you would be modding in real time... your files won't match your opponents and your opponents won't match yours.

So, it needs top operate on a seperate et of data than is installed with the game.... it would not be available to both sides during H2H and it would need to be saveable and switched in for game use easily and swiftly.

any ideas?

Andrew Williams -> RE: Scenario Editor (5/11/2009 12:07:37 AM)

what about something like this?


RD Oddball -> RE: Scenario Editor (5/11/2009 12:23:40 AM)

LOL exactly what I was thinking of.  Boy you whipped that sample up fast.[;)][:D]  You ought to be drawing maps.

Fred98 -> RE: Scenario Editor (5/11/2009 7:57:11 AM)

The thing thats missing is that the team is not named.

If the team was named "M1A1" , then , in an editor, you open the team editor, use "File Save As" and name it "M2A1"

Then you have 2 teams. the M1A1 team and the M2A1 team and the team members would have different details and you have 2 different teams to choose from.


Senior Drill -> RE: Scenario Editor (5/11/2009 12:13:21 PM)

The Editor above is from Close Combat Marines v6.

Team naming, as well as adding or removing soldiers from a team are done on the Team Editor. The Personnel Editor posted above is to change individual soldiers within a team. In addition, there is an editor for Mines and IED's, which can be pre-place either on the scenario map or be in a pool available to the appropriate player for placement in the Deploy Phase.

Also an Obstacles / Fortification Editor for preplacing wire, sandbags, concrete barriers, trenches and weapons pits that can be pre-placed on the scenario map or be in a pool for the designated player to place during the Deploy Phase.

There is a conditional trigger editor and an Equipment Pool editor as well. These have already been developed and distributed in the latest military sims. Good bet they will make it to whatever is being developed for a new release.

Andrew Williams -> RE: Scenario Editor (5/11/2009 12:15:17 PM)

We can't put that kind of technology into the hands of novices and hobbyists!!!!

CSO_Talorgan -> RE: Scenario Editor (5/11/2009 11:24:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: Senior Drill

The Editor above is from Close Combat Marines v6.

Any idea if a similar editor is planned for Close Combat 6?

RD Oddball -> RE: Scenario Editor (5/12/2009 12:09:20 AM)

Oh come on you can try harder than that.[;)][:'(]  Ya gotta get us worked up and not thinking about our NDA's and that we can neither confirm or deny the existence of any future projects.  You might need to get us drunk too.[:D]

xe5 -> Team Editor (5/12/2009 12:11:13 AM)

Actually, a beta version of Sgt Wilson's CC Req tool for CC4 & 5 allowed you to edit soldiers and teams (via the Games/Save file) in a similar fashion. After some debate it was decided to shelve that capability to keep the technology out of the hands of novices, hobbyists and nefarious ladder-climbers.

CCM6 Team Editor:


xe5 -> Equipment Editor (5/12/2009 12:16:58 AM)

The Equipment Editor creates a weapons, ammo and gear 'force pool' from which the player can select in the Battlegroup screen. Equipment added in the editor becomes availableon the soldiers Weapons and Armor drop down menus


xe5 -> Obstacle and IED Editors (5/12/2009 12:26:07 AM)

Obstacle & IED/Mine editors:


xe5 -> Triggers Editor (5/12/2009 12:27:53 AM)

The best for last...

Triggers Editor:


Andrew Williams -> RE: Triggers Editor (5/12/2009 12:39:44 AM)

triggers...harumph... that will never work!

xe5 -> RE: Triggers Editor (5/12/2009 1:16:57 AM)

If only the same werent true of Replay :(

Yet, all-in-all, a minor miracle of game development.
A doff of my cap to The Blood! for C+ wizardry past, present and future.
TLD is the gem of the commercial series. Delightful infantry-focused, CC2 style firefights w/ upgraded strat and tac battle AIs.
Well laid out maps (albeit w/ some sloppy coding issues). Finally getting off the beach on the coast maps is as gratifying as the invasion scene in Saving Private Ryan
A strat level thats off-putting at first glance...until you play the GC. I can vouch that illum and fire enhance LOS.
Really digging the whole "Taking fire! Taking cover! That's suicide" functionality). Meshes perfectly w/ the Grog's Rules.
Easy to see the thought and effort put into the design. Never thought I'd could get hooked on the 'just one more battle' CC syndrome ever again...

Senior Drill -> RE: Triggers Editor (5/12/2009 2:04:55 AM)

Ahh! The CC Syndrome. It lives again!

The Slayer of Sleep. The Ignorer of Girlfriends. The Denier of Wives. The Stifler of Work Productivity. The Abandoner of Appointments. The Scourge of Responsibility. (Hey! Who said they are all supposed to be alliterations?)

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here, for CC is a very jealous bitch.

Be afraid. Be very, very afraid!

Fred98 -> RE: Triggers Editor (5/12/2009 2:29:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: Senior Drill

The Slayer of Sleep. The Ignorer of Girlfriends. The Denier of Wives. The Stifler of Work Productivity.

I am currently playing another wargame by PBEM and the opponent's wife is in hospital. He refuses to take his laptop to the hospital [&:]


Senior Drill -> RE: Triggers Editor (5/12/2009 2:42:01 AM)

PBEM says it all Joe. It says it all.

Come back to the fold, Joe. You know you want to. You now you need to.

CC will let you stray, but she will never, ever let you go.

Resistance is useless.

panzerlehr62 -> RE: Triggers Editor (5/12/2009 3:35:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: Senior Drill

CC will let you stray, but she will never, ever let you go.

Resistance is useless.


Andrew Williams -> RE: Triggers Editor (5/12/2009 11:56:36 AM)

I post just one little tease of a picture... and look what I'm trumped with.

But ....wait... there's something up my sleeve.....

Moss Orleni -> RE: Triggers Editor (5/12/2009 2:06:28 PM)

The Walhalla is not that unreachable (but might still require some work to do [;)])...

The screenshot below is taken from a beta version of Accolades, a data editor for the txt-based CC games.
It was done in Access 2000, but should work in other Access versions as well. The basic tool was done in about two weeks back in January, and I can assure you you don't need to have a Phd in rocket science; some common sense and an entrepreneurial spirit will do...

From the Readme:

'The aim of the Accolades tool is to facilitate as much as possible the process of modding the data layer of Close Combat Wacht am Rhein and all future versions that are based on .txt files.

The version v1.0 (demo) contains most of the functionalities that were present in the earlier BGEdit and Qclone tools, and adds a couple of additional features.
Accolades allows you to:

ˇ Import the Fpools, Bgroups, Alsteams & Axsteams.txt files from the game by simple button-click
ˇ Review and change the data in those files
ˇ Export the data files back into .txt format and into your games folder

At the very least, the whole process of battle group & force pool editing should therefore already be considerably shortened.'

So, not too fancy or extravagant, but it should do the trick...[:)]

Planned additional features:

- including version/template management, ie to import/export FPs, BGs, teams etc from other game versions, or other external sources. This allows you to create reusable custom BGs, FPs, teams, etc... (in the data structure, this part is largely done; but I still need to create the interface)
- including all 'hard' (ie code/error related) data consistency checking, as well as 'soft' (ie game data consistency, fi HE value range) data set checking
- including additional views to compare game data head-to-head or per set
- including a campaign/save game tracker, if I'm able to pin down the absolute/relative references to the relevant data in the save game files (anybody who can help me with that?)
- ultimately providing a comprehensive design-your-own editor, where you can easily create & edit your scenarios from scratch or from existing data

Now the bad news: all this is still beta, and I didn't work on it since like two months now. (I guess I need that 'holy fire' to come back to me first)
Still, the current version should be largely error-free, it works on Andrew's (correct me if I'm wrong) and on my own system, and it already allows you to change FP, BG and, to a certain degree, Teams data.
Anybody willing to try it out is free to contact me; I'm not sure I'm able to provide you with on-call support, but I can at least point you in the right way (there is a Readme included BTW). If there's enough interest around, it might take it back up and continue its development...




xe5 -> Accolades (5/12/2009 2:34:10 PM)

Reminiscent of Atomic's old 'Stoli' MS Access tool.

Looking forward to using this.

Moss Orleni -> RE: Triggers Editor (5/12/2009 7:57:20 PM)

Forgot to mention some credits (how rude):

thanks to Andrew for testing the beta version and providing useful game insights & suggestions.
and thanks to Senior Drill for creating and allowing the (re)use of his Access CC editors, thus providing a first framework to Accolades.



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