Zaratoughda -> RE: Development Update & Looking for historians (5/15/2009 1:31:02 AM)
My two cents on this.... for what they are worth.... This plan..... kinda sounds like 'Panzer General except historically accurate'. The niche that I see AT as having found..... is a game that, while not really competitive at an historical level with games like TOAW or the Grigsby games, is nonetheless reasonably historically accurate at a 'generic' level and, most importantly, is a FUN game to play. So, sounds like a good plan except.... In TOAW there are various (at least THREE) scenarios (available on Rugged Defense) of the German invasion of Poland at this level (regimental level, 10 KM/hex, daily turns) and, there are like 800-1200 counters on each side. The problem that I see here is, IMO, for most players 'fun' and 'big' are contradictions, and I am not sure how well the AT community would take to scenarios this big. So, again IMO, you would really need to break this campaign down into smaller scenarios, like PG in fact did. If the way the scenarios played out tended to be historically accurate, then they would appeal to both those more interested in a fun scenario and those that are more the 'grognard' type. Next.... as for 'France 1940'.... this is a difficult situation to make a game out of because the Germans suckered the Allies into believing they were invading through Belgian but instead totally outflanked them through the Ardennes. So, a campaign that was essentially over before the first shot was fired. But, if you break this down into parts, like the invasion of the low countries, the attack through the Ardennes, etc, then this would work. Of course, the key is that is plays out historically accurate, given the decisions made by the player. (Oh, BTW, if you have a regimental level game then you are gonna have batallion sized units as well so, no reason that I see why you could not do the German invasion of Denmark and Norway.) Also, when it comes to the war in the east, 'Leningrad' may sound significant but this was mostly a siege with very little happenning. But, in TOAW, there are a series of scenarios (8 of them in fact, and all good scenarios) at this level on the progress of Army Group Center during the first year of the war. So, again IMO, if you want to appeal to the grognard the scenario selection has got to be open to the more interesting, if not necessarily the biggest name, situations. You could almost do a game that was simply 'regimental level WW2' and concentrate just on that but.... that would leave out production which is a strong point of AT. Hmmm.... it will take a LONG TIME to get good scenarios for the entirety of the war and not sure what you can do about that. Whatever.... just thought I get in my two cents. Zaratoughda