Taijian -> RE: Leader Casualty ??? (5/14/2009 10:52:26 AM)
ORIGINAL: The 1.06 Manual 13.8.4 Leader Casualties (Optional) After the completion of a field, trivial, or naval combat, each side with a leader or leaders present, is checked to see if any became casualties in the combat by choosing a random number, 1 through 6. Receiving a random number of "6" indicates a leader casualty. If a casualty is indicated, the program randomly chooses a leader counter from among those present (if more than one is present) and chooses another random number, 1 through 6, for the chosen leader. If the random number is a "6", the leader casualty is "killed" and taken permanently from the game. On any other result, the leader casualty is "wounded" and taken from the map for a number of complete months equal to the random number. I read this to mean that a) is the correct answer.