Anthropoid -> RE: Had to Share.... (5/17/2009 3:37:48 AM)
Awesome link Hornblower. At the risk of tangentializing . . . What an amazing age we live in. Went to the blueprint site and registered. Clicked on CV Saratoga just cause I think her profile looks interesting . . . next to Saratoga wiki page where I learn she is one of only three 'originals' to survive the war, then . . . wow! the blow her up in an atomic bomb test (geeze this thing really was a piece of technology that was at a hinge point in history!! 2 CV ever built by U.S. and winds up being used in an atomic bomb test!) . . . which leads me to the USS Saratoga Assoc homepage, where I wind up reading the long log of entries, many of which are by descendants of veterans seeking more information about their deceased grandfather. More than ever, we live in an age where history is cherished.