squadleader_id -> RE: French medals... (6/10/2009 12:37:43 PM)
Thanks, SHRECKIE! Glad you like them [:)] BTW, while we're being nit-picky in discussing historical ranks...the German Panzer crew rank graphics also needs updating so that they show the correct/historical panzer wrap uniform designs and Panzer insignia. The current ones looks like CC5 German infantry rank graphics painted black, complete with infantry insignia. The German uniform design from CC5 is the M43 BDU issued to infantry. [image]http://www.epicmilitaria.com/shopimages/products/thumbnails/m43waffenfieldgreytunic.jpg[/image] [image]http://www.replicaters.com/ww2%20german%20army%20uni/panzer%20wrap.jpg[/image]