Senior Drill -> RE: Blank Screen (6/6/2009 8:16:05 PM)
You can try the old Intel Codec at the bottom of the page at Some of the old codecs (codeces? codecii? ) used for Win95 and earlier MS OS's were depricated (dropped) for WinNT and Win2000 and all later Windows OS's. Running the Intel Codec installer will probably work. Dev's: If the video's are straight from the original Win95 versions of the games, that is the reason this problem still exists. A few years ago, I re-did all the videos for the CC series using some freeware video converting application, which is now so long uninstalled that I can't remember the name. It saved the vids in the same format but using the Win2000, ME, XP codeces. I believe, but can't swear to, that the videos for CoI were converted ones. At least they were supposed to have been the ones I re-did. I still have the CC4 and CC5 ones. The zip for CC4 is around 87MB and the one zipped up vid for CC5 a bit over 25MB. Tell me how and where to upload them if you want them.