NorthStar -> (5/29/2002 2:41:59 AM)
Actually, I'm not sure this is a middle ground, as Kerensky says. Consider that if you order a squadron on Training or Rest, you are basically telling it that no matter what, it will take no part in any current operations. To me, this seems more like a Theater Commander's authority, not a base or TF Commander. Similary (and I admit this is a bit more of a stretch) the CAP setting can be viewed as doctrine instructions. How many planes should be commited to offense (Escort) as opposed to defense (CAP). This argument would be stronger if you set CAP levels on a base or TF level rather than a squadron level, but I think it is still valid. Basically, these settings affect the availability of assests for Operational plans, and as such it is reasonable that they be placed within the Theater Commander's control. This would be as opposed to making a descision as to the exact composition of a strike (based on the guidelines set), which are fully within the Base or TF Commander's responsability. As usual, just my $0.02