hermanhum -> Harpoon (6/12/2009 8:39:57 PM)
ORIGINAL: makobyte In ANW we start with our aircraft armed to some default then have to waste 30 minutes rearming them. I would like to request that a pause be implemented prior to actually starting the game and allow instant arming of aircraft to the desires of the player. Maybe a popup with the aircraft unit arming window that has a "start game" button on it. I urge great caution when making such wishes. You rarely get what you wish for and the consequences can be disastrous. Many of the problems on the List of Known ANW Issues started because someone said, "I wish..." AGSI then added them without any testing or forethought about the consequences (mainly because they didn't know how things already worked) and now the game is in the current state it is. Freek is spot on about the rationale behind the delay and loadout settings. Every designer writes and tests according to how the game works and what he wants to present. If he expects a 6 hour delay in your preparations, then he has most likely factored that into his calculations and testing. However, that doesn't mean that you have to play it his way, either. He's just done his best to try and share a scenario with you. If you don't agree with something, you are free to modify and play it under your own terms. The author might expect you to use limited logistics and only give you 10 AMRAAM missiles, but you can always turn it off and use unlimited ammo to fire a million AMRAAM. Just realize that you probably won't get the results the designer did when he tested it. The best thing about your idea is that it is already possible to do things 'your way'. It is a bit of work, but not much. If you really don't like the original loadouts of a scenario, you can always open the scenario with the Scenario Editor and just change the loadouts before saving and re-opening it to play with the Game Engine. As with most things in Harpoon, there are already ways to do things that you want to do, but they may take a tiny bit more effort. Great to see you digging in. [8D]