Nukester -> RE: Cant run version 1.51 install after installing 1.75 in different directory (6/14/2009 6:27:54 PM)
Thanks Shaun. We are talking about moving up to 1.75 (Im not the commish), but are a little hesitant because the league has been running at a good stable pace for a long time now using 1.51, and there have been alot of modifications to the financial parts of the XML. Also, with the amount of updates that are released in bunches, it might be difficult to have everyone keep up and be on the same version every couple of days for our sims. Once a nice solid final release is out (not final as in final, but final as in no major upgrades for awhile) maybe we will make the switch after some testing. As far as Im aware, we might be the only online PureSim league out there, so we are in unchartered territory alot of the time when it comes to things like this. Im going to install 1.75 first, then install 1.51 and see what happens. I suspect that the registry will keep the 1.51 entries and will work. Im only concerned about future upgrades, which seem to automatically update the latest version that has been installed, which in this case I wouldnt want it to do. Ill keep you posted on how that turns out